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Fallout 4 Pre-Announcement Bullshit Thread [GO TO NEW THREAD]


Dangerous JB
Nov 24, 2012
Globohomo Gayplex
I had some fun with Skyrim, but it is a shitty action game™.

I've no doubt Fallout 4 will be rancid horseshit though. Bethesda just doesn't get the Fallout universe. To Todd, "dark humor" equals explosions, casual nuking, and frequent f-bomb dropping.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
Bethesda makes game that sell. That is all that matters to them and their Shareholders. And they did a very good job with Skyrim.


Dangerous JB
Nov 24, 2012
Globohomo Gayplex
Retards want explosions and fast-paced visceral combat, story and dialogue can be mentally deficient 3rd grader level or the second coming of MCA, either way it doesn't matter but the less of it there is, the better, because they need to get back to pushing that awesome buttan and watching shit explode. Oh and you play 80s and 90s games? What a pretentious hipster faggot you are, you can't possibly enjoy those things. Where are the GRAPHICS? Why do people move in turns? They don't do that in real life!


That is literally my entire generation. I am ashamed.


Jan 14, 2013
Really, you shouldn't take it out on your whole generation just because you are frustrated with not getting laid ;)


Sep 18, 2012
Really, you shouldn't take it out on your whole generation just because you are frustrated with not getting laid ;)

Well, he aint lying that this generation is shit, if games like braid gets nominated for best writting then there must be something wrong with the tap water or this generation....

last good game i played was resident evil revelations... soo far its the best RE game for these new consoles...


Dangerous JB
Nov 24, 2012
Globohomo Gayplex


Sep 18, 2012
I no longer will EVER play BioWare or Bethesda developed games. I learned my lesson.

Skyrim was a large improvement, but only if you like the core priorities involved.

Skyrim, but fallout 4 is going to be shit in that engine with vats 1.1

No more SPECIAL and duel wielding pistols! :5/5::5/5: game of the year all years, 10 Mtn. Dew bottles out of 10

have fun trying to play a fps shooter that is more stiff than fucking wolfestein 1...
it was soo crap that they had to add auto aim god mode to make it playable.


Dec 6, 2012
obsidian are design their games for pc first and ports them to console.
o_O There isn't a single game they did that.
No they are not outsourcing but they are not making consoles their biggest priority when they are designing games.
I don't even think they get to choose priorities considering they worked for publishers who had them make multi-platform games, and it's safe to assume the publishers don't have any PC-first priorities. Besides, I don't see anything in their games that screams "PC is our priority".


Morgan Flynn 2 years ago
Bethesda is undoubtably my favorite publisher oblivion amazing fallout amazing Brink fallout new vegas , hutned the demon forge, and Rage all look amazing these guys dont screew around they know what they are doing and make me piss myself every time they realise a game THX BETHESDA

betpizda... making people piss themselves since whatever...



Aug 12, 2012
I no longer will EVER play BioWare or Bethesda developed games. I learned my lesson.

Skyrim was a large improvement, but only if you like the core priorities involved.

Skyrim, but fallout 4 is going to be shit in that engine with vats 1.1

No more SPECIAL and duel wielding pistols! :5/5::5/5: game of the year all years, 10 Mtn. Dew bottles out of 10

have fun trying to play a fps shooter that is more stiff than fucking wolfestein 1...
it was soo crap that they had to add auto aim god mode to make it playable.

I heard it's possible to play F03 as FPS, after certain adjustments done with mods and stats editing. So instead a plainly terrible RPG, you get a mostly- bad- sometimes- fun FPS. Kind of Stalker's poor, retarded cousin waiting for transfusion.

And there's Skyrim, more action- oriented than any other skyrim before. Bethesda has insufficient intellect and wrong target group, to bother with anything even remotely close to real RPG mechanics anymore.

From this perspective, there's a glimpse of hope for Oblivion With Guns IV... after say, a year or two of modders' hard work. In the FPS segment. 2014 award for the "best" writing in FPS games, I can totally see it.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
obsidian are design their games for pc first and ports them to console.
o_O There isn't a single game they did that.
No they are not outsourcing but they are not making consoles their biggest priority when they are designing games.
The consoles were the biggest priority for Knights of the Old Republic 2, Alpha Protocol, Aliens, New Vegas, Dungeon Siege III, and South Park. The only time it wasn't was with NWN2 and expansions.


Apr 7, 2012
Istanbul-Constantinople-Byzantium-Piece of land.
I see... Maybe that's why i had a feeling something were wrong about those games.
In my opinion those who want to make console game put game mechanics(make it simple as possible while maintaning the entartainment value)ahead of anything else.
Story comes last for them.(mostly)
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Anyway, so the GECK was created by Dr. Braun, but he doesn't have one, because... no reason. Instead the GECKs were sent out to various Vaults around the country, even though they were very dangerous and probably should have been entrusted to the military or US government and not just random people. The only GECK on the East Coast, apparently, exists in Vault 87, which is an evil cloning lab... thingy for Super Mutants. Who is creating them there? Nobody. Why are they being created? No reason. But more importantly, why would you put the GECK, aka the goddamn GENESIS DEVICE out of Star Trek III, into a Vault that was centered around doing cloning and sick twisted experiments, and which is so heavily irradiated that anyone but mutants are instantly killed when trying to enter? You're telling me that the GECK is a miracle device designed to save everyone, and someone said "hmm, we've only got a few... put it in Vault 101, the control vault where nothing will go wrong? nah, let's put it in the one with insane hostile deadly mutants and radiation everywhere, that's much safer."

Vault 87 wasn't an irradiated hellhole from the beginning, a bomb fell nearby after it was sealed. The vault was supposed to be a test center for the FEV but at the time they didn't know about how it turns you into a giant green man. As for why new supermutants keep coming from there, the mutants themselves keep making more mutants because that's how they can increase their numbers (they're sterile).

But afaik there is no reason for a GECK to be there, yeah.

In the Enclave base at Raven Rock, Colonel Autumn interrogates us. If we give him the correct code to Project Purity, we die and lose the game, so we have to lie to him or tell him to fuck off. Why does he kill us after helping him? Is he so stupid he concludes that we are no use to him after he got the answer to one question, even though we single-handedly found the GECK, resisted an Enclave attack on the Jefferson Memorial, and did all sorts of other impressive shit? Apparently, yes, he is that stupid.

That was smart of Autumn, actually. The hero has shown that he's more dangerous than the entire BoS. I wouldn't want to keep that sort of monster alive, either.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
I see... Maybe that's why i had a feeling something were wrong about those games.
In my opinion those who want to make console game put game mechanics(make it simple as possible while maintaning the entartainment value)ahead of anything else.
Story comes last for them.(mostly)

Consoles and PCs are so merged in genre and audience now that the only real difference is UI and RAM size. Long gone are the days when console gaming and PC gaming were significantly different in the "AAA" space.

Thankfully we're entering a new era of PC exclusivity via indies and kickstarter.


Dec 6, 2012
Vault 87 wasn't an irradiated hellhole from the beginning, a bomb fell nearby after it was sealed.
There's this sign outside the Vault which suggests the radiation was there before the War:


Maybe there was radiation already, and the bombs fell there to take it to +1000 rads/sec or whatever it is.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
Vault 87 wasn't an irradiated hellhole from the beginning, a bomb fell nearby after it was sealed. The vault was supposed to be a test center for the FEV but at the time they didn't know about how it turns you into a giant green man. As for why new supermutants keep coming from there, the mutants themselves keep making more mutants because that's how they can increase their numbers (they're sterile).
So you do realize you're defending the game even though, as you see in the other follow-up posts, not even the game itself can be consistent about explaining this, right? And it's probably just that Bethesda didn't think about this for more than one second, and just needed a cheesy plot device to stop the player from walking into the vault front door, to stop them from breaking the story, because they were too lazy to simply set up some sort of more logical reason for preventing the player from getting the GECK early, so the player wouldn't trip the trigger and get captured by the Enclave before they saw daddy Neeson die, because they were too fucking lazy to make a second way to get to the endgame level, right?

That was smart of Autumn, actually. The hero has shown that he's more dangerous than the entire BoS. I wouldn't want to keep that sort of monster alive, either.
He has you inside a force cage from which you can't escape. You are literally at his mercy. The only reason you get out is because Eden lets you out himself. And when Eden calls Autumn away, he doesn't have the foresight to shoot you, no, he only disobeys direct orders after the player character has escaped. So yeah, I'd say that's a crock of shit.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
I'm not defending anything, just mentioning the reasons stated in-game for why Vault 87 is like it is. Notice how I didn't touch any of your other 50 complaints (the one about Autumn was a joke), even though some of them aren't entirely correct. DriacKin also ignored some stuff (for example, how the older residents of Vault 101 are aware that James arrived relatively recently, but they don't tell it to the kids) for the sake of comedy. There's plenty in the game's unholy mess of a plot to laugh at, no reason to make up anything.
Nov 28, 2011
Digger Nick
Bethesda my Favourite publisher EVER look : fallout RAGE new vegas -all amazing : )))) F3 better than one and two 4 sure.......
. and now for The Elder Scrolls 5: SkyRim I LOVE IT even more then , Oblivion..... THANK YOU BETHESDA


Dec 28, 2009
Thankfully we have Underrai, AoD, Dead State, Expeditions: Conquistador, Torment 2, Wasteland 2 and few others and can just ignore this shit game. <3


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