A Sound of Thunder?
That's the one! And now I remembered Ben Kingsley had hair in that movie

A Sound of Thunder?
I'm told the short story is much, much better.A Sound of Thunder?
That's the one! And now I remembered Ben Kingsley had hair in that movie
I'm tired of post-apocalyptic settings.
I don't.I want something like this,but in RPG:
Fallout 3I want a post-apocalyptic world with Vampires.
I'm tired of post-apocalyptic settings.
Give me a RPG setting where people ride Cybernetic Dinosaurs and Ninja's who steal software with leet hacking skills and murder people with non-silenced guns. Make the graphics Cel-shaded, the story goofy, and make the C&C interesting.
New Vegas was a VERY good fallout game. But not in the way you are thinking.
Basically, assemble the greatest chefs, allow them to make Chicken Noodle Soup, BUT the main ingredient in the soup has to be a dog turd.
Under those circumstances, Obsidian did a very good job (the underlying mechanics, C&C, writing and story). But was marred by the gigantic dog turd of the shitty Action Game Fallout 3 engine.
Not gonna happen. Bethesda's figured out how to appeal to the idiot masses, and that's where the money is.I hope that if a fallout 4 is created they return to the good old style of...
ect others of the same style of gui/map/npcs or whatever, That nice overhead view distance in a world that looks like a giant painting or something.
As opposed to yet another fps/rpg combo thing that are fun in all but just not the same experience for me.
Exactly. Setting Fallout outside the kwa would be like setting Mad Max outside Australia.Fallout is a western set in the post apocalypse. Without that western feel to it, it's not Fallout.
Not quite. Most historical or in-any-way-hinting-at-authenticity settings would result in immediate, what's the fancy word for it, ludonarrative dissonance. I.E. you can't set an RPG in World War 2 and then go around killing thousands of Germans who will drop weapons and gold.
You can, however, make a crazy arcade game where you do that. You can make an adventure puzzle game where you have to survive as a prisoner in concentration camp, but try combining that with traditional RPG formula where you have to "level" (while starving to death) and get stronger "equipment" (what, a rock?), not to mention the inevitable combat, and it all once again starts to fall apart.
Many other appealing settings have big problems. For instance, setting a game in a totalitarian regime ("Inhabited Island") would immediately pit you against the problem of escalating conflicts with law enforcement, and an even bigger logistical issue of not having real "factions" to juggle reputations between. Such a regime is just one oppressive monolith which smothers a lot of desired RPG mechanics.
Post-apocalyptic setting is unique in a sense that it can provide a sense of quasi-authenticity and yet get away with many RPG gameplay conventions without creating a searing hole in the fabric of its immersion. You can have your different factions that have no central command, you can be a homicidal sociopath for the sake of survival, etc etc.
New Vegas was a VERY good fallout game. But not in the way you are thinking.
Basically, assemble the greatest chefs, allow them to make Chicken Noodle Soup, BUT the main ingredient in the soup has to be a dog turd.
Under those circumstances, Obsidian did a very good job (the underlying mechanics, C&C, writing and story). But was marred by the gigantic dog turd of the shitty Action Game Fallout 3 engine.
Can I ask whether you object to Bethesda's engine? Or any FPP engine for an RPG?
Exactly. Setting Fallout outside the kwa would be like setting Mad Max outside Australia.
I could almost see a mirror universe Fallout set in the Soviet Union working but only as a one off, what if scenario.The retro-futuristic "50s never ended" just doesn't work outside of kwa and it's like half of what fallout's setting is about. Bah, it's the part that makes Fallout Fallout and not just a Mad Max RPG sans Australia and the rights to use the Mad Max name.
I could almost see a mirror universe Fallout set in the Soviet Union working but only as a one off, what if scenario.The retro-futuristic "50s never ended" just doesn't work outside of kwa and it's like half of what fallout's setting is about. Bah, it's the part that makes Fallout Fallout and not just a Mad Max RPG sans Australia and the rights to use the Mad Max name.
Fallout is a western set in the post apocalypse. Without that western feel to it, it's not Fallout.
Which could actually make it more interesting since you'd see a lot more primitive weapons such bows, axes, even muskets made from steel pipe. A working machine gun would be a treasure rather than ubiquitous like in Fallout.I think post-apoc without sci-fi stuff may be boring. Almost no ancient technology because current-day tech ins't very durable (whereas Fallout's tech is all 50s "build 'em to last" mentality), current-day robots are shit, your top-level equipment would be something like prototype euro-kwan exoesqueleton level IV bodyarmor, a assault rifle (bulpup rifle firing caseless rounds?) and infra-ray googles.What I'd really like to see are more post-apoc settings without any sci-fi tech.
Umm, ok? I never said there weren't.There are plenty of non-western elements in the game that make it a fallout game.
Umm, ok? I never said there weren't.There are plenty of non-western elements in the game that make it a fallout game.