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Fallout 4 Pre-Release Discussion [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


May 8, 2015
Well the good news for FO4 is I can't see the Institute being that 'EBILZZZ!' Sure Massholes can be annoying with their parking of cahhs in Haaahvaaad yaaaaahd and their penchant for donuts but not ebilz.

Given bethesders track record they will probably produce a very basic variation on a Blade Runner kind of story, with the nasty humans hunting the noble and oppressed androids (like in the rivet city quest)

Oh, and don't forget the "Maybe playing god is bad" angle whenever a science organization is present in a poorly written story :) gotta have more of that


Apr 6, 2013
Silver City, Southern Lands
I mean it in the more profound American Way. You can't agree with the Enclave in FO3, you can't ally with Herma mora in TES V, etc... "The good guy" means "those that share my values".
Hitler, Stalin, Bush, Osama, all of them were "the good guys" for sizeable numbers of morons.
I mentioned that. Everyone is someone's good guy. Everything is relative. Everything. But you can't have much meaningful discussion making everything relative. I'm talking about the commonly understand definition: white hat/black hat.
But that's how the world works, and that's why NV feels much more authentic. Black and white predetermined morality lies more in the "Epic Fantasy" genre, not the "Post-Apocaliptic".

For the record, my true alignment would be with them Followers hippies. Decent folk.

Unrealistic tho, without an actual plan on how to develop the wasteland. They were the "Occupy Wallstreet" movement of the wastes.
That's why you have the "independent" route. Fuck the NCR, Fuck Uncle Cesar, Fuck Mr. Comatose. Once I'm in control I can let the followers be my Obamacare.

Edit: And the King would be my Prime Minister.
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May 8, 2015
I mean it in the more profound American Way. You can't agree with the Enclave in FO3, you can't ally with Herma mora in TES V, etc... "The good guy" means "those that share my values".
Hitler, Stalin, Bush, Osama, all of them were "the good guys" for sizeable numbers of morons.
I mentioned that. Everyone is someone's good guy. Everything is relative. Everything. But you can't have much meaningful discussion making everything relative. I'm talking about the commonly understand definition: white hat/black hat.
But that's how the world works, and that's why NV feels much more authentic. Black and white predetermined morality lies more in the "Epic Fantasy" genre, not the "Post-Apocaliptic".

For the record, my true alignment would be with them Followers hippies. Decent folk.

Unrealistic tho, without an actual plan on how to develop the wasteland. They were the "Occupy Wallstreet" movement of the wastes.
That's why you have the "independent" route. Fuck the NCR, Fuck Uncle Cesar, Fuck Mr. Comatose. Once I'm in control I can let the followers be my Obamacare.

Edit: And the King would be my Prime Minister.

The Followers wouldn't really side with you though, since kicking both NCR and Legion out of the Mojave means a lot of violence and misery (NCR settlers would get axed by locals, securitrons wouldn't be nice to refugees from previously occupied territories etc).


Jul 7, 2006
Some Lame-ass International Organization
Well the good news for FO4 is I can't see the Institute being that 'EBILZZZ!' Sure Massholes can be annoying with their parking of cahhs in Haaahvaaad yaaaaahd and their penchant for donuts but not ebilz.
Oh, you are quite wrong on this. First, Massachusetts took Washington. Then it won the Civil War. Now it "runs" the world. You can see all around you how well it does this. It has also kept itself strongly white while insisting on massive third-world immigration everywhere but its home in the U.S., and indeed the world. And their police forces get special rights while they push for Federal investigations of police in L.A. and other enemy strongholds.

And their football team cheats.


Apr 6, 2013
Silver City, Southern Lands
I mean it in the more profound American Way. You can't agree with the Enclave in FO3, you can't ally with Herma mora in TES V, etc... "The good guy" means "those that share my values".
Hitler, Stalin, Bush, Osama, all of them were "the good guys" for sizeable numbers of morons.
I mentioned that. Everyone is someone's good guy. Everything is relative. Everything. But you can't have much meaningful discussion making everything relative. I'm talking about the commonly understand definition: white hat/black hat.
But that's how the world works, and that's why NV feels much more authentic. Black and white predetermined morality lies more in the "Epic Fantasy" genre, not the "Post-Apocaliptic".

For the record, my true alignment would be with them Followers hippies. Decent folk.

Unrealistic tho, without an actual plan on how to develop the wasteland. They were the "Occupy Wallstreet" movement of the wastes.
That's why you have the "independent" route. Fuck the NCR, Fuck Uncle Cesar, Fuck Mr. Comatose. Once I'm in control I can let the followers be my Obamacare.

Edit: And the King would be my Prime Minister.
(NCR settlers would get axed by locals, securitrons wouldn't be nice to refugees from previously occupied territories etc).
No they wouldn't because I would KILL THEM ALL if they pissed me off. For fucks sake, I just annihilated 3 fucking armies.


May 8, 2015
No they wouldn't because I would KILL THEM ALL if they pissed me off. For fucks sake, I just annihilated 3 fucking armies.

Kill the NCR settlers? The refugees previously enslaved by Caesar? Or the locals that have issue with the first two? Either way, harm any of them - lose the Followers' support. Harm the locals - lose the kings. Harm the settlers - get ready for further retaliation from NCR (they tend to give a crap about their citizens being harmed by some bully). In any case - your robot army and other collected resources are still limited, compared to the entire force of New California. And now that you put Caesar out of the picture - you are their primary target.

There is no good choice, man :). That's what makes the game awesome

Lord Carlos Wafflebum

Aspiring Infinitron
Jan 28, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I realize now that it seems like I'm trying to justify the legion actions. That was not my intent. They clearly do the worst stuff overtly (the NCR does shitty stuff like the legion too, they just hide it). It's just that in my playing a legion-aligned character, Caesar and company have (bad) rationalizations for what they do. When I think of "evil", I think of someone being terrible because they want people to be in pain and suffer, and less because they believe their actions are necessary.

retardation (fitting name)
You don't see where to put in the Jenner joke? That one can become a female after being forced to be a male? Nothing?

I didn't care for independent because I didn't really have a long term plan for the Mojave. House's philosophy I found the most convincing, and since he clearly had a decent albeit imperfect plan I chose to side with him and help him create the kind of New Vegas that might bring about a little hope and prosperity. At least to that part of the mojave, anyway.


Jun 24, 2012
Why would you need a long term plan for the mojave? It could just be about the power, bitches, and money.

Lord Carlos Wafflebum

Aspiring Infinitron
Jan 28, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Why would you need a long term plan for the mojave? It could just be about the power, bitches, and money.

I cared mostly about stability. Still doable by siding with house, but as Benny showed one needed to do so with a bit more care and tact. Why bother fighting to build a dynasty when you can lose it by over-indulgence?


Aug 10, 2012
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Well, if NCR democracy is based on real-life kwa demuhcracy, which probably is, It's just as 'evil' as Caesar's rule.

Only a bit more subtle D:
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
I'd rather deal with retarded buereaucrats who are uninterested in paving my street than efficient governors who will throw me into a cage to fight to the death for their amusement.

I realize now that it seems like I'm trying to justify the legion actions. That was not my intent. They clearly do the worst stuff overtly (the NCR does shitty stuff like the legion too, they just hide it). It's just that in my playing a legion-aligned character, Caesar and company have (bad) rationalizations for what they do. When I think of "evil", I think of someone being terrible because they want people to be in pain and suffer, and less because they believe their actions are necessary.

Most evil or imbalanced people believe they're perfectly justified in their actions, even if the justification amounts to little more than "they started it" or "I deserve better".

The legion tries to mimic an ancient system, back from when people had very different ideas about morality and having the state impaling thieves on the side of the road was just a fact of life. So for us and most people in the Fallout timeline, they naturally come off as evil. Like Metro says, the game didn't explore much (if any) of their positive side. You are told their areas are generally free of criminals, but since you spend most of the game being pounced by raiders it might as well be some random codex entry like in Dragon Age where you get detailed accounts of the Qunari society that you never see.
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Lord Carlos Wafflebum

Aspiring Infinitron
Jan 28, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Why would you need a long term plan for the mojave? It could just be about the power, bitches, and money.
As a native Californian, I can assure you that this, indeed, is what the Mojave is all about, except you'll need to also add "golf."

Speak for your side of it. Us Nevadans are superior beings. I'm sure you're busy ruining the mojave just like Lake Tahoe.

Lord Carlos Wafflebum

Aspiring Infinitron
Jan 28, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I'd rather deal with retarded buereaucrats than efficient governors who will throw me into a cage to fight to the death for their amusement.

I realize now that it seems like I'm trying to justify the legion actions. That was not my intent. They clearly do the worst stuff overtly (the NCR does shitty stuff like the legion too, they just hide it). It's just that in my playing a legion-aligned character, Caesar and company have (bad) rationalizations for what they do. When I think of "evil", I think of someone being terrible because they want people to be in pain and suffer, and less because they believe their actions are necessary.

Most evil or imbalanced people believe they're perfectly justified in their actions, even if the justification amounts to little more than "they started it" or "I deserve better".

The legion tries to mimic an ancient system, back from when people had very different ideas about morality and having the state impaling thieves on the side of the road was just a fact of life. So for us and most people in the Fallout timeline, they naturally come off as evil. Like Metro says, the game didn't explore much (if any) of their positive side. You are told their areas are generally free of criminals, but since you spend most of the game being pounced by raiders it might as well be some random codex entry like in Dragon Age where you get detailed accounts of the Qunari society that you never see.

Burned man extrapolates on the legion a decent amount. Again, while I don't agree with their justifications, I can understand how some might. Evil is a pretty strong word. I don't think using evil and immoral interchangeably is fair. If you said the legion is immoral, then absolutely I agree with you. But evil, not so much.


Jul 7, 2006
Some Lame-ass International Organization
Why would you need a long term plan for the mojave? It could just be about the power, bitches, and money.
As a native Californian, I can assure you that this, indeed, is what the Mojave is all about, except you'll need to also add "golf."

Speak for your side of it. Us Nevadans are superior beings. I'm sure you're busy ruining the mojave just like Lake Tahoe.

AH, HA! No wonder your a House man!

Seriously, though, I didn't know people lived in Nevada. I figured you all just commuted in.


Fuck everything and everyone. I'm Goku.

i knew it


Lord Carlos Wafflebum

Aspiring Infinitron
Jan 28, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Why would you need a long term plan for the mojave? It could just be about the power, bitches, and money.
As a native Californian, I can assure you that this, indeed, is what the Mojave is all about, except you'll need to also add "golf."

Speak for your side of it. Us Nevadans are superior beings. I'm sure you're busy ruining the mojave just like Lake Tahoe.

AH, HA! No wonder your a House man!

Seriously, though, I didn't know people lived in Nevada. I figured you all just commuted in.

Once you develop desert madness, the government isn't allowed to let you leave again


May 8, 2015
The legion tries to mimic an ancient system, back from when people had very different ideas about morality and having the state impaling thieves on the side of the road was just a fact of life. So for us and most people in the Fallout timeline, they naturally come off as evil. Like Metro says, the game didn't explore much (if any) of their positive side. You are told their areas are generally free of criminals, but since you spend most of the game being pounced by raiders it might as well be some random codex entry like in Dragon Age where you get detailed accounts of the Qunari society that you never see.

Caesar himself actually gives quite a bit of info on the state of the lands he already conquered, if you get him to elaborate on the subject.


Apr 6, 2013
Silver City, Southern Lands
Whatever, FO4 will at least be another good open world platform to try mods with. Hell, if (as I assume) they're still using a gamebryo engine I'm content with playing an updated version of NV.


Aug 2, 2013
The comments around the web regarding this game are hurting my head:
"Male-only character, NO BUY" says the feminazi. "[copy-paste] game world three times the size of Skyrim, insta-purchase!" says the monocle-less peasant. "Graphix sux! No buy" says the hordes of graphics whores.

Zero concern or speculation of actual meaningful gameplay. Since this is a Fallout game I expected to see a fair bit of speculation on plot at least, but that has rarely been my experience.
Codex is reasonably closer to the truth, yet there's too much crazy to deal with here, especially as a result of the aforementioned head-hurting :negative:

Gaming has gone to the dogs on a grand scale in such a short time, or maybe I just never noticed the strength of the decline-enablers in the '90s.

Whatever, FO4 will at least be another good open world platform to try mods with. Hell, if (as I assume) they're still using a gamebryo engine I'm content with playing an updated version of NV.

It doubt it will be an updated version of NV design-wise. It will be a technically updated version of FO3 & Skyrim with the ever-continuing streamlining standard present. The improved design of NV over FO3 will be be disregarded in most respects.
But yes, modders will save it providing Beth release the SDK.
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