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Fallout 4 Pre-Release Discussion [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]

Lord Carlos Wafflebum

Aspiring Infinitron
Jan 28, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Whatever, FO4 will at least be another good open world platform to try mods with. Hell, if (as I assume) they're still using a gamebryo engine I'm content with playing an updated version of NV.

That's what I see as the worst case scenario. Even if the story is gay as hell, I just have to wait for mods to fix the gameplay and at least have fun exploring Boston


Jul 7, 2011
"[copy-paste] game world three times the size of Skyrim, insta-purchase!" says the monocle-less peasant.

The size queens are the worst, in my opinion. I can understand not wanting to buy a WRPG in which they aren't represented. I can understand not wanting to shell out to a popamole company that doesn't provide the accompanying popamole graphic whoring, on principle. But fucking size queens are the living dead. Land radius is about the most empty metric for a game there is, unless you need all that room for aircraft simulation. It's mindless gluttony that would disgust Jabba the Hut. These people have never mentally developed past kindergarten.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
I guess they assume all that land will be packed with content. It's funny since most people just fast travel all over the place anyway.

Caesar himself actually gives quite a bit of info on the state of the lands he already conquered, if you get him to elaborate on the subject.

Well yeah, but we don't see any of it so it doesn't mean much. It's like in TES where we are told of a million different daedric planes but what little we see of them are dungeons similar to the ones in Tamriel, so I'm not very impressed even if the lore is nice. Caesar may flap his gums but all you see when you come see him are a bunch of corpses.

Lol, it costs double of Witcher 3 here. At least include a sexy Moira bust.
Last edited:


Mar 2, 2012
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014
dat arm, it hurts


Lord Carlos Wafflebum

Aspiring Infinitron
Jan 28, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
"[copy-paste] game world three times the size of Skyrim, insta-purchase!" says the monocle-less peasant.

The size queens are the worst, in my opinion. I can understand not wanting to buy a WRPG in which they aren't represented. I can understand not wanting to shell out to a popamole company that doesn't provide the accompanying popamole graphic whoring, on principle. But fucking size queens are the living dead. Land radius is about the most empty metric for a game there is, unless you need all that room for aircraft simulation. It's mindless gluttony that would disgust Jabba the Hut. These people have never mentally developed past kindergarten.

Where else they they put their house mods full of naked waifu children?


May 8, 2015
The comments around the web regarding this game are hurting my head:
"Male-only character, NO BUY" says the feminazi. "[copy-paste] game world three times the size of Skyrim, insta-purchase!" says the monocle-less peasant. "Graphix sux! No buy" says the hordes of graphics whores.

Zero concern or speculation of actual gameplay. Since this is a Fallout game I expected to see a fair bit of speculation on plot at least, but that has not been my experience, just all of the above.
Codex is reasonably closer to the truth, yet there's too much crazy to deal with here, especially as a result of the aforementioned head-hurting :negative:

Gaming has gone to the dogs on a grand scale in such a short time, or maybe I just never noticed the strength of the decline-enablers in the '90s.

Okay, here is a dose of gameplay speculation for you. For the sake of argument I'm disregarding the "disgruntled employee" reddit post and the fact that bethesder are increasingly amazing at sucking the life out of every franchise they own. These are thoughts based purely on the teaser.

1) I'm willing to bet the garage at the end of the trailer is sort of a home base, not unlike the monastery shack in hitman 2 - probably a "streamlined" way to store collectables and guns. If it is done well, this could be a cool addition to the formula, but it will probably just be a console-style way to eliminate the need to search for places to stash your stuff (which I personally think would detract from the experience if it is not optional)

2) the dog companion will probably be important in the story. That would indicate, that he is a mandatory companion, which is pretty ridiculous for a Fallout game. I will be really happy if I'm wrong on this one

3) Boston looks like a pretty diverse place with a lot of potential for good stories, especially with the MIT angle that was strongly hinted at in FO3 (the android quest). Though as I mentioned in a previous post, I would not enjoy a blade runner knockoff for a narrative, with "oppressed replicants", a possibility which is very real given the noire style image in the middle of the trailer with the trench coat guy. Though, if they actually manage to pull this cyberpunk angle off gracefully, it could become a really nice addition to the lore (not betting on it)

4) as for the pre-war bits - I don't think they will factor into the gameplay in a meaningful way, or rather I hope not. If it is actually a major part of the story, this means the game will indeed be "story driven", or, in layman terms, linear.



Jan 11, 2012
There has been speculation that the new vault dweller was cryogenic frozen man. Since Mothership Zeta was the latest official Bethesda Fallout game, it actually makes sense . The aliens had such technology, that we continue off from there.

Lord Carlos Wafflebum

Aspiring Infinitron
Jan 28, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
There has been speculation that the new vault dweller was cryogenic frozen man. Since Mothership Zeta was the latest official Bethesda Fallout game, it actually makes sense . The aliens had such technology, that we continue off from there.

I'd actually be cool (pun) with that. The tutorial/beginning being the PC's pre-war life would be an interesting take. I'm curious what "motivation" they'll come up with to make the PC want to do anything. If it's like Skyrim, then suck. I only ever do the main skyrim questline begrudgingly because I don't give a shit about dragons.


Mistakes were made.
Jan 2, 2012
It would seem Todd has played too much Rage and not enough fallout 1.
Todd has played more proper old RPGs than 90℅ of the Codex, who never played anything from before 1997.

He just makes what sells, and can you blame him? It sells a lot.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
I think it was Infinitron who said the plot twist would be the main character is a replicant. And with those 'flashback' scenes (unless they were done strictly for the trailer or some side quest) you're probably imbued with the memories of someone who lived pre-war or some wacky shit like that.

Still meh about Boston. New Orleans would have been much better. Maybe Derpsidian will do that one.


May 8, 2015
It would seem Todd has played too much Rage and not enough fallout 1.
Todd has played more proper old RPGs than 90℅ of the Codex, who never played anything from before 1997.

He just makes what sells, and can you blame him? It sells a lot.

It has been pointed out multiple times that NV actually outsold FO3, while fixing many of the problems fans of the franchise had with mechanics and the story. Quality sells better, he just isn't too much into putting the extra effort since FO3 levels of awsum still work good enough for the bottom line


Apr 6, 2013
Silver City, Southern Lands

This screenshot is so weird.
The detail in the protectron is nice, although I'd rather have a more classic texture.
But, look at all that crap on the background... What the fuck?
Is that fucking Lego Boston?


Mistakes were made.
Jan 2, 2012
It would seem Todd has played too much Rage and not enough fallout 1.
Todd has played more proper old RPGs than 90℅ of the Codex, who never played anything from before 1997.

He just makes what sells, and can you blame him? It sells a lot.

It has been pointed out multiple times that NV actually outsold FO3, while fixing many of the problems fans of the franchise had with mechanics and the story. Quality sells better, he just isn't too much into putting the extra effort since FO3 levels of awsum still work good enough for the bottom line
Sequels sell better too. FO3 could trade on name somewhat, but the franchise was new to the average popamoler. FNV could take advantage of the sequel sale-bump. If you think the majority of sales across all platforms were to fans of the original games, I think you're being optimistic.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
I think it was Infinitron who said the plot twist would be the main character is a replicant. And with those 'flashback' scenes (unless they were done strictly for the trailer or some side quest) you're probably imbued with the memories of someone who lived pre-war or some wacky shit like that.

In FO3 the haunted building gives you flashes of how it looked pre-war so I wouldn't look too deeply into the trailer, I'm 99% certain it's just for Cool Effect(tm)


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
This screenshot is so weird.
The detail in the protectron is nice, although I'd rather have a more classic texture.
But, look at all that crap on the background... What the fuck?
Is that fucking Lego Boston?

Purely speculating, it looks like an attempt to combine 50s-style cities (like in Fallout's intro) with some kind of high tech futuristic red-and-white coloured shit. It does look pretty unpleasant.


Feb 13, 2014
The comments around the web regarding this game are hurting my head:
"Male-only character, NO BUY" says the feminazi. "

Political opinions aside, the speculation about a male-only voiced character implies a certain direction in the design that is very damaging to the core of Fallout.

Zero concern or speculation of actual meaningful gameplay.

What do you expect from looking at mainstream forums? Fallout 3 is still held in high regard, and the AAA audience is more concerned over production values and superficial design elements than discussing the important questions.

It might be too much to expect Bethesda to adopt Obsidian's design priorities, but I have to imagine they'll adopt the improvements in features/systems present in New Vegas. For instance, is Bethesda finally going to join the rest of the franchise and adopt a reputation system?


May 8, 2015
It would seem Todd has played too much Rage and not enough fallout 1.
Todd has played more proper old RPGs than 90℅ of the Codex, who never played anything from before 1997.

He just makes what sells, and can you blame him? It sells a lot.

It has been pointed out multiple times that NV actually outsold FO3, while fixing many of the problems fans of the franchise had with mechanics and the story. Quality sells better, he just isn't too much into putting the extra effort since FO3 levels of awsum still work good enough for the bottom line
Sequels sell better too. FO3 could trade on name somewhat, but the franchise was new to the average popamoler. FNV could take advantage of the sequel sale-bump. If you think the majority of sales across all platforms were to fans of the original games, I think you're being optimistic.

Point taken. But then there is the difference in development time, budgets and team size, so it evens out a bit, no?

In all fairness, an argument should be made in bethesders defense - they did build the engine and the fundamental gameplay. But be honest, if you strip that away and imagine they just used the original engine (purely for arguments' sake) - which would ultimately be the better game?
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
This screenshot is so weird.
The detail in the protectron is nice, although I'd rather have a more classic texture.
But, look at all that crap on the background... What the fuck?
Is that fucking Lego Boston?

Purely speculating, it looks like an attempt to combine 50s-style cities (like in Fallout's intro) with some kind of high tech futuristic red-and-white coloured shit. It does look pretty unpleasant.

Isn't that an industrial area? Those tend to look like a bunch of fugly lego boxes.

Alternatively, judging by the board on the left it's this place.

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