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Fallout 4 Pre-Release Discussion [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


The Solution
Feb 22, 2012
Banjoville, British Columbia
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera
Ew. That looks terrible. The main character's model looks worse than Skyrim's, wtf.
Douchebag! Shitposter
Jan 19, 2014
Todd is once against single handily saving RPGs after the disaster that were Wasteland 2 and Pillars of eternity.

Way to go Todd!!



Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
$46 with promotional code on GMG: 23PERC-ENTOFF-48HOUR


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Try the promo code at GMG, pretty sure it works for all regions.


Jul 25, 2014
Why does it look so shitty? The graphics look like fallout 2 CGI.


Nov 27, 2011
The end of every place
:happytrollboy:I've been waiting for this day for so long!

After years and years, it's finally time...
For more verses of Codexian rhyme.
in glorious iambic dickameter

* For all the newfags out there, here is the beginning:
In a land once filled with RPGs,
That now holds only shooters, filth, and disease,

There he stands, that ancient troll
Against the rising tide of popamole.

Listen closely, and you will hear
The cry he sobs endlessly into his beer:
It's all shit!

I approached the troll, greatly daring,
To see how the RPG is faring.

Good Troll, I hear that the Dragon Age
Has lately become all the rage.

Can things have really gone to hell
When the heirs to Black Isle do so well?

Ha, Bioware, he snorts.
With lesbian elf romances their only schtick,
Bioware can suck my dick.

Well, okay. But can things really be so grim
When the world has so many copies of Skyrim?

Bethesda, bah!
Skyrim is wholly in Oblivion's wagon.
The only difference is: "I want to be a dragon!"

Very well, then what of Diablo III's six million sold?
Surely that is a worthy feat to behold?

Ah, Diablo!
The troll did stand and give a salute,
And he even bowed his head to boot.

A kid spent a thousand dollars on a single game,
And that is only the beginning of their fame.

That their pickpocket skill was raised to such a degree,
Deserves a great deal of respect from me.

But as for playing that auction house simulator,
I'd sooner use their box as an anal vibrator.

Well then, I sighed, what of the Witcher's first sequel?
I hear that it truly has no equal.

Oh yes, he cried, the Witcher II.
I can win by pressing SPACEBAR too!

Forgive me for being so crass,
But CD Project can just kiss my ass.

I sit in shock for a while,
Having been stunned to hear so much bile.

He stares emptily into his beer,
The only place left where he finds cheer.

No! I cry. Can things really be so bleak?
For a moment, he seems so sad he cannot speak.

But one last words he tells to me,
With a final sob, he says: Fallout III.

Many a year had gone by since I went
To listen to that ancient troll's lament,

Bewailing the death of all he held dear,
Like RPGs, C&C, stats, and beer.

All of the good things has been thrown away,
Replaced by horrors from the likes of Michael Bay.

But, so much had changed in the years gone by,
Surely that troll's anger could at last run dry.

Real RPGs were being made once more,
Incline at last, with Kickstarters at the fore.

So, I went again before that ancient troll,
To inform him of the death of popamole.

He laughed when I told him, and his laugh was bleak,
And for a long time I did not dare to speak.

"Do tell me of these great new RPGs.
Because I am sure in the mood for a wheeze."

So I told him, I did, of all the had come,
Of Kickstarters all earning a goodly sum.

But he sneered at me and shook his head,
"Dear me, but you are so easily led.

"Name me all these game that should fill me with glee.
I'll make it easy for you, just name three."

Well, to that plea I immediately accepted.
For my chosen games were already selected.

My first choice no one could fail to like,
Even this male troll who looked like a dyke.

Critics agreed this game totally rocks,
Best part of all, there was even a box.

He sniffed.

"One sec. Something greasy's stuck to my shoe.
Smells like I stepped in some big pile of poo.
Oh no, wait. It's just this box of Wasteland 2.

"I must say it was such a hoot
To win combats by simply selecting 'shoot'.

"It's play like some faggy Final Fantasy clone,
Or some console shooter on the Xbone.

"With foes that just run at you in a heap,
It's more like you're just sitting and shooting at sheep."

He halked and spat a huge wad of yellow bile,
And snarled, "Yep, there's what I think of inXile."

Well, I can't say I wasn't disappointed,
That this troll's reply had been so pointed.

But I was far from defeated with that,
My second choice was sure to not fall so flat.

This next game had garnered so much fame
That surely no one could claim it was lame.

Everyone said it's combat was so full of win,
Such was the game called Divinity: Original Sin.

When the troll heard, he claimed I was tokin',
Or else I simply must have misspoken.

"You know, it's been a very long while
Since I've read shit that was so juvenile.

"Plus it's so bound to the tyranny of choice
That nothing else ever really gets a voice.

"And thus the fun soon reaches the end of the line,
The gameplay broken long before you reach level nine.

"Larian only gets so much less crap than they deserve
'Cause everyone grades them on such a great big curve."

I was indeed disappointed, it was true,
To have my choices treated like so much dog doo doo.

But I let that disappointment fade into the past,
Because I had always saved the best for last.

The one game that was loved by one and all,
No one could hate it, no on had such gall.

And so I presented the best of the best,
The game that would finally put the troll's anger to rest.

But the troll did not even look at the box that I held,
And he turned from me as if he were impelled.

"No, I will never look again upon that game!"
And the hurt in his voice put me to shame.

"Every time I see it, I hear the bell
Of Sawyer and Roguey's marriage in hell.

"Who would have thought that Pillars of Eternity
Could be so broken by Balance and modernity.

"No xp. No fun. And no hard counters.
No death. No good builds. And overpowered ciphers.

"That's all it is," he said and laughed bitterly.
"Just a burning skull face and my misery.

"And I really hate it when others think it's so funny
That I gave Obsidian so much of my money!"

Which might have ended my quest, as sad as it is,
I had stuck out thrice on this troll's little quiz.

But I would not so soon give in to despair,
Not with more good games of which I was aware.

There was no reason for me to peeve
For I did have one last card up my sleeve.

I told him there was one that must meet even his lofty goals,
A magical game which was called Dark Souls.

And that ancient troll did then frown long and hard.
Which told me I had at last bested him with my trump card.

But the troll said nothing, and the silence grew long,
And I began wondering if I might not be wrong.

If there was something here that I had failed to see,
And I realized then that that troll was frowning at me!

"Challenging and well-designed, which I have to respect,
But call it an RPG, and I have to object.

"After all these lean years, there's little left to define
All of this land which used to be mine.

"The only thing left to define RPGs still
Is the difference between player and character skill.

"Take that away, and you know who will win."
And here he gazed out at that great sea of sin.

"They will. And then it is they who will define RPG,
And it will have nothing at all to do anymore with you or me.

"You know damn well their definition will be full of jizz,
Like 'Whatever I feel an RPG is.'

"And on that day, it will become a given,
The bestest RPGs are Halo, Call of Duty, and Oblivion.

"After all, how can calling Dark Souls an RPG be fair.."
He sniggered.
"When the best way to play is to run around totally bare."

I honestly could not believe what I was hearing,
All of these reputations he was so ruthlessly tearing.

But as sad as it was, so totally grim,
These were still not the dark dire days of Skyrim.

There was one last game of which I had heard tell,
And many they were who thought of it well.

With this last game, there was no chance to fail,
For I spoke of the greatest of all, Underrail.

Yet upon hearing the name, the troll did not smile.
Rather he laughed, mirthlessly, for a long while.

"On early access. Yes, I'm sure you're excited to pay
For something that might even be finished one day.

"Believe me, you would be right to beware
Something attempting to claw it's way out of there.

"Who could've guessed ea'd be more like a pit
Filled with faucets endlessly pouring out shit.
Oh that's right, it was me.

"With ea, no one seems able to take the hint,
The devil is always there in the fine print."

He sneered down at the sea.
"Now, while calling Gabe the Devil is an exaggeration,
It's only 'cause the Devil acceded his throne to the good Lord Gaben

And then he turned his sneer back upon me.
"Just join them, why don't you, it's totally clear,
Your place is with them, not with me up here."

I covered my ears and refused to here it,
These words that so cruelly sought to crush my spirit.

I would not falter, I would not bend,
I would prove that things were on the mend.

I proudly stood to my fullest height,
And shouted at that troll with all my might.

Everyone knows there's no more need for tears,
Kickstarter will save us all within the next few years.

Today, the popamole is done,
And today, it is we who have won.

But to this, that ancient troll did just cackle
In a way that would raise anyone's hackle.

Then while guzzling the last of his eighteenth beer,
He drunkenly stumbled and fell to his rear.

And he roared out as his butt hit the floor,
"Guess who just announced they're making Fallout 4!"


Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.
I would actually welcome the change if they moved to a more linear gameworld.... if that meant they added more detail, better FPS mechanics and had logical locations that explained where they got food and water. I doubt that will happen though, so far it looks like more like a theme park than any other Beth game to date. It's also kinda sad how they are stuck in this 'everything in wasteland' mentality. I liked the almost fully restored cities in some areas of F2 and NV. 100 years after the apocalypse if you don't have a division between the rich and the poor and at least some progress in technology, then you fucked up.

Severian Silk

Colors look better. Are they going to get rid of bullet time (or whatever it was called)?


Jul 25, 2014
FO3 an FNV got critical acclaim from mainstream media, combine that with the fact that we're talking about "if it ain't broke don't fix it" Bethesda and any significant changes seem unlikely. Linear is too drastic of a change in my opinion unless by "linear" you mean denser.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Haven't read the thread since I'm sure it's full of hysteria, have I missed anything I should care about?

Any source with actual information? Reading IGN makes me feel gross.

I laughed when I read it was going to take place in the stupid Commonwealth from that one anachronistic android mission in Fallout 3. I guess in a way I'm glad they're taking it in a direction that really, really has nothing to do with the original games.


Jan 9, 2014
FO3 an FNV got critical acclaim from mainstream media, combine that with the fact that we're talking about "if it ain't broke don't fix it" Bethesda and any significant changes seem unlikely. Linear is too drastic of a change in my opinion unless by "linear" you mean denser.

FNV was what Fallout 3 should have been, half the quests and the entire storyline in FO3 don't make any sense. Terrible everything and the only good thing about it was that they gave Obsidian the engine to make New Vegas.


The price is offensively high for us brazilians. Can anyone explain to me why it costs so much, even though all other new releases are priced fairly? The price point we've been most commonly seeing is around 42 USD ( ~ R$ 130) or below. FO4, however, is priced at R$249, which translates to 80 USD.


TW3, for example, has the currently normal price (it used to be lower, but what can we do):


I doubt it'll sell very much here at that price point, but if it does, I'm afraid of the precedent it might set. Don't worry guys, I'm obviously not buying this, even if it was priced fairly. Maybe when we have a sale and it reaches an absurdly low price point.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
Steam Curator recommendation:
One to watch for choice and consequence fans. You can expect tough decisions and serious repurcussions, or we'll eat our power armour.

From a "curator" called Choice and Consequence that I don't remember following.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
I doubt it'll sell very much here at that price point, but if it does, I'm afraid of the precedent it might set. Don't worry guys, I'm obviously not buying this, even if it was priced fairly. Maybe when we have a sale and it reaches an absurdly low price point.
Huehues don't count as people.
#2 top seller on Steam.
Dec 17, 2013
The price is offensively high for us brazilians. Can anyone explain to me why it costs so much, even though all other new releases are priced fairly?

Due to Bethesda's coding quirks, Radiant AI actually transforms into the world's most powerful self-learning neural network when paired with Portuguese dialogue. The word "mudcrabao" in particular seems to activate its immense powers.


Jun 5, 2011
The game doesn't even have a release date and is selling on Steam, shady as fuck.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
The game doesn't even have a release date and is selling on Steam, shady as fuck.
Witcher 3 had a release date... that got shuffled multiple times. People were preordering it as early as NINE MONTHS in advance. FO4 will probably be out by the end of the year.

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