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Fallout 4 Pre-Release Discussion [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Everyone in this thread will play FO4. Guaranteed.
Think again. Didn't play Fallout 3, F:NV wouldn't run on my comp (some sound issue making the game choke).
If you couldn't run FNV how the fuck did you run DivOS?


Nov 10, 2012
Everyone in this thread will play FO4. Guaranteed.

I have only played Fallout 1. Haven't even made it onto 2 yet.

If they put in the BFG 9000 then they are in with a chance for 4. I have a soft spot for Doom.
Problem is they will make the BFG 9000 part of a DLC pack and then you will have to unlock it after paying for it.
So I pay them money on top and then they will force me to "work" inside the game to unlock it.

Idkfa will that work?


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
What's with you and the BFG 9000 joke? You need to get a new angle.


Thought Criminal #3333
Apr 18, 2005
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If you couldn't run FNV how the fuck did you run DivOS?
I have an almost two decades old soundcard for music production, not made for gaming, no EAX / "acceleration". Don't know if the issue's been fixed with F:NV, maybe I should try again, but Bethesda's engine is such a turn off.

I run games fine otherwise.

Ludo Lense

Nov 28, 2014
Actually, the comparison between Skyrim and Kingdoms of Amalur has led some to believe that Rolston was the true evil all along.

I kinda doubt it. Doesn't mean that his comparisons weren't bad but even geniuses can make and say stupid stuff (Ridley Scott's abysmal Gods&Kings). Also Todd pretty much layout his design vision in the "Making of Oblivion" video and Morrowind is pretty far from it.

OK, but on the other hand, Oblivion had Rolston, Skyrim didn't.

And then I think back to the description of Rolston in this censored interview: http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/inde...cal-of-bethesda-rubbed-out.10403/#post-172709

Sure, Todd comes across as a popamoler in that interview, but Ken seems like a guy who had some weird ideology, which is potentially a lot worse.

While doing my TES video I read that Rolston had a much more off-hand "zen old man on the hill" involvement with Oblivion and Todd took most of the major decisions this time around. I am unsure but I think the Dark Brotherhood and The Thieves Guild had the most involvement from Rolston.

But I fully agree that the man is scatterbrained and probably hit&miss when it comes to making games (I haven't played The Long Dark yet but a lot of people told me that it is really good so maybe Rolston struck again.)


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Everyone in this thread will play FO4. Guaranteed.
I almost definitely will; I enjoy the basic Bethesda format. We'll see though - this Shepardization of the main character is really not sitting well with me. Looking forward to more info on that.

And unlike pretty much all previous Bethesda RPGs, a D1P is unlikely on this one.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
It's worth, at this point, keeping up hope that it'll turn out to be alright or even get the revered status of "good for what it is", although the trailer was pretty laughable.


Jul 15, 2004
Bethesda doesn't fix bugs or patch their games (worth a shit anyway) and the DLC is usually pretty garbage. That would be why.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I almost definitely will [play Fallout 4]; I enjoy the basic Bethesda format. We'll see though - this Shepardization of the main character is really not sitting well with me. Looking forward to more info on that.
And unlike pretty much all previous Bethesda RPGs, a D1P is unlikely on this one.
Even if you'd be Bethesda's n.1 fan why in the world would you D1P their games knowing you're nothing but a glorified alpha tester AND a few months down the road you'll have an incomplete version of the game instead of the very predictable GOTY one? Hell, these days I'm cautious with purchases of ANY game knowing I risk not having the enhanced edition that'll likely come a few months later, and with Bethesda this is not even a doubt.
I'm older and wiser now, but honestly Beth games haven't been that buggy for me. I D1Pd Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Skyrim (well - Skyrim was a gift) and they all played fine out of the box for me.
Yes, even New Vegas.

As for GOTY editions, to use the example of Fallout 3, that GOTY came out a full year after the initial release. When I'm hyped for a game, a year is way, way too long to wait.

The reason I don't plan to D1P Fallout 4 is neither because of anticipated bugs nor GOTY bundle savings - it's because watching a Troy Baker movie just isn't a $60 value.
Oct 5, 2014
New Zealand - Pronouns: HE/HIM
hello poos

(how the fuck did I get alerted that you quoted me?)

because i ninjad my previous reply pertaining to...

I have an almost two decades old soundcard for music production, not made for gaming, no EAX / "acceleration". Don't know if the issue's been fixed with F:NV, maybe I should try again, but Bethesda's engine is such a turn off.

I run games fine otherwise.

which by that time you had replied to

explaining is losing :negative:


Shitposter Bethestard
Sep 19, 2014


Jul 15, 2004
I would rather pay for the 1 DLC separately that is worth it than wait over a year to buy the GOTY version with a bunch of other garbage I didn't care about anyway.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
C'mon. Shivering Isles was infinitely better than Oblivion's main quest, I'd much prefer having it in my package than not if I'd be buying that. I'm not sure about Skyrim's DLCs as I'm yet to play that game for real but I remember they added a fuckton of stuff.
That's all true, but honestly with all of these games you can spend enough hours on them to get your fill without DLC. I played New Vegas Dead Money because I liked the Sierra Madre theme. A buddy of mine gifted me all the rest of the New Vegas DLC for free and I still never got around to playing it. Never tempted once by the Skyrim DLC because after 200 hours with vanilla (+mods) I still never bothered to finish the main quest. I'd rather just get the game and enjoy it now than wait a year for a bunch of DLC I'll probably never touch anyway.

Come to think of it, I bought Shivering Isles later, but I was so sick of Oblivion by that time that I didn't play SI either.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
Everyone in this thread will play FO4. Guaranteed.

I will not. Fallout 3 was the very last Bethesda game I bought and played. I no longer care for any of the garbage action games they make.

And even if Obsidian does a Fallout 4 game for Bethesda, I'll pass on that as well.

Night Goat

The Immovable Autism
No Fun Allowed
May 6, 2013
Codex 2013 Codex 2014
Bethesda doesn't fix bugs or patch their games (worth a shit anyway) and the DLC is usually pretty garbage. That would be why.
C'mon. Shivering Isles was infinitely better than Oblivion's main quest, I'd much prefer having it in my package than not if I'd be buying that. I'm not sure about Skyrim's DLCs as I'm yet to play that game for real but I remember they added a fuckton of stuff.
Shivering Isles is worse than Oblivion's main quest. Oblivion is just run of the mill fantasy shit, but SI is fucking offensive. Apparently mental illness means saying wacky random stuff about cheese.

Night Goat

The Immovable Autism
No Fun Allowed
May 6, 2013
Codex 2013 Codex 2014
Everyone in this thread will play FO4. Guaranteed.
If it looks like it'll be as bad as Fallout 3 I won't waste the bandwidth, but if it looks to be Skyrim-tier :pete: I'll remove it from inventory.

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