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Fallout Fallout: Sonora - new Fallout mod from the Fallout: Nevada team


May 13, 2013
is fallout 1.5 ressurect better or worse than nevada?

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
is fallout 1.5 ressurect better or worse than nevada?
Definitely not better, but I wouldn't say worse. Just not as good.

The one thing 1.5 has over Nevada is the scope, which is much tighter and solid, even though still bigger than Fallout 1; and it has companions AND it handles them much better than Fallout 1, 2 and NV combined, not to mention there's companion banter in 1.5 too, which for some reason nearly non-existent in the officials.


Jan 6, 2014
is fallout 1.5 ressurect better or worse than nevada?
Definitely not better, but I wouldn't say worse. Just not as good.

The one thing 1.5 has over Nevada is the scope, which is much tighter and solid, even though still bigger than Fallout 1; and it has companions AND it handles them much better than Fallout 1, 2 and NV combined, not to mention there's companion banter in 1.5 too, which for some reason nearly non-existent in the officials.

You said it all. Resurrection is definitely worth playing for any Fallout fan. It's a very 'solid' experience, extremely easy to pick up and complete without using any guides etc. online. It's also not too long, but just right. Was super happy to finish it, but also see no need to go back and play it again (btw. guess I missed the followers?).
A special notice goes out to the quests and dark tone of the game. Especially this quest had me thinking about the experience for weeks:
Finding the dead kid in the shop-keepers basement

Nevada on the other hand, is way bigger and much more 'obscure'. I generally found it more difficult to navigate the quest, which often require alot of creativity and skill-checks.
What I like is the more 'gritty' feel and much higher difficulty: weapons are hard to find, and it feels very 'realistic'.
Unlike Resurrection, I plan on going back to Nevada for a 2nd play-through as I'm sure I've missed a bunch (+ I want to try the 'Crazy' Edition and get the companion:shittydog:).


Jan 12, 2019
I love resurrection. It's the most dark and edgy fallout game. It has some problems. Some of the music selection for locations could of been better, taking to some npc's will block off quests, and some of the locations look unfinished. Besides that it's a great game. It's not good as Fallout: Nevada but it's better than fallout 1 and 2 in my opinion.


Dec 28, 2011
Core City

This is fucking amazing.


Jan 12, 2019
Is the translation of Fallout Nevada finished?/QUOTE]

Just some typos and a few background characters saying something in Russian. Besides that, the translation is pretty good and the game is completely playable. Might as well play it now because the translation has seemed to be on hiatus for a while.


Jan 6, 2014
Is the translation of Fallout Nevada finished?

And what's the dif between the vanilla and Crazy Edition?

If Nevada was too easy for ya, maybe give the Crazy Edition a go

Fallout: Nevada (Crazy Edition) 12.03.2018
Brief description:

  • Numerous bug fixes of the original game.
  • The game has become more difficult and is a real Post-Apocalypse.
  • Added a single partner to the game (Dogmeat).
  • Added new locations, items and NPC.
  • Added new art to the game.
  • Added new video.
  • Correction of engine errors.
  • Expanded and fixed of the original maps.
  • Rebalancing of items and critters.
  • Several items and critters have been restored.
  • Expanded craft weapons.
  • Installed sFall2 v. 1.8 (by Crafty).
  • Installed "Inventory Filter" v. 1.3.5 Final (by Mr.Stalin).
  • Installed High Resolution Patch v.4.1.8 (by Mash & Drobovik).

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
You said it all. Resurrection is definitely worth playing for any Fallout fan. It's a very 'solid' experience, extremely easy to pick up and complete without using any guides etc. online. It's also not too long, but just right. Was super happy to finish it, but also see no need to go back and play it again (btw. guess I missed the followers?).
A special notice goes out to the quests and dark tone of the game. Especially this quest had me thinking about the experience for weeks:
Finding the dead kid in the shop-keepers basement

Nevada on the other hand, is way bigger and much more 'obscure'. I generally found it more difficult to navigate the quest, which often require alot of creativity and skill-checks.
What I like is the more 'gritty' feel and much higher difficulty: weapons are hard to find, and it feels very 'realistic'.
Unlike Resurrection, I plan on going back to Nevada for a 2nd play-through as I'm sure I've missed a bunch (+ I want to try the 'Crazy' Edition and get the companion:shittydog:).
I, uh, actually replayed Resurrection a lot of times. In fact, I think I replayed Resurrection far more than Fallout 1, 2, and Nevada combined. Nevada I've only finished once, and I certainly want to replay it again but Resurrection, I immediately replayed that shit as soon as I finished it once.

I'm not sure why, but I'd say Resurrection is the first TC mod exposed to me that properly utilized its engine's potential to the fullest, and implementation of SPECIAL system wasn't as half-assed as the official games, even though it wasn't to the extent that Nevada reached. Also, I'd say the scope of Resurrection helps a lot in making it more replayable for me, since I tend to get overwhelmed by the amount of hours needed to complete a playthrough when it comes to lengthy games. Such incline drove me to a point of unforgettable ecstasy like many good games did. I actually replayed the game under motivation of a combination of trying different karma route, which means different quests experience, different party member, and also trying different endgame weapons.

If you missed the followers, you definitely should go back and try looking out for them. The most obvious one you can get very early in Rat Hole, the dog companion. And then there's 4 more companions, 1 is definitely for good karma character, the other one I guess is possible for neutral but will leave if you turn bad karma, another one is for bad karma, and finally another one for dumb characters. Out of the 3 human companion, the good and bad karma companions has their own story arc of some kind, but bad karma isn't so much of a story arc but more like pestering you once in a while to pay him his share of loot and will definitely ask for payments when you order him to do something quest-related. It might sound tedious having to listen to his bullshit but it's actually a refreshing experience for me, him asking for payment every time we survive some big battles or after accomplishing certain quests.


Mar 22, 2017
Nobody's Nail Machine is indeed in!

Phoenix... City of the sun. An oasis in the middle of desert that gave life to millions of people. But nuclear war has incinerated this once huge metropolis. To this day its ruins are slowly smolder, covering with ashes many miles around. People continue to live here in these charred ruins hoping that one day the city will rise again like a bird from the Old World legends.

(NNM works on Sonora OST. Here's one of his new tracks.)


Feb 26, 2006
bah , requires registering to VK

EDIT : Nvm , found it elsewhere.Good track but not as much fallouty as I would prefer.Would be a good track for fallout 3 mod.
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Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016


Feb 26, 2006
EDIT : Nvm , found it elsewhere.Good track but not as much fallouty as I would prefer.Would be a good track for fallout 3 mod.
Should try listening to it while strolling through in-game Phoenix first, then we can judge its worth as a Fallout OST.

You are right.Actually the more I listen to it the more I like it .Loaded up a screenshot from Phoenix they've released.It kinda seem to work.Taken from page 1.

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Mar 14, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath
According to what BlackDesigner says (the main developer of both F:N and F:S), it seems that Sonora will be actually more similar to F1.5 than to Nevada. He often mentions that the scope of new game will be tighter, that it will be more consistent in its writing and quality, that it will be more authentic to original Fallout, that there won't be any elaborate systems of craft, etc. He also criticizes F:N for having too much superfluous and disconnected content.


Jan 6, 2014
EDIT : Nvm , found it elsewhere.Good track but not as much fallouty as I would prefer.Would be a good track for fallout 3 mod.
Should try listening to it while strolling through in-game Phoenix first, then we can judge its worth as a Fallout OST.

I'm getting Akira Yamaoka vibes from the track!
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Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Is the translation of Fallout Nevada finished?

And what's the dif between the vanilla and Crazy Edition?

I completed it (a year ago?) when the translation was quite a few versions behind the current one.

I found it perfectly playable, only things I noticed was the translation was slightly less polished towards the end of the game (few typos etc), and there were one of two minor NPCs that hadn't been translated.

From what I've heard it's even more polished now.

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
and yes, gathering super armor parts was quite the trip but the vault item list is even worse, i don't even know what you get if you complete the tech's list.

here's the list
1) power fist
2) super sledge
3) Pancor Jackhammer,
4) sniper rifle
5) laser rifle
6) plasma rifle
7) grenade launcher (but he give you rocket launcher)
8) electronic lockpick MK2
9) super tool kit
10) combat armor
11) assault rifle M2041
12) 20 stimpacks
beside 1-2 choices or when you're looking for something for a quest - not great


Apr 8, 2019
Just finished Nevada.
Ending was a bit wacky.
Story loses self after you get the mcguffin and that happens around level 10... with about 8 to go and I didnt even do most of Reno - just killed everyone.
The gas prices are off the charts in the future!

I hope Sonara releases soon and someone carefully balances weapon/ammo/money availability.
Make it really hardcore. More so than CrazyEd.
So that you would take money over XP in quest for example. That crafting and barter actually would matter.
In Nevada you just kill a couple of bozos and sell their guns for exorbitant prices.

Here is an idea. Remove money! Add a quest about forgeries etc.
And make carrying a total above 40kg impossible.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
I liked the New Reno new content all of those except this NCR wannabe place was well made and fitted the setting, the native tribe turning tribal and still prayed upon by bandids, the New Reno which pre war government just collapsed and was replaced by gangs the precursors of families from FO2, the Mormon town which was most believable to survive given how tight knit community those heretics are and Military unit turning slowly onto band of well armed raiders fitted the setting of prequel fallout well. Also crafting was fun but still not needed to finish the game the way I like it to be. The Story line was meh but better than in Resurrection but so many side quests with consequences rippling to other settlements sealed the deal for me.


Apr 8, 2019
Because my hits either do criticals or not, and the non-critical hits plink. Finesse also gives you like +20 DR to your attacks, which I sorely need to offset somehow.
A crit char shoots the eyes exclusively...
Eye crits bypass armor so DR is irrelevant...
Thats the only reason to take Finesse...
You didnt know what you were doing...

But, yeah, guns sucked, pistol, shotty, rifle, scoped, sniper. Thats all.

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