RPG Codex Ghost
^ I wouldn't recommend anyone buy this unless they enjoyed 3/4 or are really hungry for a shooter and an open world game. And if they are, odds are they should just (re)play S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Have a look at both of our posts again, then think about who's really being agitated.but don’t you want to instead tell us what’s really making you so agitated?
It seems that the game is not selling that well,at least on pc. At steam spy sits around 550,000 after the weekend. I would estimate that total sales are around 2.5 millions and it will top around 5-6 millions in a year,for all platforms.
They will probably release a Cryptid DLC like the Yeti DLC they had for FC4. They'd be stupid not to.I hope it has at least one Bigfoot somewhere in the game. I want to find him.
Exposition hallway.segments where you can't do anything but slowly walk forward while someone talks
Crowbcat released this video :
Crowbcat is animmersionfag.
Crowbcat is an game-qualityfag.
This game looks like proper fun regardless of AI issues. But Denuvo or not, 60 jewros is way too much.
This game looks like proper fun regardless of AI issues. But Denuvo or not, 60 jewros is way too much.
It get repetitive super quick.