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Squeenix FF7 Enhanced Edition coming to Steam?


Apr 27, 2012
I think Hobo Elf is right on this one. There is a reason for why games today are mostly corridor experiences and why FF games have become significantly shorter since it came to PS3, and it's not because developers suddenly have developed a raging hard-on for corridors or have lost all their patience. It is extremely difficult to recreate long open games, if you insist on using modern graphics, which SE do, as apparent by the following tech demo, which might be for FF XV


Jun 18, 2010
Hey, I got fisted twice today, hive drone.

Further proof that CDS are the heralds of the :decline:
As if we needed more after tallying how much Skyrimjob, Ass Effect and Diablows the CDS have clocked up on steam.
anus_pounder, what do you have to say for yourself?


Dec 8, 2011
Eh. I barely remember FFX-2, but I don't remember the job system being particularly good. I think it required a shitload of grinding for the more obscure jobs, and only having three party members made it pretty limiting since one character has to be the heal bitch.

X-2 story is complete utter shit, but yes, it does have a very funny and good Battle System/Job System.


Apr 27, 2012
It is extremely difficult to recreate long open games, if you insist on using modern graphics, which SE do,
No, it isn't.

as apparent by the following tech demo, which might be for FF XV
Haha. Tech demo?

Classic trolxing.
With difficult, I meant extremely expensive. And yeah, I know tech demo does not say much, as very few have implemented any system taxing features, such as physics, which allows them to have better graphics than is possible at the time. Still, it shows that ES has committed themself to modern shiny graphics.
Skyrimjob, Ass Effect and Diablows


Nov 25, 2011
The tech demo is not for FFXV since you can't run it on the PS3/X360 and there'll be no next-gen consoles (they also said it's just a tech demo), except if they find a miraculous way to cut production costs.

It is extremely difficult to recreate long open games, if you insist on using modern graphics, which SE do,
No, it isn't.
Yes, it's. The same way that you take 5 minutes to create a low-poly character and a day for something more complex they need more time to create a game with more eyecandy that will last long as their older games, except if they increase manpower.

as apparent by the following tech demo, which might be for FF XV
Haha. Tech demo?

Classic trolxing.



Jul 11, 2008


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Doing open games in TES style is not really that difficult, its just need time to fill the world with content,

And they don't have time? It's not like Final Fantasy is an annual release franchise.


Jul 11, 2008
Doing open games in TES style is not really that difficult, its just need time to fill the world with content,

And they don't have time? It's not like Final Fantasy is an annual release franchise.

But it seems japs are not really intrested in TES type sandboxes, hell even not western devs besides bethesda bother
japs only want anime linear stories translated into a game or a grindfest, or dating sims


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Doing open games in TES style is not really that difficult, its just need time to fill the world with content,

And they don't have time? It's not like Final Fantasy is an annual release franchise.

But it seems japs are not really intrested in TES type sandboxes, hell even not western devs besides bethesda bother
japs only want anime linear stories translated into a game or a grindfest, or dating sims

I never said FF should be TES-style sandbox, but it can be more open than it is currently - as it was in the past.


Jul 11, 2008
I never said FF should be TES-style sandbox, but it can be more open than it is currently - as it was in the past.

Oh, then i agree with that, but i never played or plan to play a modern FF game, begining from FFX it was starting to be one fucking long corridor, FFXIII made it just more obvious, (but XII was kind of exception), sidestuff in older FFS's had its charm


Apr 27, 2012
As far as I've heard, and I haven't played the game: FFX-2 is pretty open too.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Was FF12 really worth playing? I've heard some people recommend it, but don't know why.

I tried it, but could never get over the first fight where I learned of the abomination that was the fighting system. That had pretty much just thrown out all (pseudo-)TBC that defined FF, and replaced it with an MMORPG-like combat system.

It's just a souped up version of the system used from FF 4 to X-2.

The Active Dimension Battle (ADB) system is the evolution of the Active Time Battle (ATB) system and designed by Hiroyuki Itō, the original creator of the ATB system. It was first used in Final Fantasy XII. The ADB system eliminates random battles; enemies are fully visible on the field before they are engaged in battle and so the player has a choice of if they want to fight them or not.
The battles take place on the field with no separate battle screen and there is no transition between exploration and battle; ADB makes battles completely seamless. The system also includes the ability for the player to still have full control over character movement while currently engaged in battle. The distance between party members and enemies also influences battles as various spells and abilities now have an Area of Effect (AoE). The addition of AoE simply means that party members and enemies need to be within a certain range of each other for their spells and abilities to hit.


Apr 27, 2012
Was FF12 really worth playing? I've heard some people recommend it, but don't know why.

I tried it, but could never get over the first fight where I learned of the abomination that was the fighting system. That had pretty much just thrown out all (pseudo-)TBC that defined FF, and replaced it with an MMORPG-like combat system.

It's just a souped up version of the system used from FF 4 to X-2.

The Active Dimension Battle (ADB) system is the evolution of the Active Time Battle (ATB) system and designed by Hiroyuki Itō, the original creator of the ATB system. It was first used in Final Fantasy XII. The ADB system eliminates random battles; enemies are fully visible on the field before they are engaged in battle and so the player has a choice of if they want to fight them or not.
The battles take place on the field with no separate battle screen and there is no transition between exploration and battle; ADB makes battles completely seamless. The system also includes the ability for the player to still have full control over character movement while currently engaged in battle. The distance between party members and enemies also influences battles as various spells and abilities now have an Area of Effect (AoE). The addition of AoE simply means that party members and enemies need to be within a certain range of each other for their spells and abilities to hit.

Yeah, I know, but as far as I can remember, it was true realtime combat, and not pseudo-turn based combat like the ATB system. Or do I remember wrongly? In any case, it did not feel like FF-combat to me, and it instantly turned me off.

But if that is not the case, maybe I should give it a spin: So I ask the same question, except for the combat system, is it any good?
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
You have to wait for the little action bar to refill, yeah.


I'm not saying anyone should like it if they liked the previous system, just that it wasn't such a big change as people tend to make of it. The Gambit system (the "If Ally_HP < 25%, Then: Use_Heal" thingie) was also the cause of much "baaw, the game is playing itself" whining even though it was optional (in fact, you had to buy most of them in stores) and manually selecting a spell isn't any more challenging than ordering someone to cast it under X circumstances.

About the question, it's average for a FF, would play 5, 6 or 9 first. There's an english translation of the special japanese version that uses a real class system which is supposedly more fun to play but I never tried it (it was at an early stage when I last checked)


Apr 27, 2012
It still looks completely different from all other FF-combat to me... And where are the menus? Is there only the attack button?
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
You pull up the menus with a button, which he doesn't need to because

Video of FFXII (American/English Language release). This is only a small boss fight, contains no spoilers, just an example of the battle system, Active Dimension System. Note that I'm just controlling the camera, and all the character's actions are dictated through my Gambit system.

Here's a video by someone who isn't such a pro at giving orders (menu at 00:38)


(simple attacks can still be selected by the menu but you can also just press a designated Attack button)

All in all, it's not that different except the party and the enemies aren't standing in a line (it was just a way of visually representing the battle screen anyway)


Jun 24, 2012
Ffxii was more of a real time with pause combat system and X did not use the ATB system from the previous games, it was condotional turn based.

If Square cant provide some room for exploration how about some branching plots? Is that too hard with modern graphics too?

Bruma Hobo

Dec 29, 2011
play fucking Pokémon or something else instead.

I remember a time when "play/watch/collect/whatever pokemon" was considered a dire insult. What irony that a whole generation of weeaboos are now clogging our intertubes, waxing nostaligc about their pikaboos and turtlezaps and whatever the fuck those mutant squirrels are called.
Same with Final Fantasy, now look at this thread.

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