WTF is wrong with you guys? A 10+ pages long thread with 90% of the posts are SIRIUS DISKUSSIONS, and about a HENTAI GAEM? With almost no trolling or banalshitboring whatsoever?
On a serious note, IF you see past the hentai parts, 75% of the Jap hentai games are actually so much better in the gameplay and BRAIN USING part compared to 90% of the western next-gen games. In fact, most of the famous hentai game making company are well praised for their story and actual gameplay, rather than the fapping material (which most are not even worth for a boner).
The Japs put in adult stuff in a game more or less just to attract more people to play. In fact, if this LP doesn't have the "NSFW" "HENTAI" "RAPE" keywords in it, do you think it will attract these lots of people to torrent it? And ultimately let them know how (gasp!) FUN this game can be? People would just ignore it as another "emo anime jap shit" otherwise.
Some good things of Jap hentai games which western developers really should learn:
1. EX-TREME C&C: Kissing the wrong girl at the beginning will make her KILL YOU at the ending. Having sex with one girl will make the game meet a sudden violent end after WHOLE chapters. Western games don't dare to be so extreme because casual players would cry "OMG I'VE WASTED 10 HOURS AND THERE'S NO TURNING BACK THIS GAME SUCKS".
2. Gaeming is teh hard: Levelling up the wrong party members will make the game impossible to go on. You need to kill bosses in a required, logical order or they'll rape your girls and give you bad ending. Time limit is almost universal too, if you don't plan it well with your daily basis of training, shopping, fucking, you're doomed because you'll either too weak to fight or you've fucked to few girls to make them give you the ultimate blessings of love.
3. Reward is a bad thing. Never seen this before, eh? In hentais, I bet most of you guys would aim to fuck every girl as early and as often as possible. Then the game would suddenly slap you with a big bad ending in your face because your character is a fucking pervert or something like that. In some games you must restrain yourself from fucking to actually get a good ending (and "good" fucking). Just like in real world: you fuck a girl too soon, you'll never get anywhere with her.
4. More endings than a multi-headed dick have heads. A typical good hentai would have around 12 bad endings (around half of them are triggered as your girl got defeated by different monster thus got raped in different ways), 4 moderate endings (mostly are the situation in which you get no girls at the end), and 5 good endings (4 for a girl each, 1 is the harem ending, yay!). And there are often secret endings like you become the bad guy and dominate all the girls as sex slaves.
What the hell am I typing anyway