All this butthurt is glorious :D
It is my belief PC games should stay PC games, yet that if multiplatformization (this is now a word) has to happen then the design need not be butchered, or if it really has to then make the design PC-first and then commit to minor tailoring for the console version.
Everyone is focusing on New Vegas when I said it was a lesser example. Morrowind is the finest example of how it's done: make the game PC-first, later port to console. Make very few changes. All they really did was split the game's seperate windows (which render all at once) into four seperate tabs/windows that render separately. That's it. Otherwise all important functionality remains; the console version had no impact on the PC version, and the console version itself was not dumbed down. That is how it is done best case scenario. Well, no, best case scenario is the UI being exactly the same, but not many devs have the balls to retain cursor control and small font on consoles (some, however, do).
Most people played Doom and others of the time with the keyboard. It was the (very low) standard. I remember. Pads are significantly better than keyboard aiming, therefore people blow how much pads affect FPS design way out of proportion, if the GOAT FPS (and others) could be played with such primitive input. That was my point is all and it will forever stand. What people fail to see is devs just universally sold out, fact. Blaming consoles misses the point. PC and console gaming used to be great. Now both are bad in the mainstream sense. It doesn't help that most gamers (PC or console) are salivating retards, graphics whores and casuals which is partly what inspired said selling out.