Half-Life 1 only locks you in twice, from what I remember - right before the experiment, and right before the Lambda teleporter. You can just walk past all the other fuckers who try to chat with you (guy in the blast door control room at the end of We've Got Hostiles, security guy at the start of On A Rail, dude before the freezer room who inanely warns you that the freezer is cold, loser at the start of Lambda Core who wants to tell you all about the labs, etc).
It's not too bad in HL1 regardless though because the dialogue is so scarce and only ever comes up on the rare occasion that the game wants to impart some information that, unlike 95% of the plot, can't be conveyed through gameplay. HL2 is different story though with Gordon constantly being surrounded by boring dickheads who block his path and force him to listen to them chatter about bullshit.
It's not too bad in HL1 regardless though because the dialogue is so scarce and only ever comes up on the rare occasion that the game wants to impart some information that, unlike 95% of the plot, can't be conveyed through gameplay. HL2 is different story though with Gordon constantly being surrounded by boring dickheads who block his path and force him to listen to them chatter about bullshit.