I've read that some redditor took it upon xirself to play honorabu all the time, always come in loud, issue challenges whenever possible, no anal penetration with the tanto.
Uncle whasisface is still being obnoxious and the game doesn't recognize an honest effort. I get that all this dramatic tension is built into the story, but they could have done a better job
given the amount of shit the game gives you for... basically following what you're told in the tutorials.
Yeah it's retarded and not historical. One of the most famous Samurai in history, Kusunoki Masashige, held up as the shining example of Samurai integrity, was known for waging a guerilla campaign against the Kamakura Shogunate in the name of the Emperor. Stuff like ambushes, night raids, the works. Jin says in the game that his uncle made him read Sun Tzu so he should be familiar with that shit.
This was a bit jarring to me as well, I don't care much for kinky nippon history to know the details, but I reckon the issue is not with guerilla warfare. I haven't and probably won't play through the whole story, but at one point uncle whatsisface acknowledges that he has also meddled with a bunch of pirates in the past. I'd infer that his problem is that Jin actually gets his hands dirty and skulks about like a thief when it's something other people should be doing.
Unless it gets worse later, I've decided I've seen enough of the game after liberating the castle.
Overall, it's weird to me that they didn't go for the "your gameplay actions matter" route seeing how the game is an over the top samurai power fantasy with all the tropes you will want.
I do find it interesting how some open world games are considered bad while others are praised.
I think it boils down to this - does the sanbox allow you to scratch that particular itch and play out a fantasy? I'd say ghost of sushimi delivers.
They have all the pieces down to let you dweeb out as you'd like. And you don't even have to be particularly dweebish to appreciate the aesthetics.
Open world in itself is standard fare, repetitive activities (thankfully no tower climbing, but climbing shrines was enough to trigger some ptsd)
which you do when you want to postpone the main questline for a bit, or when you feel like enjoying some views.
It's something you can play for an hour, leave for a few days than easily pick up.
I'd say a lot of people actually wanted a game like this, it's basically what the upcoming assbandit's creed needed to be, but they decided otherwise.
As far as I'm concerned, I think the worst offence is that certain things you find will be locked out and inactive until you're on a specific quest to get them.
This makes exploration feel pointless, and unlocking all the crap basically makes an already easy game get easier, unless you're on highest difficulty and
need all the help you can get.