The official branch of GMDX now features lrosenth's Radial Augmentation Menu Addon:
This video serves as a brief demonstration of the improved gameplay fluidity that the snappy real-time menu can offer. While nothing new to more adept hotkey users, the ability to effortlessly access any augmentation at a moment's notice opens up new possibilities for players to wield the infinite power of nano-augmentation for themselves. It also brings Deus Ex one step closer to being gamepad-ready without any commonly associated baggage, like pausing gameplay or obtrusive screen draw.
-Set any desired key to toggle the radial augmentation menu in the Settings -> Keyboard/Mouse
-When toggled, use the mouse or joystick to highlight an augmentation and press the "Fire" button to activate or deactivate it
-The power icon at the bottom of the menu can be used to deactivate all active augmentations at once
[NOTE: In the release version,the radial menu will stack on top of other HUD elements to prevent the overlapping with e.g. bark HUD elements as seen at 0:57. Also, the default ammo name bug at 2:50 has been noted and fixed]