RPG Codex Boomer
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Do they always grab for their crotch when they die?
That's what I'd do.Do they always grab for their crotch when they die?
Possible, yes. In fact, I was originally planning to do it and maybe tie it to a (skill-less?) perk. I'd have inventory items rotate with a RMB press while you're clicking and dragging them. The holdup is that I need to put in the axis flipping code and rotate and re-import the inventory icon textures (since I don't know of a way to rotate UI textures in Unreal).Would it be possible to implement a feature to rotate inventory items for better inventory management in future releases?
Jumping the cargo containers on the right of the main fence works too.So sneaking throught the sewers is the only option if playing stealthily
Version RSD Beta 1.0 (Future Official Update)
Experimental fork of GMDX v9, candidate for a future official update. Includes radial augmentation menu, HDTP toggle menu, new addiction system, 17 new and reworked perks, rebalanced skills/augs/weapons, simulated laser sight waver, overhauled wearable equipment, bugfixes, and more. English only.
This is the beta version of the GMDX version RSD fork. Up until now, it was referred to as the RSD addon (placeholder name) as well as version 9.0.4, which was originally going to contain only the bugfixes and QoL updates from the addon. After much discussion, Totalitarian and I agreed that the design changes in the addon were solid and worthwhile, and as such it wasn't worth the effort to maintain two separate branches of GMDX just for its own sake. Moreover, the scope of the project has expanded to the point that it is best considered as a wholly new version of GMDX.
Version RSD is an experimental fork of GMDX v9, with many brand-new features and adjustments to the game, in addition to a large number of bugfixes. Ultimately, the goal is for vRSD to become a suitable release candidate for an official update to GMDX. As such, it will evolve over the course of the beta period as feedback determines which experimental elements from vRSD remain in the final release. In particular, new and reworked augmentations/skills/perks and overhauled systems (such as the new addiction system for drugs) require testing and analysis for their place in GMDX, which has earned its reputation in previous versions for subtly expanding and refining Deus Ex while remaining true to its core design principles. As a new face succeeding the development of such a revered mod for a legendary game, I do not wish to transform GMDX into something unrecognizable, but rather work within Totalitarian's vision for his mod and produce something that new and old fans can appreciate. Please do not hesitate to voice your opinion on the new features and join in the discussion.
Only the English localization is currently updated from version 9, sorry!
======================================== CHANGELIST ========================================
#### SKILLS/PERKS ####
-17 new and reworked perks to further differentiate skills, flesh out playstyles, and balance character builds. Examples:
-CONTROLLED BURN (Trained Heavy perk): An agent is trained with the use of the flamethrower, ensuring that the igniting fuel is not blocked by targets.
-SIDEARM (Trained Pistols perk): An agent's aim stability is not reset when swapping to a pistol.
-STOPPING POWER (Advanced Rifles perk): An agent can stop an enemy in their tracks with a shotgun blast, gaining bonus damage (+25%) when every pellet hits a single target.
-FIELD REPAIR (Trained Environmental Training perk): An agent can perform more effective equipment repairs with biocells (1.5x).
-SLEIGHT OF HAND (Trained Lockpicking perk): An agent is able to pick locks and perform acts of theft without arousing suspicion from onlookers.
-TURRET DOMINATION (Master Hacking perk): An agent can alter the IFF routines of gun turrets to make them target enemies or everything in sight.
-SECURITY LOOPHOLE (Advanced Stealth perk): An agent easily identifies the blindspots of modern security systems, evading camera detection for a longer period of time (+50%) and tucking the legs away from laser tripwires.
-Athletics skill now influences mantling and swim speed, with no effect on stamina/breath
-Stealth skill now improves the player's ability to hide in darkness, with other benefits moved to perks
-Weapon skills now increase the player's maximum ammo capacity
-Minor balance adjustments to skill costs and effectiveness
-Ammo Capacity augmentation replaces Energy Transference, passively increases all ammo capacities
-Run Silent now features half of Speed Enhancement's movement speed bonus while on the ground
-Ballistic Protection (Passive) no longer drains any energy, now provides up to 35% protection proportional to the bottom 100/80/60/40% of the player's energy bar
-Spy Drone can now be set in standby mode with no energy drain for long-term surveillance
-Power Recirculator and Synthetic Heart are now fully passive
-Minor balance adjustments to energy cost and effectiveness
#### WEAPONS #####
-Full overhaul of hitscan range mechanics to unify weapon accuracy stats and make range modification more valuable
-New laser mod behavior with simulated aim waver and recoil to make continued skill/mod investment worthwhile while still offering a clear and logical benefit to its use
-Added 0-1 points of damage variation so decimal increases in damage are not rounded down to nothing
-Increased Sniper Rifle inventory size from 3x1 to 4x1 (vanilla) to reflect its potency and enforce more stringent equipment choices
-Mini-crossbow and GEP gun load one round at a time (like shotguns) to simulate an internal magazine
-Stun duration on riot prod/taser darts scales with half of weapon damage
-Sabot shells are now truly slug rounds and they, along with 10mm AP rounds are more effective on a variety of armored targets and weaker against soft targets
-Rubber bullets deal more damage and receive proper bonuses from skills/augs/mods. The Sawed-Off Shotgun deals an extra 30% damage with rubber bullets
-Throwing Knives retooled as precision weapons with lower base damage but improved headshot damage, and a maximum of one knife can always be retrieved from any enemy hit
-Increased pickup counts for specialized ammo types (10mm AP, taser darts, rubber bullets)
-Reduced base max ammo capacities across the board, can be increased through weapon skills and the new Ammo Capacity aug
-Dragon's Tooth Sword now accepts damage mods, base damage reduced from 26 to 22
-Holding the fire button now causes melee weapons to attack continuously
-Numerous minor tweaks to weapon stats (accuracy/range/ROF/recoil)
#### EQUIPMENT ####
-Removed all restrictions to swapping and dropping wearable items on the fly. Stacking behavior is now seamless and straightforward, and the last copy remains in the inventory when fully drained
-Can now repair/recharge wearable equipment with the repairbot. Worth 3 biocells of charge
-Binoculars now come equipped with a rangefinder
-Secondary items expanded to include flares, binoculars, tech goggles, and medkits/biocells (with the Combat Medic Bag's perk)
-All new addiction system for cigarettes, alcohol, and zyme:
-Use of each substance applies a temporary buff, but also makes the player prone withdrawal effects if they become addicted, temporarily curable by consuming more of the substance
-Using a substance adds to an addiction meter, and passing a threshold (50%) makes the player addicted to that substance
-The addiction meter goes down gradually as the player progress through the game but NOT with time
-Cigarettes temporarily improve aim stability, but hurt stamina in withdrawal. Moderately addictive.
-Alcohol increases torso max health, but reduces base accuracy in withdrawal. Slightly addictive.
-Zyme increases combat speed/strength and stamina regen, but reduces torso max health in withdrawal. Extremely addictive.
-Modified Hardcore hunger meter to decay more gradually as the player progresses through the game
-Stamina no longer regenerates while crouched and standing still to make stamina management matter to stealth players
-Refined the Heavy weapon movement speed penalty, with granular improvements from the Heavy weapons skill and Microfibral Muscle
-Auto turrets can now run out of ammo, firing routines refined
-Scrambler grenades now deactivate the player's augmentation system for a number of seconds equal to scrambler damage taken
-Maximum burn time with the flamethrower reduced from 40s -> 10s so it's at all relevant to gameplay
-Security cameras no longer react to unconscious bodies on Hardcore to uniquely punish dominant lethal stealth tactics
#### DIFFICULTY ####
-Medbots/Repairbots now offer Inf/3/3/2/2 charges on Easy/Medium/Hard/Realistic/Hardcore (previously 2 on all difficulties)
-Revised lockpick/multitool effectiveness:
-10/25/40/75% on Easy (vanilla values)
-10/15/25/50% on Medium/Hard/Realistic (GMDX values)
-5/10/20/50% on Hardcore (previously 5/10/20/45%)
-Security cameras now have 10/15/20% hack strength and turrets now have 25/50/50% hack strength on <=Hard/Realistic/Hardcore
-Tranquilizer darts break when they hit the ground on Hardcore mode to disable dart farming
-Reloading resets the player's aim stability on Hardcore mode
-The player's ammo is now taken away at the start of the MJ12 prison escape and placed in the armory on Hardcore mode
-Added a Weapon Model Selection menu for toggling weapon model replacements (vanilla/HDTP/FOMOD beta where available)
-Ported and polished lrosenth's Radial Augmentation Menu addon, which allows the player to quickly toggle augmentations on and off in real time with a slick radial menu
-Added a new menu option for Restricted Metabolism: The player can only eat/drink so much before getting full, and withdrawal symptoms occur twice as quickly (forced on in Hardcore)
-The "Perks" button on the Skills/Perks screen now dynamically toggles between "Perks" and "Info"
-Targeting reticles are now precisely sized to weapon accuracy for all resolutions/UI scalings
-Left click interact now equips weapons from in the world as it did in previous versions of GMDX
-Streamlined ammo cycling behavior (previously led to bad swaps and displayed bogus messages to the log) and added true real-time ammo loading from the inventory if the player has Real-Time UI enabled
-Spillover ammo remains in the world when the player reaches ammo capacity
-Ammo pickup counts and wearable charges are now displayed in the HUD, and pickup messages are refined for clarity and consistency
-Added number of uses remaining on repair bot and medical bot user interface on Medium difficulty and above (Inf/3/3/2/2 uses on Easy/Medium/Hard/Realistic/Hardcore)
-The hack timer is no longer set to 0 when exiting a computer terminal, instead retaining its value. Master level was counter-intuitively punished by taking 16x longer to fill up again
-The HUD no longer disappears when taking EMP damage
#### ENEMIES ####
-AI have more varied decision-making regarding how much they'll lead projectile shots
-SecurityBot4 (the MJ12 one that cloaks) now rapid-fires plasma bolts instead of bullets and rockets, can no longer strafe on its treads
-AI now fire four times as fast with the stealth pistol
-Death sound radius increased from 14ft to 21ft (was roughly 31ft vanilla) to punish overly dominant lethal stealth tactics. Remember, a nonlethal takedown is always the most silent way to eliminate resistance
-Reduced Military Bot rocket blast radius from 24 -> 15ft and damage from 240 -> 100 (still direct hit instakill with no Energy Shield)
-Changed some MJ12 Elites back to MJ12 Troops from Vandenberg onward (especially snipers and squads with MIBs) to smooth out the difficulty curve and enable more variety in nonlethal tactics
-Super MIB health on Hardcore reduced from 900 -> 850 to avoid cases like two Master-level sniper rifle headshots leaving them at 0.4% health
-Halved flamethrower damage threshold for MIBs to be set on fire
-Headshot capability added to Grays, x2 damage multiplier
-Decreased Gray hitcylinder radius by 30% to better accord with its model
-Decreased Gray health by 20% on all difficulties
#### LEVEL DESIGN ####
-Hardcoded the hacking skill requirements for all computer terminals to tightly control rewards for differential skill investment
-Added hidden goodies to several levels
-Added prod batteries and plasma ammo to lategame areas
-Rearranged augmentation canisters and weapon mods in several locations for improved balance and diversified character builds
-Added some Hardcore save points to levels with overly stringent checkpointing
-Liberty Island laser mod reinstated on Hardcore
-Added an Assault Shotgun to the locked armory in the MJ12 Sewers to allow perceptive players to choose between shotguns earlier (not "wasting" mods on a Sawed-Off by accident)
-Fixed some unsightly texture flickering and inconsistencies between geometry and destructible mover on the EMP generator in Osgood's and Sons
-Moved the datacube with the basement password in the NSF Warehouse "Send the Signal" mission to the locked room
-Scattered additional ammo in the MJ12 Prison Escape to offset the removal of the player's ammo on Hardcore, removed plasma rifle trooper
-Fixed inconsistent textures between map loads in Hong Kong
-Rearranged some objects in the Brooklyn Naval Shipyard map so as to require crate stacking, skill/aug investment, and/or precise platforming for a mantling path over the main gate and side fence
-Added a special option to the security terminal in the Naval Shipyard ventilation area to turn off the fan from inside the facility
-Moved the Haz Lab storage key in Vandenberg to where it was in the pre-GOTY release version
-Added working fan speed control to the new Area 51 ventilation room, including reduced gravity
-Removed the forcefield generators in Area 51 Sector 4 on non-Hardcore difficulty, as Everett's message about Page's OTHER forcefield may confuse new players
-Fixed some misaligned/missing geometry and textures in Area 51 Sector 4
-Misc. added and improved doors and buttons to patch softlocks
-Misc. fixes to ATM accounts to equalize credit distributions and correct passwords
-Misc. fixes to PC accounts for consistency
-Added support for individual vanilla/HDTP weapon models as well as the beta Stealth Pistol and Sniper Rifle from FOMOD (see new Weapon Model Selection menu)
-Refactored Cloak/Radar Transparency animated texture routines for efficiency, code clarity, and consistent effect stacking. Radar Transparency is now a solid (animated) texture.
-New sounds thanks to Markie Music (no relation):
-Security Robot 4 miniplasma bolt impact
-Withdrawal onset notice
-New individual dart loading sound for the Mini-crossbow
-New bullet ricochet sounds for hitting helmets with ballistic weaponry
-Tranquilizer darts will no longer play a flesh hit sound when hitting a robot, play a weak deflection sound instead
-Fixed infinite wearable charge exploit
-Fixed a strong rightward and upward bias to projectile innaccuracy
-Damage done to the four "corner" wedges on the head will no longer count as torso damage for some unfathomable reason (GMDX fixed the multiplier, but still counted as torso damage like vanilla)
-Damage taken by the player now rounds properly, rather than just truncating during conversion to an int
-e.g. 9 damage from an assault rifle would always round down to 6/4/4/3 with active Ballistic Protection, but now rounds properly to 6/5/4/3
-Box of WP rockets in Sam Carter's cabinet in the second UNATCO visit moved back so the cabinet can be opened
-Fixed a bug where laser dots would remain on map transition
-Inventory overlap exploit fixed
-Removed a dirty dirty GMDX hack that associated a 3/10 chance to 15% complexity locks becoming 20% complexity locks, meaning that you could get two cabinet doors with different strengths where unlocking one would also unlock the other.
-Fire extinguishers now have a damage threshold of 3, so limply thrown pistols/combat knives etc. won't cause them to explode without the muscle augmentation (heavier thrown items will still work)
-Reduced two sources of randomization (position + velocity) from crate item spawning to hopefully cut down on the issue of items spawning outside of walls?
-Fixed the reload time on the minicrossbow doubling if you switched ammo types
-Moved headshot extraMult application outside of TakeDamageBase() in ScriptedPawn.uc to make behavior more robust and also ensure that headshot modifiers are reset when changing to a non-altered weapon
-Turrets will not fire if the player is beyond their maximum rotation (since they are now limited to 100 rounds each)
-Debug messages are no longer broadcasted to the player when installing the Combat Strength, Spy Drone, or Aggressive Defense System augs
-Random ammo pickup counts on pawns and corpses initialized on first map load, rather than on loot so as to not encourage savescumming
-Count transfers from pawn -> corpse as well as pawn -> weapon or corpse -> weapon for exploded pawns/corpses respectively; corpse -> weapon would previously result in 0 ammo due to a bug
-Most weapons drop 1-4 as before, Assault Guns drop 2-5 (was 1-5), hardcoded counts remain hardcoded
-Will not take effect if the player uses cheat commands to enter a map. Entering any area normally will rectify this.
-The homeless people by the burning barrel in the second Hell's Kitchen visit (relocated there by GMDX) now walk back to the barrel after fleeing in fear
-Binocular zoom is no longer reset when jumping, and hopefully zoom is also properly reset when using the GEP's fly-by-wire scope feature
-Reduced the delay before autosaving by 0.1s (smallest possible)
-Attempted a fix for the GEP Gun not making the inventory transfer in the MJ12 Prison level
-Made Hardcore save points unaffected by lighting so they can actually be seen with HDR lighting enabled (ClassicLighting=false in the D3D10 renderer)
-Reverted the pistol UI icons to their vanilla counterparts because they display better against dark colors
-Fixed the Radar Transparency visual effects using wrong or inappropriate textures on the stealth pistol, sniper rifle, and flamethrower
-Fixed Cloak and Radar Transparency effects not animating on the vanilla riot prod for some unfathomable reason
-Changed the behavior of bullet tracers so you still see e.g. water splashes when tracers are not visible
-Fixed the player view staying zoomed in if the player was using the GEP fly-by-wire feature and didn't deactivate the zoom before the rocket exploded
-Fixed the laser mod position not visually updating while using the GEP laser-guiding feature (intend to totally rework this, maybe in a later update)
-Fixed the robot alliance settings on the security computers in the Naval Shipyard only working one time each
-Added some seemingly missing code for related to new GMDX HUD features which should maybe cut down on crashes during game loads?
-Fixed Run Silent giving DIMINISHING fall protection as you upgrade it (was 26.25/22.5/18.75/15 reduction, now 18.75/22.5/26.25/30, compare with 31.5/33/34.5/36 from Speed Enhancement)
-Fixed not being able to pick up wearables from carcasses when at max copies but below max charge (now charges them to full, as with picking up from the world)
-Drastically reduced the degree to which items (weapons, pickups, and ammo) are knocked around by explosive damage so you have a chance of finding scattered loot
-Fixed triggers in the Paris Chateau map so you still get goal completed/Everett's datalink message/Nicolette staying behind if you hop over the maze wall instead of taking the entrance
-Fixed per-round loading weapons (Sawed-Off/Mini-Crossbow/GEP Gun) loading near-instantly if using the ammo icon in the inventory
-Cleaned up errors with minor game-crashing potential related to the following code:
-Turning off laser sight when reloading
-Player weapon dropping edge case
-Laser emitter turning off
-GEP Gun targeting
-Fixed inventory overlap exploit with weapon mods -- now they return to their original inventory position after application rather than to the nearest space
-Decoupled weapon range stats for NPCs and the player. Now weapon range can be altered indepenently without having to hack AI engagement distance or accuracy (this was some of my earliest code)
-Fixed an exploit on Hardcore mode where you could clip against an object while attempting to dolphin jump out of water to get limitless stamina for swimming
-Fixed a transparent square texture appearing when activating the laser mod on the pistol and then turning on cloak or radar transparency
-Weapon tooltip fixes:
-Renamed "Acc. Range" in weapon tooltips to "Eff. Range"
-Corrected rubber bullet damage stats
-Corrected rubber bullet and throwing knife headshot multipliers
-Fixed percentage displays rounding down 1% from actual values
-Added proper rounding for all decimal values
-Fixed the tenths place disappearing for numbers with two decimal places of precision when the tenths place was 0, e.g. 1.05 displaying as 1.5
-Fixed nominally incorrect accuracy formula in targeting augmentation display (overstating inaccuracy by 2x)
-Fixed the Rooks being overprotective of junkies/hookers in the Brooklyn Bridge map (would become hostile to player if they observed fleeing junkies/hookers)
-Fixed reworked +30% damage bonus for rubber bullets on the Sawed-Off Shotgun not actually going into effect
-Partially fixed an exploit that allowed the player to double activate Smuggler's laser trap, causing the robot door to close
-Restored autosaving in the Paris Cathedral map
-Added missing "some" to pickup messages for ammo types added in GMDX (e.g. You found some Taser Darts)
-Fixed some hazards in the EUAS threat detector being named "Flamed" instead of "Fire"
-Fixed Targeting aug displaying the weapon class name in code instead of the localized display name
-Addressed a potential oversight with mantling when changing keybinds
-Fixed stealth pistol full-auto jank (delayed second shot, clipped final shot animation). Now fires smoothly with a consistent ROF in full-auto
-Fixed duplicate config variables in GMDXUser.ini file ([DeusEx.DeusExPlayer] and [DeusEx.Human] vars were redundant with [DeusEx.JCDentonMale], now all vars only in [DeusEx.DeusExPlayer])
-Fixed pitch-dependent viewmodel rotation on some HDTP weapons
-Updated text descriptions:
-Added numerical detail to drug descriptions for the new addiction system, fleshed out by new UNATCO OPS file descriptions
-Added numerical detail to food descriptions (e.g. Heals 2 points)
-Restored Pistol, Combat Knife, Sword, Crowbar, Baton, Liquor, Wine, and Soda descriptions to vanilla
-Restored weapon mod drag message to vanilla
-Restored Datacube "It is blank" to vanilla "There's nothing interesting to read"
-Restored Water fountain "Your drinking limit has been exceeded, please come back tomorrow" to vanilla "It's out of water"
-Reworked Flare description to vanilla + new UNATCO OPS file
-Reworked Fire Extinguisher description to vanilla + new UNATCO OPS file
-Reworked Binoculars description to vanilla + additional note about rangefinder functionality.
-Reworked weapon range mod description to more clearly cover all projectile weaponry
-Reworked ballistic armor description to more clearly indicate draining with use and recharging
-Reworked Spy Drone description to remove noisemaker functionality and indicate the new standby mode as well as clarify the detonation energy cost
-Reworked Stealth Pistol description to vanilla + additional notes about its unique benefits
-Reworked Ballistic Protection, Vision Enhancement, Dragon's Tooth Sword description for clarity
-Reworked Mini-Crossbow description to indicate its new internal magazine
-Refined skill descriptions to account for new changes and improve clarity
-Capitalized "Low-Tech" and "Demolitions" in the Combat Speed description
-Uncapitalized "Bioelectric Energy Units" in item descriptions and log messages
-Swapped the Combat Strength/Combat Speed aug icons so Combat Strength has its vanilla fist icon, while Combat Speed gets the new icon depicting the whole body (since it affects more than just melee speed)
-Fixed peculiar behavior with drug timers resetting during map transition
-Fixed exploit where players with Microfibral Muscle could cancel footstep sounds by attempting to power throw with nothing in hand
-Removed test code for NPC grenade throws that could spawn fire extinguishers
-Added protections to ensure alarm units and Area 51 cameras did not "heal" back hacking strength on map load
-Reworked difficulty modulation code for NPC stats to optimize performance and remove all edge cases with enemies healing on map load
Maybe. I only ported the menu (and guided design). But there's a vanilla game option to only display currently active augs on the right, which would muck with that a bit. Plus, would need to implement free mouse during gameplay, which is actually nontrivial.Not that I'm complaining, but wouldn't it have made more sense to let you activate augmentations by simply making the icons on the side clickable?
2. I believe Security Cameras work purely on line of sight? Odd to hear that multitooling didn't work. I'll look into it.
- Fixed wearable items at 0% charge becoming activatable and undimming icon on map transition
- Fixed wearable items going slightly below 0% charge when the last one in the stack runs out
- Secondary items now always quickdraw, even when nothing is currently in hand (before, this would simply equip them)
- Reworked stamina system again:
- Athletics now improves maximum stamina/breath by half of the swim speed bonus (20/50/100%)
- Aqualung no longer passively improves maximum stamina/breath, but reduces breath loss underwater and improves stamina regen speed by 15/30/45/60%
- Jumping cost 1.25x more stamina on Hardcore to match Hardcore running stamina drain
- Stamina does not regenerate on ladders when pressing the walk modifier key
- NOTE: Mantling scaling may be relocated or reconsidered in a future update if Athletics is found too potent
- Updated text descriptions:
- Renamed ONE-HANDED perk to AMBIDEXTROUS, simplified description
- Changed Athletics/Aqualung descriptions to reflect changes, corrected "imbedded" typo in Aqualung description
- Changed all mentions of "secondary weapon" to "secondary item"
- Added "40%" to the Speed Enhancement Tech Four description to specify the exact speed bonus
- Added exact bonuses to the Medicine skill description
- Added medkit healing amount to description
- Fixed biocell restoration amount with Biogenic perk in description
I'm nearing the end, having reached Vandenberg.
So far I feel that even on Hard it's rather too easy combatwise.
From my previous playthrough many years ago, I mostly remember stuff from the beginning, but The Cathedral also was very memorable. But I was a bit disappointed that the sniper in the SE tower never took a shot at me. I didn't see him until I climbed up the trellis and started exploring from an elevated position, but he should have seen me easily looking out the tower.
Total pacifist on Hard.