I'm against the (modern) concept of changing the difficulty on the fly/in-game.
Wasn't suggesting that you could change it after starting a new game.
I get that you probably dislike the restrictive saving system, much to my dismay: saving anywhere an unlimited amount of times is very anti-game rules and C&C (it is pro choice, anti consequence)
Checkpoint saving works in a certain type of game, and many of my favorite games limit saving in some way. My dislike of it has nothing to do with the difficulty level, it's just that to me Deus Ex doesn't seem like a game that would really benefit from such restrictions.
I think checkpoint saving works if:
- the game offers a large enough amount of tactical and/or strategic options, so that a game over forces you to rethink your approach instead of simply doing the same thing over and over again until you get it right
- the saving system is logical and doesn't encourage into nonsensical metagame behavior, like making an otherwise pointless detour in search of a checkpoint, or constantly running back to a save point after making even a tiny bit of progress elsewhere in the game
- the game doesn't have "chores" with no challenge attached to them, like talking to people, looting corpses and containers (and possibly sorting out your inventory in the process), hacking into security systems, running from A to B and other stuff that you'd rather not do over and over again
- there are no notable bugs that might cause the player to fail through no fault of his own
- the game never crashes.
Deus Ex ticks some of those boxes, but it's still clearly a game that wasn't designed with such a system in mind. I might give the hardcore mode a go and it might even turn out to be lots of fun, but I think it's just a bit of a waste that you include some really interesting changes to your mod yet make them exclusive to a particular game mode that's obviously not that appealing to a lot of people, especially when it comes to AI improvements that are probably the most interesting and most needed aspect of the mod. To me the limited saving already makes the hardcore mode distinct enough to warrant its own difficulty level, and there's no need to attach even more unique stuff to it.
Well, you did ask what
I wanted...