GMDX is leagues ahead in comparison with shifter
GMDX is leagues ahead in comparison with shifter
It would want to be, Shifter came out in like 2002 and was less than 1mb in size...
How does it compare to completely patched, fully vanilla DX?But alas, this reads as a very negative post when my opinion of it is quite positive, GMDX is leagues ahead in comparison with shifter, biomod, or revision. I hope you don't take this in a bad way. We're in the codex after all.
How does it compare to completely patched, fully vanilla DX?But alas, this reads as a very negative post when my opinion of it is quite positive, GMDX is leagues ahead in comparison with shifter, biomod, or revision. I hope you don't take this in a bad way. We're in the codex after all.
git gud fag or play on a lower difficulty
Both styles are very viable. On realistic or hardcore it is very much a thinking man's shooter/sneaker RPG, more so than vanilla so prepare to be tested and have to up your game. Medium difficulty is recommended to non-vets for first playthroughs. Jumping straight into realistic if you haven't played DX a crazy amount of times isn't recommend, it's far from the vanilla premise of realistic being mandatory because of a lack of challenge.
I've tried to communicate this to the player with the prompt that is given when you go to start a new game, and I will probably have to stress it further because the DX fan mindset very much is Realistic = default.
Wait a second, you must be a beta tester, unless you're playing an earlier version? If you are a tester, you're meant to be reporting concerns back to me in private. Never mind, it already is polished to a very high standard and the difficulty as intended so carry on.
Easy = Unskilled Newbie
Medium = Newbie or non-veteran
Realistic = Veteran or challenge seekers.
Hardcore = Hardcore
The best way I found to describe it after playing v7 is that it feels like replaying Deus ex for the first time again.How does it compare to completely patched, fully vanilla DX?But alas, this reads as a very negative post when my opinion of it is quite positive, GMDX is leagues ahead in comparison with shifter, biomod, or revision. I hope you don't take this in a bad way. We're in the codex after all.
Can you provide a higher level perspective than that? Say you haven't played DX in since ~2004, Vanilla > GMDX or vice-versa?It's pretty good and keep in mind that many of the strategies that work in vanilla DX won't work here. Lack of resources and more advanced AI change the metagame completely.
Nice. Looking forward to this one, as Revision seems to have flopped... what a shame
It's pretty good and keep in mind that many of the strategies that work in vanilla DX won't work here. Lack of resources and more advanced AI change the metagame completely.
Aside from the steam-only crap, the finished Revision is p.good imo. They actually removed a lot of the clutter and enemy overload from the beta and it more ore less does what it set out to do: making areas larger, adding to the ambiance, providing some additional stuff to explore, but not altering the actual game much.
Combat state. Cloaking doesn't work if the AI is in the combat state, same as vanilla. May not make realistic sense, but it helps make the game not be a cake walk. After all, the ability to invisible is OP as fuck. Don't cloak if the enemy is in combat mode, it simply doesn't work even if you turn a corner first. It's vanilla design and I would change it if I didn't agree with it.
Cloaking aside, all AI in the combat state know exactly where you are at all times, until they exit the state. Again, vanilla design. It's a bit poor but seriously, the game is too easy as is even GMDX + Realistic or hardcore mode.
I may make some tweaks based on this feedback though. Dumb down realistic some more.
But one enemy alerting all of the enemies in one area, regardless of distance? run away 100 meters, hide and they still know my exact spot? I don't recall that happening in Vanilla. The situation I commented is like if I alerted the first soldier in liberty island and having everyone and his mother coming from me, even those inside the statue building.
I saw some soldiers running away from the hangar. Be careful.
Did you play through it? Is it worth it? (or getting the game on Steam for it)
This kind of situations get more habitual and in ways and places that didn't appear (or I never experienced it) in vanilla.
Yeah I did. It was a fun playthrough warming me up for GDMX. It's worth it if you wanna replay Deus Ex with more area/exploration content and a bit of eye-candy. Especially if you've replayed the game many times like me and you know everything by heart. Gameplay-wise it's maybe a bit harder due to some more enemies, but mostly the same. In the beta certain types of playing, like leave everyone unconscious without detection, or ghosting, were very hard to pull out perfectly due to overload of enemy placement, the finished product is much more tame in that regard.Aside from the steam-only crap, the finished Revision is p.good imo. They actually removed a lot of the clutter and enemy overload from the beta and it more ore less does what it set out to do: making areas larger, adding to the ambiance, providing some additional stuff to explore, but not altering the actual game much.
Did you play through it? Is it worth it? (or getting the game on Steam for it)
Did you play through it? Is it worth it? (or getting the game on Steam for it)
This kind of situations get more habitual and in ways and places that didn't appear (or I never experienced it) in vanilla.
I will look into it. I think I know what you mean. It's a case of combat and stealth AI behavior at odds with each other (common unfortunately). Hopefully I can come to a happy medium before release.