I'd be keen on weapon re-balancing re rifles. Enemies toting ARs (most of them) are currently very unscary, and even the Commando MG can be basically ignored (unlike their rockets). I'd contemplating upping the per-shot damage to 10-15:
Instant death! 15 damage is enough for one bullet to kill you with a headshot. Assault rifle users and commandos would be a nightmare. At most I'll increase the damage by 1.
Although it makes the game a bit easier, I'd lean towards making downed opponents drop slightly more ammo: it remains taxing to suspension of disbelief that the MJ12 trooper you took out before he knew you were there was equipped with two rounds of ammo. Realism and gameplay run at cross purposes here - obviously you want the player to be carefully rationing ammo (if only to make spending hundreds of creds for a clip a good deal), but on the other hand if you are chewing your way through battalions of troops, there should be thousands of rounds for the taking.
Vanilla drops are randomized between 1-4 no matter the weapon. in v9.0 the assault rifle is now the exception, and drops 1-5, with additional odds that there will be more than 1 bullet.
People like
SymbolicFrank set in their Shifter mole-popping ways do not recognize the 1-4 drops are vanilla design and claim the mod is too "restrictive" as a result, which is fucking laughable as the mod increases gameplay depth and freedom substantially. It only restricts the few things that needed to be restricted, and then adds five times as much (balanced) freedom on top.
Laser sight remains OP (especially as you pick one up in the first map), because (it seems) to make all your guns 100% accurate no matter how wide your crosshairs are, giving (modulo the damage buff) master-level skill with that weapon. For almost all weapons being untrained but having a laser sight is better than being advanced but not having a laser sight, and that seems wrong. Maybe (a la shifter) make it give a boost to accuracy recovery, introduce jitter, but as it stands you don't really need to develop any weapon skills until 1/3rd into the game when you need to chase after more damage.
Often a point made by players, yet weapon skills increase reload speed, damage and accuracy, and also come with perks which do things like reduce recoil and scope sway that cannot be overridden by laser.
Laser sights are rare, you get one in the beginning and no more 'till the superfrieghter (if I recall), and you have to remember to actually use it/turn it on. It doesn't override weapon skills, but it can come close if you are an effective player that always remembers to turn it on every time.
The mantling is cool, but perhaps requires some augs to be tweaked as it is the default setting: Microfibrial muscle and (to a lesser extent) leg boosters are weaker (although given boosters still seem much better than run silent, this partial nerf is a good idea).
Microfirbral muscle and combat speed are both a little OP in v8.0, fixed in v9.0. Speed enhancement was always OP. Mantling doesn't have much influence on those choices. Sure as hell makes silent running more viable though as you can get up anything more than one foot high without speed enhancement.
Apropos of which, combat speed seems really powerful - it seems to give approximately master level buffs to your low-tech, as well as quickswitch. IIRC, DTS+L4 combat speed gets above the magic 50 damage threshold to open lots of containers without lockpicks. My other playthrough with MF muscle doesn't seem to be giving as much, especially with mantling and leg boosters.
MF lets you throw explosive barrels and such. An effective door opener also.
This is a problem with vanilla, but spy drone remains absurdly OP, mainly because its principal utility isn't spying but being a guided EMP uber--rocket (I knocked out the huge bot now added to HK markets with a single L2 drone). Being able to trade often <10 bioelectric units for a robot is a steal (or in Paris, you can take out both Page-3s with a single L4 drone as they cross paths over your sewer grate. Not 'realistic', but maybe making it so the drone itself has pretty low 'running cost' but there's a big cost if you pop the EMP, so the spy drone is used more for actual spying?
Yeah, I may do that.
Power recirculator still seems better than synthetic heart (most playstyles rely on a few Augs fully upgraded, and getting another boost at the cost of increased drain is usually not a great trade), and it also seems to dominate some augs for upgrades: why upgrade cloak to reduce its cost, when I can upgrade Power recirc and reduce the cost of all my augs?
v8.0 Synthetic heart can be upgraded (reduces the additional energy drain), and also provides permanent upgrades to passive augs when installed. And it is automatic. Unfortunately its drain is way too high in v8.0 as a result of an oversight so steer clear for now, but in v9.0 it will be a valid choice.
Even on realistic, and despite the much tougher progression of electronic/lockpicks, I still started snowballing when I got these up to master and so had a continual float of (approx) 10-15 for each of lockpicks/multiols/biocells/medkits from basically HK onwards: although doing this costs 6k skillpoints, all of these consumables give the player a big advantage across the game (not to mention picking up mods/aug upgrades, etc.).
This should be addressed in v9.0. We shall see how testers feel. I haven't played the game proper myself in about a year now. I'm forever testing on a new feature basis but no full playthrough to get a sense of progression yet. But I'm not a decline fag, so all will be well.
Is it possible to make more items destructible within containers? Despite my 'stealth' playthrough, I had a GEP gun with untrained heavy weapons purely so I could funge rockets with lockpicks and the occasional alpha strike. Nerfing the utility of this might be fair, especially for 'realism' - blowing open the door to an explosive locker might light the flare but leave the lam next to it untouched.
LAMs do actually explode when taking any lethal damage in GMDX. Problem is explosions only damage things in their line of sight EXCEPT doors which blow regardless of line of sight, so Lams often go unscathed by the smallest bit of geometry blocking the way. I may change this and add a impact zone that is half the size of the blast radius which will damage anything regardless of geometry, but that may cause problems elsewhere.
Another dividend of making stuff more destructible is we don't need things like slightly implausible "infinite strength plate glass" to stop players blowing their way into the juicy goodies.
There's a notable amount of unbreakable glass throughout the game. I don't believe I added any more though. Interaction with all the things!
I think in Hells Kitchen 3 (prior to the wallcloud) you have - I think - riot cops that spawn in periodically/after you take out some existing ones. Although a bit gamey, it does have the key advantage of obliging the player to sneak their way through lockdown rather than just taking out everything on the level. Some other hubs could benefit from this (Hong Kong, definitely Paris - I ended up stealthing all the MJ12 and cops and then rocketed all the doors to get at the goodies).
This was actually removed in GMDX. Vanilla UNATCO troops would spawn in already attacking as you took out riot cops. It was unfair on stealth players, but I regret removing it as design consideration for stealth always holds combat back and rarely vice-versa. By that I mean you can never have scripted events like monster closets and such (even though vanilla did it from time to time, and I added two to Area51, one of which now doesn't happen for stealth players), and enemies always need to forget about you after a few seconds of no line of sight. But I think in GMDX I achieved a good balance here between stealth and combat, unlike vanilla and it's AI that would forget about you if you ducked behind cover for five (!) seconds.
The elite variants are great, and a nasty surprise when first encountered (ditto the trangenics you strew around some of the levels). The new enemy placements are also good - I'd encourage shoving in even more enemies, especially for the midgame onwards: small groups, even of higher powered opponents, are a bit too easy to take out: doubled patrols would be one natural port of call, maybe sprinkling in the occasional elite with the goons to 'catch out' a player who misses this and makes a less-prepared strike.
Will probably add more locations where enemies are called in when an alarm is sounded, and also add more enemies exclusive to hardcore (and the "overwhelming odds" option).
Stealth remains an issue from vanilla. I'd suggest (but obviously maybe its already been playtested) for hardcore and possibly realistic difficulty to have no 'cooldown' from the AI from high alert in certain circumstances (e.g. discovering a dead comrade, getting shot at by the player). It seems both more realistic and also gives much larger consequences if you 'blow' stealth (albeit at the risk of encouraging save scumming on realistic).
By that I guess you mean an "Alerted" state where enemies don't actually know where you are, but will actively search with heightened awareness and do so persistently. I'd like that very much, but it demands new voice work and new animations. By the time I'm done with this "definitive Deus Ex experience", the fanbase at large will finally wake up to it's superiority and will want to help, but I'll be done so they'll have to do it themselves.
Similarly, I'd be tempted to import the mechanic from HR that destroying a camera triggers the alarm, if only because it seems a bit too easy to kill the cameras (pistols have AP ammo, explosives if no organics around, I think master-level sniper can still ping them, DTS, etc.)
Maybe on hardcore. Good idea.
Not sure if a bug or not, but some cameras in some maps (particularly the Submarine base exterior) appear 'cosmetic' - they would sweep over me yet not alert or alarm. I'd aver a design principle for the levels should be that all cameras 'work', and that all have a control somewhere.
Not a bug. Vanilla design. The cameras outside the base proper? We'll you've not trespassed at that point. At least I assume that's the Ion Storm logic behind it.