Ok, I spent last night trying out new builds again. At level 34 now, so lots of points to spend.
One build I found very fun was this one:
Charm: 5
Summon Demon: 7
Hide in Shadows: 1
Magic Missiles: 10
Fireball: 10
Manna Efficiency: 5
Manna Leach: 2 (from gear)
Charge: 2 (from gear)
Way of the Battle Mage: 10
Destruction: 5
Lockpick: 4
(might be a couple I'm forgetting)
(note: just 1 point in each of the fighting disiplines - which you get by default)
I begin each battle by summoning my pets and then charming the closest enemey, so right away I have 3 minions on my side. At level 5, charm allows you to charm another 2 mobs as soon as the skills off cooldown, so at some points you can actually have 5 pets at the same time.
With Destruction (20% +magic damage) + WoTBM (75% +magic damage) activated, the damage you do with Fireball, and MM is just insane. In fact 1 MM blast is enough to take out a single regular mob, and you can cast it every second.
Manna Effeciency + Manna Leach ensures I never run out of manna.
Then I have 1 point in Hide just in case, though I almost never need it - I have autopause set at 20% health, so if I ever get to that point, I'll usually hit Hide rather waste a potion.
I find it really fun running around charming mobs and watching them and my pets duke it out, while I go a'lootin. If thngs get a bit heavy, a Fireball and a few MM's usually sorts things out. Now, charm doesn't work on bosses, but that's ok they almost always have minions and with a couple of them charmed, I can concentrate on the boss...
Also, I have a really good bow now (Bow of Orobas), that does 39-118 normal + 36-54 magic damage, +100 magic damage enchantment and +50 magic enchantment, with 4 charm slots filled with various mitigations. That sucker alone, without any skills activated does crazy dmage.
This style may not be everyone's taste (especially those who lke to get up close and personal), and it also might not be the most effecient build - but damn I think it's fun.