Admiral jimbob said:Does Summon Demon stay efficient? I took a few points in it, but quickly figured it was too much of a point sink for 1 level per point and would fall behind before long.
Yeah, I like to keep him at a similar level as the mobs I'm facing (or even a couple/few levels below). He's pretty fucking tough and can soak up a lot of damage (deals it out pretty good too). Also, having the Demon as a meat shield, I deck out Junior (my creature) as a mage so often he just stands beside me hurling MM's and Fireballs - pretty funny.
One thing I think is really funny, with the charm build I posted above you're usually left with a couple of mobs still charmed when the battle is over - the Demon does't give a fuck about the fact they're still on our side and kills them anyway - poor bastards don't even fight back.