I refrained from using charms/enchantments till I really needed them, which mostly haven´t occurred and ended up applying all my best stuff right before the final stage. This of course provided quite a major jump in character strength, but in the case of one enchantment, magical damage level 10, I´m not sure if it worked as intended - the boost seemed to be overkill. With strength 80, intelligence 70, sword&shield + way of the battle mage almost maxed, damage stats of The Blade of Hypnerotomachia enchanted with normal damage 9 and magical damage 10 were (400 - 650) + (1000 - 1100) which, along with maxed whirlwind, made the final stage cakewalk. Is it normal or is the highest magical damage enchantment bugged? Sorry for long-winding.
In regards to flying fortresses, I´ve found destroying their defences in dragon form quite fun and cleaning those in Broken Valley provided a solid exp boost without too much time investment, but the rest were hilariously overkill in regards to mob amount so only proper way to deal with them seemed to be just drop to loot chests (level 1 hide in shadows was all I needed), fly away and drop into teleporters afterwards.
How much different was it in original ED?
Mindreading and Wisdom skills seem to be implemented solely for the purpose to punish a player who can´t put two and two together - the way gained exp scales with level differences makes benefits of both almost null. I haven´t put any points in either (I had a bit of boost from gear at times though) and ended at level 34.
I´ve noticed some people complaining about DLC sets, but although I almost t haven´t used them, they didn´t seem so unbalanced to me - all parts together provided were more powerful than majority of gear acquirable by that stage, but since acquiring all parts required extensive questing/discovering hidden stuff, it felt quite appropriate.
Maybe it was different before the latest patch?
Most difficult fights for me were Zagan (Oh, bugger indeed!) and Raze.
Zagan was fun, Raze annoying - though maybe it was my mistake repeatedly failing perception check till I finally realized what´s going on.
Killer bunny in the ending cutscene was a killer throwback!