Well just got all of the Legacy of Kain games on GOG plus Anachronox. Might have gotten more but with all the talk of a possible Torment Kickstarter at any time I need to save enough money for that.
Not all, BO:LoK is not sold anywhere.
Tested BO:LOK again.
It works without slowing down the CPU with 2.0 patch. But... You can't switch to different resolutions (F12) and use zooming in/out (F5). Which was the main advantage of PC version over PS1 one. After pressing F12, game crashes
Oh, you're right, these things don't work, sorry
(well, F12 does not crash the game for me, it just cycles between 640x480 and 640x480 again). But I would say that loading times that do not make you contemplate ending your own life to escape the tedium are the main draw of the PC version.