Potato in full damage control mode Do you like episodic content, kids?
It's nothing like Deus Ex. It's mainly an adventure game mixed with some tekken and quakeWhat's that Omikron game like? Looks similar to Deus Ex.
Voted no on everything. Even though I'm not entirely opposed to such things, but from GoG? No. The appeal of GoG is buying a game and having a DRM free complete installer.
They could just wait to sell the games in a complete package form. Perhaps when they're older, say. Assuming they're good enough to sell in the first place.Voted no on everything. Even though I'm not entirely opposed to such things, but from GoG? No. The appeal of GoG is buying a game and having a DRM free complete installer.
Simple fact though is the DLC is coming out either way. Your GOG copy can either be gimped or not exist at all, or they can sell DLC.
They could just wait to sell the games in a complete package form. Perhaps when they're older, say. Assuming they're good enough to sell in the first place.Voted no on everything. Even though I'm not entirely opposed to such things, but from GoG? No. The appeal of GoG is buying a game and having a DRM free complete installer.
Simple fact though is the DLC is coming out either way. Your GOG copy can either be gimped or not exist at all, or they can sell DLC.
It's a weird experiment of a game, where they like tried to throw every type of gameplay known to man into it. It's been a good while since I played it, but from what I remember: It was a pain in the butt to get working, and it controlled like ass (which was only really a problem during the FPS parts). But it was a strangely compelling SF world. For gameplay, it is most often an adventure game, and I don't remember ever being stumped by it. It also features music by David Bowie, and he has a cameo role and reportedly also had a hand in the storry.What's that Omikron game like? Looks similar to Deus Ex.
They could just wait to sell the games in a complete package form. Perhaps when they're older, say. Assuming they're good enough to sell in the first place.
It's actually interesting, because GoG is trying to get into distribution of the high profile Kickstarted games (especially because he fans demand them to) and some of those, like SRR, are going to have DLCs (and the Berlin one should be free for all backers). This poll could put them in a funny position in a few months. Of course, they can just doctor the results and release a statement in which they tearfully thank their costumers for supporting their new DLC inclusion policy by an overwhelming majority of 103%.