It's definitely the most ambitious Piranha bytes game that finally tried to not be a remake of Gothic 2, even though it fell flat on its head.
Are you sure you're not thnking of a different battle? I don't remember anything but Orcs ever being present in the opening scene.
Well, if it WAS a demo, it's quite possible that it wasn't from the beginning of the game, so yes, it's possible it was from a different battle. It's been sooo long, and like I said, i started the game three different times and never got more than an hour into it before quitting because it always annoyed me that that tiny piss-ant of a single goblin was marked essential and unkillable so maybe it all merged into muck inside my head and I'm confusing some later part of the game for another. Are there at least giant humanoids in Gothic 3? I think they were carrying clubs IIRC.
Because you are dumb.dumbed-down version of the previous games. Still, it has got its own charm that appeals to me.
Yeah, this I thought was ridiculous. Without a spear, just reload. With spear, no real challenge.Oh and if you see a wolf or a boar, better just reload right now and find a way around.
This is true. And explains why the people who defend the Gothic games are morons. They are all shit. There are some things I like about them but they are far outweighed by how bad everything else is. I can't believe some people are so starved of something to do that they would play through something like that.I finished it once and it wasn't really worth it and the community patch really just lets you choose what kind of bullshit you want to deal with. Either way combat still comes down to *clickclickclickclick* and hope you stunlock the other guy before he stunlocks you. You also want to pour everything into getting a really big weapon so that you can *clickclickclickclick* people from farther away. Oh and if you see a wolf or a boar, better just reload right now and find a way around.
Go and eat a bag full of broken glass and shit.!.RETARDED WHINING THAT I DIDNT EVEN READ!
I didn't read that guys post because I am dumb and Bulgarian and reading is too hard for me. And writing. And especially thinking.