I did play the game on normal difficulty though. In general i play games on normal in my first run because they get the most testing (important especially on budget titles) and for most games all the difficulty setting do is raise enemies' health and/or lower yours - which i do not find that compelling. Exceptions are games where at higher difficulties you get more enemies (*especially* if it is in games with hand-placed enemies, though that is mainly done in action games... and mainly in older action games like Doom and Quake :-P) and gameplay alterations (e.g. harder settings change the map itself to make traversal harder). Also it is almost always what the developers intended ("almost" because i distinctly remember Quake 2's manual mentioning that the game was intended to be played in Hard mode... which is something i do not remember in any other game :-P).
Whenever there are 4 difficulty settings... in Greedfall's case: easy, normal, hard and extreme... I tend to pick the third one. In my experience when there are 4, "normal" is almost always too easy. For me the combat was one of the best parts of Greedfall, as JDR just said, and I wanted it to be challenging and demand attention the whole game. I maybe should have played on extreme, honestly, as hard was rarely difficult. I get the idea of wanting to play the "intended way" though, and most games present that as normal, so not knocking you at all or trying to measure dicks. I was just saying I played on hard to add context to why I thought armor was relevant the whole game.