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KickStarter Grim Dawn


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
Final dungeon at 54? Jesus Christ how did you manage that? My soldier is 53 and I am almost in act 3 elite. And I did everything on Veteran except bounties, like explored every inch of the map.

I was 60+ when I switched to Elite mostly by doing a lot of reputation farming in normal.

I have two kids (3,2) which means I cannot always get solid blocks of time to play. So if I didn't get to the next gate I had to go through the area again. I did do some bounties but not dozens of them or anything.

Fake Edit: Which come to think of it may be why I felt the last acts really dragged. When you have to run through the rotting fields for the 3rd time it gets pretty fucking old.


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
I disagree about the boring part. It is true that because of the nature of gameplay, you cannot play for many straight hours without the game starting to become dull. In my opinion you play this for two or three hours daily, no more.
But the next day your interest and desire to right click to death renews.

The cult has plenty of back story even during act 1. You discover lore if you explore areas that are not for your quests. Just yesterday I discovered a cultist dungeon, upon returning on my warder to play on elite, there they were planning to sacrifice three humans to summon a monstrosity. After killing all of them I discovered a survivor, soon to be dead, to thank me he pointed me to a location where he had hidden some loot in a tree stump.
The game has exposition but it is not presented through the main quest narrative, the player has to explore if they wish so of course.

People send you to complete feats worthy of heroes because you are expendable in the beginning and later because you are part ethereal, it is implied in my opinion that eventually you end up as one of them. The whispers of some ethereals when you send them back to their dimension are bone chilling and eerie. Even though the game doesn't have much voice acting outside of the main quest line, those little touches here and there are a welcome addition.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
I have been putting 3 phys / 1 cun stat distribution, which means I can't wear any good rings or amulets, should I start putting some points into spirit?
The consensus seems to be that to be really viable in Ultimate you need to put everything in Phys and mostly pick defensive Devotions. Devotions are less of a problem because you can respec them, but stat points are set in stone.

A myth. That was true when Elite and Ultimate were first introduced and the balance was way off. We're talking about regular mobs critting you for 70% of your health regardless of armor, health and resi so you had to squeeze as much HP as you possibly could. Now it doesn't really matter. I've done 1/1/1 stat distributions with my characters (because putting all points into one stat is gay as fuck) and have a grand total of zero problems at all. In fact the game is a bit too easy now regardless of what I do. They've made it quite impossible to put all points into Phys now since Crate did some re-balancing and upped the stat requirements of items. You'll eventually run into a situation where you'll feel like you fucked yourself over when you get an item that's beyond your statistical reach. I still remember the bitching of people when they logged in with their characters after one patch and had half their items as Red because they couldn't use them anymore due to being all Phys characters.
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Dec 18, 2006
Fake Edit: Which come to think of it may be why I felt the last acts really dragged. When you have to run through the rotting fields for the 3rd time it gets pretty fucking old.
They drag no matter what. Act 1 feels the best in terms of freedom of exploration. Past Homestead it's just a linear slog towards the end.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
People ranting about story and plausibility of sending the protagonist on lone quests in 100% old-school h'n's. Codex, more like storyfagdex, amirite.

Anyway, is it just my bad luck, or does the loot in this game suck? I really can't tell the difference in quality between yellow, green and blue items. It's pretty common to get a blue drop from a boss and then get a clearly superior yellow item for the same slot from a common enemy like 15 minutes later. I've been playing for almost 40h now and I found a whooping total of one blue item that I'd consider exceptional, but that's only because it adds +1 to all skills for a particular class (the only item with such modifier that I found).

Oh, also the sets. In the 40h I've only ever found 2 matching parts of a set, I can't even imagine the amount of grinding required to get something completed.


In My Safe Space
Feb 16, 2015
I've been playing for almost 40h now and I found a whooping total of one blue item that I'd consider exceptional
Blues are not necessarily more powerful than greens (and IIRC this was also the case with TQ itemization). In fact, since some base items have very good innate properties, there's always a chance (in early game) to stumble upon a kickass yellow (like a weapon with 100%+ bonus to your primary damage type). Legendaries are meant to outclass everything but until you're all purple don't be obsessed with color.

Oh, also the sets. In the 40h I've only ever found 2 matching parts of a set, I can't even imagine the amount of grinding required to get something completed.
Hm. I have 4/5 Guardsman so it's really just pure luck. Some set pieces can be crafted (but you still need to find the recipe).

They've made it quite impossible to put all points into Phys now since Crate did some re-balancing and upped the stat requirements of items.
Interesting. What are the highest Cun/Spi reqs you've seen?
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Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
Interesting. What are the highest Cun/Spi reqs you've seen?

Let's put this out first: http://grimcalc.com/build/46XyYQ
This is my favorite character. With Inner Focus and no stat investments you'll have 543 spirit and 296 Cunning.

I use this item with my DEE Warlock. All high end level 75 Legendary Foci require 715 Spirit. I also use a caster dagger that requires 341 Cunning. The thing is that Legendary items don't give stats. If you want to be able to equip them, especially the end game legendary sets, then you need to meet the stat requirements for all of them without the help of other items. Or you can get the devotions that reduce the stats needed to equip these items.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Finally released, has it? Guess I didn't notice. I've been playing the development versions off and on for about two years.

It's a good 'un, although personally I've grown tired of the ARPG formula.


Nov 8, 2012
The cult has plenty of back story even during act 1. You discover lore if you explore areas that are not for your quests. Just yesterday I discovered a cultist dungeon, upon returning on my warder to play on elite, there they were planning to sacrifice three humans to summon a monstrosity. After killing all of them I discovered a survivor, soon to be dead, to thank me he pointed me to a location where he had hidden some loot in a tree stump.
The game has exposition but it is not presented through the main quest narrative, the player has to explore if they wish so of course.
I found this quest and I tought it as pretty cool, the problem is that on later acts, the lore on the blood of C'thon become pretty repetitive and don't add anything new you need to know and no new boss appears to make the cult more interesting. The Warden and the bandit boss are way,way cooler on their backstory because they have detailed plans, are smart, opportunistic and are dicks, the cultists on act 3 felt very "meh", some trash mob fodder. The lore I found was mostly "We are crazy cultists and want blood!", I noticed that by act 1, game.
People ranting about story and plausibility of sending the protagonist on lone quests in 100% old-school h'n's. Codex, more like storyfagdex, amirite.
I wasn't ranting, I'm just utterly bored and frustrated that they dropped the ball on act 3. When I started the game and saw the map, I was pretty excited to see places like the Blood Grove, Fort Tyrant, Sorrow's Gate, Dark Vale and I was disappointed and bored with each one of those places. What you wanted me to do? I was just seeking something of value to keep me going as I was bored out of my mind from the copy pasted areas and copy pasted enemies and the story after act 2 is non-existant. Common, it isn't like the developers needed to move mountains to make act 3 more engaging.

I just found silly meeting people that say "We are on such crap world and we can barely survive!" to just go "Please stranger, the aetherials are doing something bad and probably this will murder us all, please go there and deal with it alone when we have an army!" on the same sentence. Use your imagination and I think on 10 mins you would come up with better ways to set things up. Act 3 just felt lazy as fuck and it was lazy not only on the story by the way.
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Sep 4, 2013
Bros, I have a couple of questions regarding Grim Dawn:
1. Does it have serial key or something like that (when bought via GOG)? I want to buy it once and use the same copy on three PCs.
2. Can I play "campaign" via LAN with friends (like I can for example in Diablo)?
3. Will I be able to join LAN game from external network if proper ports are forwarded (Am I able to enter IP address I want to join)?
4. Does it work on Windows XP? Win XP is not listed on GOGs game page in OS requirements section, but it looks like the game requires DirectX 9, not 11, so I think it should work, but I want to be sure.
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Feb 22, 2013
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. For LAN games not on your own network your group will either have to make an internet game (password protected if you want) or use a tunneling program
4. No idea, but I think I heard people have played it on XP and it should since it's based on the TQ engine which was released around that time.


May 13, 2015
New Eden
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
I launched Grim Dawn and entered a Conic Rift, mostly spending my time fantasizing about how my dream RPG would look like
When I looked back on the screen, I found out that I had slaughtered everything including Big Bane in the Cththvhthtonnic Rift
I don't remember anything about it, just that the background was grey and that there were skulls everywhere
Goddamn, did they drop the ball on Act 3 hard


Sep 4, 2013
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. For LAN games not on your own network your group will either have to make an internet game (password protected if you want) or use a tunneling program
4. No idea, but I think I heard people have played it on XP and it should since it's based on the TQ engine which was released around that time.

Thanks for answers. One more question about 1, the serial key is needed to play any type of game, even single player? Or is it only required to play multiplayer games via internet (not LAN)?


Feb 22, 2013
Well I know there is a serial key, I assume you enter it in during install or at the very least to register your copy on GOG.com or whatever. If it's anything like Titan Quest you can install it on any number of computers, but the keys to play together online/lan need to be unique.
Apr 3, 2013
Is rift scourge damage bugged or what? Little shits killed me in 4 hits at level 50 with 80% acid & poison resistance, nothing came close to doing that much damage, not even act bosses, wtf.


Red blood, white skin, blue collar
Dec 17, 2012
Under the Gods
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Men, I am finding so much shammy loot, it's crazy. Think the game is trying to tell me something.


Mar 13, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Is rift scourge damage bugged or what? Little shits killed me in 4 hits at level 50 with 80% acid & poison resistance, nothing came close to doing that much damage, not even act bosses, wtf.
Not them in particular, DoT damage is just crazy, particularly on higher difficulties. You can avoid much of the damage from Rift Scourges though just by moving a bit after killing one so you don't get a bunch of poison DoTs stacked on you from their corpses.

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