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Jan 10, 2012
Anyway, this could be fake, but seems legit - only thing is the current translation is completely wonky and I have no idea how the card actually works:


hmmm...a legendary frog-riding murloc knight. So you drop this guy when you already have two murlocs in play and each Inspire effect you have triggers twice...?

That...that could really be something right there.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
I could buy into something as screwball as murloc knight. Out of 130 cards... maybe 30% will be useful. That means they have to come up with 80-90 filler bullshit cards that no one will consistently use but have some kind of logical justification no matter how niche. It's like when they try to make pirates a thing.

Trueheart is one of maybe two or three neutral legendaries that will end up being 'craftworthy/playable' from this set. GvG had Boom. Sneed's on rare occasions. Troggzor would be okay if the meta slows down. Other than that... mostly crap. And Sneed's gets worse the more shitty legendaries they put into the game.


Jan 10, 2010
I'm telling you men, Justicar isn't worth it except in the turtliest of Control Warriors. Even then, when decks become even more efficient after absorbing the best parts of this set, will a slow, durdley control warrior even be worth running?


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
I'm certainly not going to rush out and craft it day one; just that it has potential. The other two revealed so far are mediocre to poor. Saraad is an over-cost Yeti that could end up giving you complete trash for spells (deadly poison for mage, call pet, etc.). You're better off playing Mechanical Yeti or, hell, even ETC. And the Pirate version of Murkeye... more filler.


I'm telling you men, Justicar isn't worth it except in the turtliest of Control Warriors. Even then, when decks become even more efficient after absorbing the best parts of this set, will a slow, durdley control warrior even be worth running?
idk but it sounds like fun

like imagine healing for 40 in one turn



Jun 29, 2014
I'm telling you men, Justicar isn't worth it except in the turtliest of Control Warriors. Even then, when decks become even more efficient after absorbing the best parts of this set, will a slow, durdley control warrior even be worth running?

It's not that good in CW, the hero power doesn't affect the board in any way and you don't need it as a Shield Slam enabler, there is enough of that already. In the best scenario it buys you 2-3 extra turns to draw something before you die. Druid and Priest is where the real value is at imo (maybe Mage, depending on how good these new archetypes are).


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
It's not AMAZING in CW but since all you'd take out is a Shieldmaiden it's not like you're losing a Sylvanas or Emperor or whatever. And while it doesn't enable you to do a 7 mana shield maiden + 5 health removal slam combo it does enable you to do a 3 mana 4 damage slam removal every turn thereafter. I don't get how you can say it's not that good.


Jun 29, 2014
It's not AMAZING in CW but since all you'd take out is a Shieldmaiden it's not like you're losing a Sylvanas or Emperor or whatever. And while it doesn't enable you to do a 7 mana shield maiden + 5 health removal slam combo it does enable you to do a 3 mana 4 damage slam removal every turn thereafter. I don't get how you can say it's not that good.

Shieldmaiden has a better body and can fight for the board. The hero power does not provide any board value or allows you to generate card advantage the longer the game goes on. It's already established that this will most likely die to some scrub minion or 2 mana removal, so you really need to get some nice value down the line.

Stacking up armor is not value, you will still lose if you can't take the board and your hero power will not help you in doing so. As I said, the best thing it will do is buy you a turn or two to draw something else if you are losing and absolutely NOTHING when you are winning. Something like 2 dmg ping or 4 heal can generate card advantage, similarly buys you time, but by actually killing stuff or preserving your minions instead of facetanking it. And when you are ahead it secures your victory instead of doing nothing.

The shield slam activation is cute, but you already have 4 big activators plus your hero power so you really do not need another for it. You almost always get your desired Shield Slam right now, no need to commit to enable it any further. Shieldmaiden does the job just fine and doesn't die for free, allowing you to actually take the board and win.
You have to be a fool to play this over Shieldmaiden in CW.

10000 armor won't save you if you don't have cards/board. The only time this actually matters is in matchups versus burn decks like Freeze Mage and Face Hunter. Incidentally, those are actually your very best matchups already and close to autowin, so you really don't need to weaken your overall performance to do even better in these MUs.

Very underwhelming in CW imo.


Jun 23, 2014
That priest card will be amazing in arena. Especially because it's character healed and not minion healed.


Jan 10, 2010
Priest card is good in arena, sure, but it's not going to fit into a top-tier constructed deck really.

Very disappointed that my MAIN MAN WILFRED FIZZLEBANG is garbage. Should've just made him the Warlock $10 hero skin ffs.

King's defender has the most potential of the cards, but requires setup which is always a negative.


Jan 10, 2010
Alright, Blizzard is just straight out trolling us now


People voted to see this



Jan 10, 2010
I understand that there needs to be a few filler common cards to round out Arena drafts and new players collections (this guy is better than Force Tank for a new player midrange/control deck) but Blizzard has completely missed the mark on what a spoiler season is supposed to be.

Wizards has turned this into a near-science with MTG - every set spoiler season is a roller coaster because they start off showing a few super cool cards like Planeswalkers, Legendaries, Mythics, etc. in a controlled trickle. Then they slowly throw out other things like staple removal spells and new lands, while also occasionally throwing out another big exciting thing. That gets people hyped up, then at the very end of spoiler season they dump all the random commons.

Blizzard on the other hand has decided to throw a strange slab-dash of things that might be huge (Lock and Load) some dazzle (Justicar) then a bunch of random filler. Not really the best way to handle things, but whatever. The cards will sell regardless I guess.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
I got Neptulon today.
I wonder if they'll add any new murlocs.


Jan 10, 2010
It's not AMAZING in CW but since all you'd take out is a Shieldmaiden it's not like you're losing a Sylvanas or Emperor or whatever. And while it doesn't enable you to do a 7 mana shield maiden + 5 health removal slam combo it does enable you to do a 3 mana 4 damage slam removal every turn thereafter. I don't get how you can say it's not that good.

Shieldmaiden has a better body and can fight for the board. The hero power does not provide any board value or allows you to generate card advantage the longer the game goes on. It's already established that this will most likely die to some scrub minion or 2 mana removal, so you really need to get some nice value down the line.

Stacking up armor is not value, you will still lose if you can't take the board and your hero power will not help you in doing so. As I said, the best thing it will do is buy you a turn or two to draw something else if you are losing and absolutely NOTHING when you are winning. Something like 2 dmg ping or 4 heal can generate card advantage, similarly buys you time, but by actually killing stuff or preserving your minions instead of facetanking it. And when you are ahead it secures your victory instead of doing nothing.

The shield slam activation is cute, but you already have 4 big activators plus your hero power so you really do not need another for it. You almost always get your desired Shield Slam right now, no need to commit to enable it any further. Shieldmaiden does the job just fine and doesn't die for free, allowing you to actually take the board and win.
You have to be a fool to play this over Shieldmaiden in CW.

10000 armor won't save you if you don't have cards/board. The only time this actually matters is in matchups versus burn decks like Freeze Mage and Face Hunter. Incidentally, those are actually your very best matchups already and close to autowin, so you really don't need to weaken your overall performance to do even better in these MUs.

Very underwhelming in CW imo.

Good point men - further proof that Justicar is flat out unplayable garbage all across the board. You're correct that the initial Phage Gut Reaction™ was the right one to have.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Good, the less quality class legendaries the less I have to worry about crafting.


Mar 10, 2011
Phage Gut Reaction™ said:
herp. time for people to see that grim patron fight and think that the card is good due to christmas wonderland conditions

I can see making judgments about cards, but saying one is flatout garbage without actually having it in hand or seeing it in the meta is awfully shortsighted. (Again.)


Jan 10, 2010
btw, Grim Patron isn't the strongest part of Patron Warrior. High level Patron players unanimously state that Frothing Berserker is usually the primary win condition, and Battle Rage is the reason why the deck actually works. But yes, I, alongside literally every pro ever underestimated the power of all these cards put together. The deck still takes up a very small part of the ladder, and there are numerous decks that have good matchups against it. It's mostly a plague on the tournament scene right now.

I'd also point out that Justicar is a much easier call to make than GP. It's a 6 mana card that dies to any incidental 3 attack creature and a huge variety of spells, weapons and effects. For wasting time not developing your board in a meaningful manner, you receive a small benefit for the rest of the game from turn 7 onward. UglyBastard is correct that Druid's increase is numerically the most impressive, but that deck would much rather be developing its board and working towards bursting down the opponent instead of dicking around getting a little bit of value. In almost every deck this benefit isn't enough to justify running Justicar over something like Sky Golem - a card that barely even makes it into the 6 slot for most decks.
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