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Apr 18, 2008
In essence many of these cards push for a slower game, I think, to make people try and hold on to them rather than just trade them away. Many people keep asking for a slower game... so dunno maybe that's their intention, not to stick them in the current decks.
But yeah, the question is if such hypothetical decks can keep up with the current ones.


Jan 10, 2010
You answered the dilemma to your question. A deck built around inspire (as is right now), or cards like this thing, isn't going to stand a chance against Ebola Paladin or Face Hunter. What ends up happening in practice is the aggro decks will just be even stronger for the 2-3 weeks while people flounder around trying to make their epic inspire monstrosities. Traditional Ramp Druid subbing out a couple of cards for the strongest newshit (like the the ramp 2-drop) will also be a strong, solid choice when the expansion drops.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
New card revealed!


Oh wait, it's that vanilla card that's arguably better than Crowd Favorite.
Dec 31, 2009
The problem is they're so worried about t3h powah kreeep they put out these tepid side-grade cards that are sort of good... if you ignore the great cards out there. Crowd Favorite is such a card. It's not bad it's just not worth playing over superior cards that already exist. Why this is epic I have no idea.
What should they do with power creep though? As they release more and more cards, power creep *will* be a thing.

Having blocks like in MtG might be one solution but idk.


Jun 23, 2014
I think they're scared of creating another Shredder or Boom.

No one likes cards that are in every deck ever.

They just need to actually start balancing cards instead of this. It's ridiculous.


Mar 6, 2013
Similar to how that random Grinolf kid appears once every 10 pages just to scream at me. I get the game.
I don't remember screaming at you ever once or even having a reason to do it. So before quoting me again make an apology for this one or provide a quote to back this or don't bother to reply at all.
As to why people like to pick on you and not anybody else, then it's very easy to explain. You basically wear "Kick me" sticker, which you put on yourself. And not even one, which would make kicking you just tempting, but a whole three ones, that make simply passing you by impossible.
You put first one by acting as if you are beyong criticism and ignorant about your own faults.
Second by constantly spouting some usa superiority nonsense, that looks like a product of standard american ignorance coupled with an inferiority complex of break away colony with little to no culture and history behind it. And it's being applied to a things as silly as gaming and "esports", and not for some legitimate dick measuring contests like GDP size or number of nukes/carriers/puppet states.
Third by occasionally spouting some retarded things like randomly postponed 10 damage to the face is the thing that every CW would want or Millhouse is anything but unplayable on the ladder.
So as you could see, attention that you are receiving isn't a result of some of yours unique traits or abilities, but just a basic human psychology and your own shortcomings at work.
Also I don't think that I post too rarely, but it's you who posts way too much. So if you flamed 10 pages in a short period of tine, don't complain that everyone isn't doing the same.
In b4 grinolf appears for his usual 10-page hiatus to deliver a youtube video that shows some high-level professional playing a dragon's breath deck solely for fun at rank 2 which in his mind immediately proves it's a constructed staple.
Do you ever see the difference between being a constructed staple and being able to work in the fun but still viable on the high ranks ladder decks? Because I don't think you do and completely missing the point by tossing the cards in the two opposing ends while ignoring anything in between. I compared it to Illidan, but it probably isn't fair, as I remembered him being at top legend warlocks and mage decks for some time after FvG. With BRM he returned into obscurity, but there is always a chance of his will make a comebak somewhere in the future.
Closer analogy to Egg, which is quite ironical, could be Juggernaut. Not in CW or patron decks, of course, but in some specific combo one with pandas and murlock that draws cards. Still, after seeing it only a few times in action, it left an impression of far more gimmicky and inconsistent than paladin one, so analogy still not quite there.
And there are close to nill chance, that there going to be a viable constructed deck that make Dragon's breath work properly (which is consistently using it at least for 2, but preferable 1 or 0 mana) without it being buffed directly, or inderectly by some of the new cards. And Millhouse is still going to be on Majordomo level of playability unless some wierd non spell meta arises, but currently even zoo play few spells, and losing to Juggler + Imp-lossion on turn 2 or allowing them break egg for free into your Millhouse with PO isn't an unlikely scenarios.


Jun 23, 2014
Why is there drama about this children's card game everywhere?

Now we just need Reynad getting friendzoned again.


Mar 6, 2013
Why is there drama about this children's card game everywhere?

Personally I don't like to be accused of screaming (an other out of character things) when I raise my voice once in intervals from a few months to a year. In my opinion if one whant to make a personal attack, he should at least have a valid point. Things like obnoxious, dreary and having a very bad english should be a very easy road that is hard to dispute, so I don't even see a point in lovering himself to outright lie.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Bro, you're the douchiest douche of this thread. You get so fucking uppity over a children's card game it's hilarious. Far more condescending than phage who at least cracks a joke once in a while.




Jan 10, 2010

Believe me bub, I'm entirely self aware that I intentionally egg people on into having arguments on the codex. This place is a playground for me to vent at people, since I sure as hell can't act this autistic in real life. (I certainly hope it's the same for the rest of you) I'm not mad that anyone is "picking on me" as you put it. I intentionally walk into the den of euros, flamethrower in hand, and dole out eagle justice. I do however think it's pretty retarded of Sser to invoke said arguments, then as soon as he's btfo scream "tl;dr" and "ur not legend!!"; especially since the former means it's pointless to say anything to him since he simply won't read it, and the latter is equally silly since he's some dude who's never made it past rank 15 of constructed or done well in arena. Again - I don't hold that against him, it's just funny considering he always falls back on that argument when in reality it works against him.

I just find it genuinely hilarious that you only appear every 5-10 pages to have another temper tantrum like this solely aimed at me. It's actually flattering that you take the time to emerge from the depths of Grinolf-world solely to explode with a wall of text, citing things from half a year ago, and then disappear to wherever you lurk.

The best part of all this is you're like a concrete wall in terms of density. I've never once said Millhouse is actually viable. I've simply stated in plain terms why he's better than Illidan (that reason being that in a perfect world, Thrillhouse can essentially win on the spot). I've also repeated ad naseum that argument is extremely moot because it's arguing which unplayable garbage is better than other unplayable garbage. On a related note, getting mad about the blatant America-baiting is just too easy. It's just flavoring on the cake to have a chuckle.

And you know what Grinny? You're right, Iron Juggernaut was deemed unplayable. You guys caught me! A few of my dozens of predictions from GVG were wrong! Get out the tar and oil; never have a discussion on a forum about a game ever again! (And disregard that I was spot on or close enough with 90% of my predictions)

It's worth considering that in the 8 months since GVG's release I've actually gotten better at the game. I've played arena the entire time, literally have chained together 12 win runs, and obtained elusive 12-0 runs. I've watched a few streamers played constructive, and I've hit rank 5 a few more times. Later this month I will sit down and grind out legend barring an emergency. On a related note, I've refined my thought process on what makes a good card in this game. I like to think that everyone else here has as well. In fact, aside from a few egregious examples (holding out hope for Maiden of the Lake combos, etc) people have actually displayed far more understanding of what makes a card good compared to even back in BRM. I'm proud of you bruhs.

tl;dr: You need to recognize when someone is obviously being absurdly facetious (USA stuff), and when someone is being genuine (reasonable explanations about cards). I don't care if people intentionally try to bring down the mighty Phage Von Phangenstein. It's fun. I obviously enjoy the attention. This place is an outlet for that type of autism. What I don't appreciate is a resort to actual ad hominems and "lol tl;dr!! ur so dumb for thinking i'd read text on a forum!". The message was well received, and I'll let Sser talk to himself since nobody else replies to his messages really.


Nov 25, 2007
I don't get why they are again pushing this empty handed Huntard thing. It didn't work with Core Rager and Quickshot even for Face Huntards their hands are usually never completely empty enough to get the full benefit of those cards. The only reason Quickshot is even run is due to it's base damage of 3 health for 2 mana and the fact it can target any enemy. A waste of good art on a shit card, though anything that doesn't increase the power of face Hunter is a good thing.

Also my custom card Rapid Shot (posted earlier) was superior, and had better art. :smug:


Jan 10, 2010
Card is garbage in every format. Nothing to see here beyond the blatant Pixar reference. I bed Ben Brode did his classic chuckle at that one.


Jan 10, 2010

Here's a more important card.

Will it be played? Might be. Slam is decent because it cantrips when you're hitting your acolyte in Patron, or setting up execute (so it's still a 1 for 1); plus you also get the benefit of killing the knife juggler on turn 2 to stop that bullshit.

This card is clearly more impactful against aggro, as you're not only removing a thread, but also gaining 3 vital armor. Also helps setup shield slams and shit. Mostly comes down to whether or not there's any space to remove cards to fit this in. That said, Control Warrior doesn't really have any stellar 3 drops (other than acolytes for card draw), so it might make the cut.

On that note, this card is a fantastic example of why Hearthstone might need to introduce new formats fairly soon. (similar to the standard rotation of MTG) we're reaching fairly ridiculous levels of what constitutes a card's inclusion in a deck.

In arena the card is average. 3 damage for 3 mana is nothing special, and the armor isn't vitally important there (just a nice little bonus).
Feb 28, 2011
Chicago, IL, Kwa
I agree that that card will be a no-prize in arena, but it looks pretty good to me for constructed. Definitely not a "must run 2 copies", but a pretty attractive card for its deck and cost.

It's pretty turtley for the current meta though. We'll see.


May 3, 2013
Well the thing is that thing can't be used to activate your own minions, which is the Warrior's main gimmick, so I dunno men.


it's actually very good if your board is literally full of 7 patrons to kill one off without reproduction and allow you to play loatheb to protect against flamestrike

you just have to think outside the box men


Jan 10, 2010
Well, I think the card is moreso for Control Warrior than Patron. The pluses are it has more immediate impact vs aggro, and shores up the fairly lackluster 3 mana slot for that deck. On the other hand, idk what you even remove for it.


Jan 10, 2010
Hmm, wrathguard nerf to Bane of Doom. Totally forgot about that.

I wouldn't necessarily say that. Yes, it lowers the chance of MALGANIS, but it's not Blood Imp. Though I'm sure that week 1 of the the expansion someone will make a reddit post where their Bane of doom made a wrathguard and lost because of it


May 3, 2013
That thing also drops from a Shredder, same as the 2-mana druid minion that destroys a mana crystal.


Apr 18, 2008
It would be cool to see less shredders as a result, bur probably will not happen. There are also already a couple of new 2 drops revealed that would be nice to get out of a shredder. And honestly a wrathguard would be pretty good. It's a fucking 4/3 coming out of a 4/3. 8/6 stats for 4 mana and what.. 4 life or so maybe?

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