ubi gives no fucks about this franchise
Which is weird if you think about it.
The world of Ashan imo.
leaves no chance for this franchise to have well-received RPG games for mass audience. Assuming you'd make a reboot, not continuation of the series(I mean -
I like blobbers,
but shady businessman part of me says
it won't sell really well - ubi is a company composed of such shady businessmen, shady businessman will talk in
green, like $$$).
The Heroes franchise however... To extent whole series but, let's focus on 3rd part - it is one of the most recognisable PC games ever created. It has everything sorted out - it's very easy on easier difficulties and extremely hard on higher(and the gameplay is the epitome of easy to learn, hard to master), it ran on relative toasters back then(Pentium 133 MHz was like 4 years old when it was released? This is in its minimal spec) and nowadays it's total 100% toaster-friendly game, had decent campaigns(outside of the base game), was reasonably balanced(with obvious exceptions such as Inferno) for low-to-mid engaged competitive play(later on it becomes pain in the ass), the artstyle makes the game look beautiful years after it was released...
Ubi... I don't know what ubi thinks.
I mean let's point major issues both HoMM5 and HoMM6 had:
- 3d camera that contributed nothing to the game
- low amount of content + huge amount of bugs
- poor campaigns
- poor artstyle
- poor map design
- square grid(a minor problem)
- adding close to no depth to the base gameplay
- "expansions will fix it" approach
- absolutely horrible balance(I assume it's a problem with QA)
A lot of this comes from the games being under budgeted for the scope. Which is a red flag - you're making a continuation to extremely popular and highly regarded game which graphics didn't really aged that much, and you don't want to invest in it? It's going to end in "oh it's decent but III was better imho.". 6th obviously suffers a lot more from it.
Map design can only be helped by hmmm... hiring people who made good fan-maps to previous games? But then see above - they don't want to invest a lot into it.
Artstyle and 3d deserve a longer explanation because it's obviously Ubi's job. There was a time when everybody was like
2D WON'T SELL, but this time is over. 3d brings nothing but confusion(resources hidden behind mountains and such) and higher hardware requirements - which mind you - is important in a game that aims to replace its predecessor which is often an important application on many craptops. High end 2d art won't chug even half of the computing resources their(failed) attempts at making sort-of-decently looking 3d game do and it will inevitably look better(my brother's old PC struggled to run Divinity:Original Sin but it did great with Pillars of Eternity and Pillars looked much better imo. despite being worse game). WoW artstyle is another case of the same retardation - who the hell keeps pushing it, everybody thinks it looks like shit. If it's Warhammer - I understand - it started the trend, but why would anybody ape it is something I don't understand.
Basically - Ubi underestimates potential in Heroes of Might and Magic franchise. It's perfect for making toaster friendly game
with option to port it to tablets(without any changes but the control scheme - just like, you know - HoMM3), the core gameplay has more than enough casual appeal(seriously,
if there's any series that never needed streamlining for a wider appeal it's Heroes and Worms) all you have to do is to provide good, complete game because the moment people realise that it needs few expansions before being good, the sales will plummet.
At the same time Ubi seems to act like - "oh, this is a series we won't be able to sell on consoles(no shit, sherlock) it must be niche, we're not giving it too much money but have high expectations".
They will kill the series if VII flops and they have huge chance to flop because people in beta are already like "well it won't be as good as 3, but after few expacs it will be as good as 5" so the initial sales will be shit.
I'm really sorry for all people involved with development of every Ubisoft-published Might and Magic franchise games(maybe excluding shovelware like that DS game whatever its name was), it feels like most of the time they really wanted to do it right but there were some thick-skulled people on they way that made it impossible.