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Wasteland Hiver vs Vault Dweller & Wasteland 2 Cage Match Thread

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
well... what else there is to say to someone who spews such garbage and insults me first, and demands that i take insults from some forum cheap cretin who started insulting me?
Hiver, do you see by any chance the difference between 'i DEMAND you to stop OR ELSE!!!' and "kindly tone it down'?

As for the person in question, he said that referring to W3 trailer as "tits and nipples' is borderline lunatic. You immediately called him dipshit because you honor demanded it. Before you had a chance to *really* tell him how you feel, thus completely derailing the thread, I asked you to tone it down.

And in VDs mind that doesnt exist. All he sees is my replies to that and he goes - "oh hiver tone it down" and when i dont agree with those demands in PM message he bans me - because i insulted him BECAUSE HE JUST LIKES SOMETHING ELSE.
I banned you because you made it clear that you aren't interested in discussing it and opened up with a volley of 'pathetic turds, complete morons, and lowly cretins'. I don't have time for this and I'm explaining it to you now as a courtesy to a poster you once were.

Why dont you ask those other posters to tone it down?
Because you're the only one I have to watch out for. Because even on the Codex you're in the league of your own and managed to earn a tag and a ban, but I suppose you think it's some kinda conspiracy not a direct result of your actions.

No. I said that your accusation that i insult others simply because they like something i dont - is a very big insult.
See above.

Not to mention that you just skipped over actual critique of your review and now you are doing it again.
Because I'm not discussing my review with you at this point.


I post news
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Jan 28, 2011
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As for the person in question, he said that referring to W3 trailer as "tits and nipples' is borderline lunatic. You immediately called him dipshit because you honor demanded it. Before you had a chance to *really* tell him how you feel, thus completely derailing the thread, I asked you to tone it down.

Ahem, the audience requests a link.


Sep 4, 2013
Vault Dweller
Spare yourself the time, energy and stress. Hiver is beyond a stage where a help would be useful. If Hiver would been a horse, then he would have received a coup de grace a long time ago.
Think about this: he shits in every thread, no matter if he likes the game or not. A sane person talks about games that he likes and gives a fuck about the games he / she doesn't like.
So another tip from me to you: invest you time and engery into making AoD as good as possible, and don't care about 'tourette syndrome' people that are armchair developers.
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Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003


No, i called him a dipshit because he insulted me for making a reasonable and well argued post, that wasnt referring to him in any way, - to which he replied with an insult. And then got an insult back.
Since i already made a well argued post and got insults for it - i see no sanity at all in demanding of me that i reply to such idiots with more well reasoned posts.

And it was "or else", because you banned me for not conforming to your idiotic stupid demands. Which is a third time you made such demands of me for same stupid reasons.
-They are obviously idiotic and stupid, the only question is how intentional that is.

After which you came in accusing me of insulting you - because i just insult people who like something i dont.

But you simply skip over all the critiques i wrote about your review.
and then you accuse me of "insulting you because you just liked the game".

That is either an intentional strawman, or you are completely stupid.
If you behave like that in RL i am not sure how you go around without getting your face punched in every half hour.

The problem actually starts one page before the one VD linked.


P.S. Holy shit, the recurring whine about the "camera pointing on her nipples first" reads like a textbook example of "trying too hard".

to which i replied like this:

No, the only recurring theme is whining by schmucks like you who somehow get personally offended that someone criticized cheap schlock the company used to present a very important character in the whole Witcher saga.

She is Geralt adopted daughter. So... the only ones for who she has to be presented as a sex doll are schmucks like you.

I dont mind fantasy sexy chicks at all. In fact i love that stuff. Always did. Ever since Torpedo and Red Sonya and original Conan twisted my gentle impressionable young mind. :cartman:

If you had a brain you would be able to acknowledge what i said above, TW1 erotic cards included - which i still consider superb and much better then sex scenes done in 3D. And that i wouldn't mind Siri being a very, very good looking and naturally sexy fantasy heroine - if they bothered to show her character first. Instead of making her into another sexual doll damsel in distress. Which is a horrible cliche. Which she is not supposed to be. Schmuck.

To which he calls me a lunatic, without ever writing a single fucking word about the matter of discussion.

- and then you tell me to "tone it down" ? (or else)

And that i insult people just because they like something i dont?
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Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
But you simply skip over all the critiques i wrote about your review.
and then you accuse me of "insulting you because you just liked the game".
Because that's what it comes down to. You're raging because you didn't like the game and see my review as an affront, attacking it from every possible angle.

Take my Philip. K. Dick remark, for example. I've explained why I made it (twice). I posted links to stories that would fit WL2 perfectly. He wrote 44 novels and 121 short stories. Some stories were of the 'strange and weird' variety where Dick explored or just had fun with silly scenarios. That's a fact, not a matter of opinion. There is nothing logical or even remotely plausible about adults spending all their time playing a doll game in a post-apocalyptic world but it's not a bad story and it does fit the WL world. Yet you keep raging about it, ignoring my attempts to explain and the examples posted, and even bitched about it again in the PM.


No, im criticizing your review because its a cheap, superficial and inaccurate. Which i supported with many factual arguments - which you simply skipped over and accused me of personal bias.
Which you cannot support by anything at all.

Take my Philip. K. Dick remark, for example. I've explained why I made it (twice). I posted links to stories that would fit WL2 perfectly. He wrote 44 novels and 121 short stories. Some stories were of the 'strange and weird' variety where Dick explored or just had fun with silly scenarios. That's a fact, not a matter of opinion. There is nothing logical or even remotely plausible about adults spending all their time playing a doll game in a post-apocalyptic world but it's not a bad story and it does fit the WL world. Yet you keep raging about it, ignoring my attempts to explain and the examples posted, and even bitched about it again in the PM.

Thats not a fact at all, and i already told you that and explained why. Thats just your opinion you cannot support by anything.
Its a laughable assertion.

I didnt go into details of explaining it to you because only a complete idiot would claim such things, which means someone like that is beyond any explanation. And frankly, such basic things should be your own job to understand - before you splurge declaratory statements.

As that little story is concerned, the point of it all was not a realistic approach to society after post apocalypse, but examining how far humans can take their delusions when confronted with horrible bleak reality.

The story clearly speaks about adults refusing to deal with reality - while it is the kids who refuse to play those adult games and actually see the world as it is and eventually try to do something about it - while adults play their solipsistic game, in fact refusing to deal with reality.

The fact that you dont understand something that simple, only speaks about how superficial you are.
Its nothing too complicated to get, reading just wiki articles about Phillip or his stories would tell you what their themes are.

Not to mention that you proclaimed that ALL of Philip stories are just cheap weird schlock - while you say that irredeemable cheap schlock of w2 is somehow awesome.

i.e - you tried to falsely represent W2 as something on par with a legendary writer - by just claiming his work is the same kind of cheap schlock.


now that i explained it to you.... what now?

whats the reply VD is going to make?
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Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Oh sweet and merciful Jesus...

I know what Dick tried to explore there because he couldn't be less obvious about it, but this exploration was done in a very artificial and implausible way (which is completely unnecessary, btw, because adults refusing to deal with reality is hardly a new and explored concept), which makes it on the same level as WL2's Mannerites. What if...


Codex Roaming East Coast Reporter
Feb 22, 2006
Perusing his PC Museum shelves.
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You like a game I don't like so you're wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, ..........WRONG!!!!

On a serious note Vault Dweller don't waste your time here when you have your magnum opus to complete... I mean, Thursday is right around the corner... Hurry Up!!


Oh sweet and merciful Jesus...

I know what Dick tried to explore there because he couldn't be less obvious about it, but this exploration was done in a very artificial and implausible way (which is completely unnecessary, btw, because adults refusing to deal with reality is hardly a new and explored concept), which makes it on the same level as WL2's Mannerites. What if...
You know what themes he tried to explore? It was obvious was it? And it is artificial and implausible that people who suffered through apocalypse/tragedy dont want to think about reality? And what such refusal would cause? What would be the consequences?
Thats not a very post apocalyptic theme and matter to explore?

But you still claimed that the purpose of his stories is weird superficial crap? That there is nothing in them but some weird stuff. Not just one but all of them?

You cannot comprehend the difference between the themes and the literally tools used to explore them?

You think that if the situation is not completely realistic... the actual themes explored do not exist? When it comes to one of the biggest writers of science fiction?

So ... taking that devolved logic further... AoD is just silly stupid weird stuff about some Romans running around in weird post apocalypse? Fallout is just some weird silly stuff about mutants and weird shit?
What themes are mannerites exploring? How its funny to be a canibal with nice manners?

How is it that a moron like Tuco there is not asked to tone it down or else, when he flings simpleton insults to whatever he didnt like?

While me, who actually explains his arguments is accused of "insulting people because what they like"?


Not to mention what parallels can be drawn between that little short story and the way you and Tuco refuse to see and consider and acknowledge reality - in order to "enjoy" some superficial schlock, which wouldn't be so enjoyable if you would pay attention to reality.

Or the same kind of reactions in TW3 and W2 threads right here.

Its exactly the same process and theme Phillip explored in that story.

Yet it is obvious and nothing new to you?


Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.
MORTAL COMBAT!!!! :lol::lol:

Seriously though. hiver it's not that you insult people that makes you hard to deal with. Everyone on the codex insults people and hates everyone outside their clique. It's the way you mix your arguments in with your insults. You make a good rebuttal, then call someone a turd in the same breath. You make a good point, then call someone a childish shit stain etc etc.

This neither adds to the discussion, or is funny. It just comes of as you being extremely angry and unstable. If you want to insult someone back, insult them, then ignore them or continue the battle. If you want to add to the discussion, then make your arguments without lashing out at everyone within reach. There's also knowing when you've made all your points and people are still not listening, at which time the fight is over, time to move on. But I digress.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
It's like I said last time. It doesn't matter how sparkling your conversation is if you scream it while punching everyone, crying, and masturbating, in pants you've been crapping in every day for the last 5 years. At some point, people are going to stop inviting you over.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
After checking VD's link out, I had to actually watch the Witcher3 trailer again.

No nipples, no cleavage, no tight leather bodysuit. So Hiver was wrong and deserved to be called "borderline lunatic".


i already told you, you are someone not worth spitting on.
Is the meaning of that lost on you?

If im calling you a turd, its only because you are and you dont deserve anything else. Because you proved yourself to be a turd. If its mixed together with a good rebuttal its because what you say is so fucking stupid that it requires double clarification of facts and clarity.

Why are you coming here and giving me your own propaganda version of how i argue? dya think its true just because it fell out of that head of yours? And how i should argue too? Do you seriously think im going to listen what you imagine and think after telling you you are not worthy spitting on? Do you really think im going to accept that stream of garbage from your bloated idiotic ego as some kind of truth?
How fucking insane one has to be to think that?

Is that what you came to "add to discussion"?
and let me guess, if i just dont agree with your drivel then youre going to cry and accuse me of even more degenerate idiocies?

Just fuck off to whatever asshole you crawled out of.

Same goes for Zombra. The pathetic shit who jumped at opportunity to construct a false excuse for his blatant cretinism.

I'm sure as hell not going to read all that and I kind of hope no one else does either.

As you can see, there were no insults there from my side. Although im sure you will splurge some incoherent excuse or another, shitstain.

There is no discussion here. Just one arrogant cunt dishing out his declaratory statements, insults and his general ignorance, superficiality and stupidity, all based on his personal preferences and conformity, while he skips over any argument he cant reply to. And now two more self-entitled cunts joined in to falsely establish how super awesome they are and how i am in the wrong because hey... i told them they are shits after they deserved it many times over.

VD or anyone else only get insults back, especially if their answers are nothing but blatant lies and fallacies.

No nipples, no cleavage, no tight leather bodysuit.
Another moron making stupid declarations thinking that proves anything but that he is a moron. And throwing in insults.
and now youre going to cry its me who is insulting, wont you?

Are you trying to imply i said there were actual naked breasts and nipples there?
Do you even understand i was referring to Geralt leather body suit?

Did you even read what i actually wrote?


Sep 4, 2013
Listen. There is a saying, where i come from: Talk to an arsehole and it will shit on you, and be glad if it is not diarrhea.

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