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Hogwarts Legacy - Harry Potter open world action RPG prequel set in the late 1800s

Oct 15, 2018
Ali Ghaylān
This seems to also be another game that contains a word filter in SinglePlayer similar to The Outer Worlds to make sure that even at home people are having fun the correct way:

Polefag also mentioned that "Janusz" doesn't work because it contains "anus". "Deez Nuts" supposedly also on the filter. Maybe someone will post the list for hilarity like for that once it's properly out.
It allowed Based TERFs as a name


Oct 17, 2012
These agendas (anti/pro trans etc) ironically only impact me when reading them on the Codex

If you have failed to notice the overbearing trans-agenda in both politics, media and entertainment, then you're either just playing stupid, or you're one of those types that fails to notice anything of note going on in society outside of his own life.

It's the way of the world. In a few years everyone will move on to other topics and today's topics will be long forgotten.

Oh, the society will certainly move on to discuss other (even more sick) agendas once the trans-agenda has been hammered down to such an extent that even questioning its dogma (in any walk of life) will tag you as an equivalent to a holocaust denier.

Of course I notice it, but I don't give a fuck. What I do give a fuck about is discussing one of the few hobbies I have (gaming) on an internet forum and topics keep getting derailed by this shit. What is stupid is acting like it makes a difference to our lives in the grand scheme of things. Let's say one of the impacts is adding some stupid third sex option at character creation - boo fucking hoo. I get over it a few seconds later. It doesn't impact ANYTHING else in my life, my friends, my family, my kid, nothing. Acting like it does is just making noise. Plus this place is an echo chamber for this shit since many of you pat each others' backs. That's my problem - other people's petty problems.
I used to buy into the 'it doesn't affect me' line of thinking back in the mid 2000s. Now I'm in a mentally ill clown world where it turns out that actually pushing back on the psychotic elements of society would have done a lot of good. And this ridiculous ideology has done a lot to destroy people I know. Nothing says tolerance quite like telling people its okay to mutilate themselves for a solipsistic lie.

The progressive left is now in bed with corporations. They are, and have been, the aggressors in the culture wars for the last few decades. Rowling is now somehow enemy number one for making the very obvious assertion that men cannot actually become women and vice versa. The idea that none of this matters or is petty to push back on is now insane to me. So I have zero issue with these raging fires, they should have started long ago.
Since the beginning of the modern 'woke' cult there's been these 'neutrals' that immediately proclaim their above-it-all centrism and how it will all stop if we just ignore it all and consoooooom. Now these same neutral people are unironically clapping when some 60 year old Finnish man puts on a wig and falls down on ice skates.

We're 2 seconds away from "MAP pride" but if we just pretend nothing is happening, move with the Overton Window and give money to the cult they'll definitely stop this time. The agenda is ridiculously obvious and always has been. Ignore them so they can continue down the slope that doesn't exist.


Apr 7, 2015

500k concurrent players and it's not even officially released? Oh yeah, this game made bank. It is one the best selling games this year, and despite codex opinions (which are unfortunately/fortunately not that of the mainstream) seems to have a decent chance at GOTY.

I mean, whatever, it's a HP game so everybody knew it'll sell like hotcakes, but it turned out to not be complete shit. In current year that's the most you can ask for.

I'll drop by steamdb in a few days to see if owner estimations have come out.

The rule of thumb to find out a pretty accurate owner estimation is to take the launch window peak CC numbers and multiply them by 8. That will give you the launch day sale numbers. Add another 20% to that for the weekend launch. This works pretty well usually and its been confirmed multiple times now when publishers release numbers. Worked for Elden Ring, Cyberpunk, Dying Light 2 and so on.

500K means 4 million in sales right off the bat. Just deluxe. This is a minority of sales. Friday night, when it launches, this game will exceed Cyberpunk's 1.055 million cc players, which will translate to 9-10 million in sales for the launch weekend. And PC will be the biggest platform for this game. No console game in console history ever touched the PC games that are doing these kind of top tier numbers.

Bigg Boss

Sep 23, 2012
These agendas (anti/pro trans etc) ironically only impact me when reading them on the Codex

If you have failed to notice the overbearing trans-agenda in both politics, media and entertainment, then you're either just playing stupid, or you're one of those types that fails to notice anything of note going on in society outside of his own life.

It's the way of the world. In a few years everyone will move on to other topics and today's topics will be long forgotten.

Oh, the society will certainly move on to discuss other (even more sick) agendas once the trans-agenda has been hammered down to such an extent that even questioning its dogma (in any walk of life) will tag you as an equivalent to a holocaust denier.

Of course I notice it, but I don't give a fuck. What I do give a fuck about is discussing one of the few hobbies I have (gaming) on an internet forum and topics keep getting derailed by this shit. What is stupid is acting like it makes a difference to our lives in the grand scheme of things. Let's say one of the impacts is adding some stupid third sex option at character creation - boo fucking hoo. I get over it a few seconds later. It doesn't impact ANYTHING else in my life, my friends, my family, my kid, nothing. Acting like it does is just making noise. Plus this place is an echo chamber for this shit since many of you pat each others' backs. That's my problem - other people's petty problems.
I used to buy into the 'it doesn't affect me' line of thinking back in the mid 2000s. Now I'm in a mentally ill clown world where it turns out that actually pushing back on the psychotic elements of society would have done a lot of good. And this ridiculous ideology has done a lot to destroy people I know. Nothing says tolerance quite like telling people its okay to mutilate themselves for a solipsistic lie.

The progressive left is now in bed with corporations. They are, and have been, the aggressors in the culture wars for the last few decades. Rowling is now somehow enemy number one for making the very obvious assertion that men cannot actually become women and vice versa. The idea that none of this matters or is petty to push back on is now insane to me. So I have zero issue with these raging fires, they should have started long ago.
Since the beginning of the modern 'woke' cult there's been these 'neutrals' that immediately proclaim their above-it-all centrism and how it will all stop if we just ignore it all and consoooooom. Now these same neutral people are unironically clapping when some 60 year old Finnish man puts on a wig and falls down on ice skates.

We're 2 seconds away from "MAP pride" but if we just pretend nothing is happening, move with the Overton Window and give money to the cult they'll definitely stop this time. The agenda is ridiculously obvious and always has been. Ignore them so they can continue down the slope that doesn't exist.
Hey don't put me in the fag pile just because I know how useful a fulcrum is.


This whole setting is so utterly uninteresting, I never understood why this HP thing took off.
Complete shit, woke or not.


Jun 30, 2019
Further impressions (about 8 hours in):
- Game runs really well. Thought it'd have high reqs, but it runs smoothly even on an older PC (that was never top of the line to begin with)
- So far only encountered one bug, which was an irrelevant NPC having pathfinding issues. After a boatload of releases bugged to shit at day 1, this is pretty refreshing.
- Nearly all the VA's are extremely overacting. They sound too good to be amateurs, so idk wtf is going on, but they put so much emotion into mundane interractions that it's uncanny. Also every foreigner sounds like a caricature, which is rather funny, but makes me wonder what the hell is going on with the voicing as a whole.
- the writing is merely serviceable and all the characters are forgettable. None of them are bad or anything (though Uganda Forever sure tries), but they're just all such NPCs.
- combat is fairly weak. It's not "mash LMB to win" kind of bad (you need to chain your spells and react to enemy fire with counter spell or dodge), but all the enemies are sponges, it's easy to abuse dodging, and the consoletitis of the game is most felt here with the shitty lock on and camera
- the world is really big, and seems quite filled with stuff to find, at least so far. There's no end to the stuff to find and collect. The game clearly targets that first and foremost, combat honestly feels like a secondary thing in this game.
- there's simple riddles here and there, but they tend to be rather trivial. At least there's a pretty healthy variety of them.
- lots of varied spells, most of them having an utility use AND a combat use – there hasn't been any that'd be useful only for combat so far, all have had their use in the exploration part of the game as well
- some old hag informed me that she has a wife. Definitely not 19th century, this game. Not by a long shot.
- stealth is a thing. Not especially good, but it is there. Didn't expect that


Aug 1, 2019
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
"Ima Biggit" worked though:

You just have to be creative :lol:

Would marry.

Would sodomize but not marry.

I hate anyone who clicks on these fucking thots and feeds this entire thing. We have created an entire generation of thirsty ass white males who should be breeding these sluts as fast as they can take and process new seed. Instead they are cooming and enabling these girls to continue to send us down the drain while we continue to mass produce brown mud genes.


Aug 1, 2019
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
A modder delivers: make the palest skin tones truly pale, melanin destroyed https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/15

Better jump on this quick Codexers. NexusMod admins arent quite Reset-Era but they are hardly non-biased. And have already locked one sub-thread about this mod. Expect it to disappear once the real Thought Police catch wind of it.

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