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KickStarter Homeworld 3 from Blackbird Interactive


Aug 9, 2020
How can you even play that on a phone screen?
from what I've seen the ships move only in 2D. they move up and down only when colliding with things.
The monetization is dreadfully bad, its some of the worst I've seen, not Diablo bad but getting there.
It has lootboxes. I don't know if they're random, but it has them.


Aug 9, 2020
They are adding some plastic models of ships into package. Physical stuff is expensive.
Based on Amazon Pricing the actual price is supposed to be $370AUD shipping included. There's $30 there that EB Games is pocketing which I think is a tad ridiculous given that they're just going to end up giving you the exact same service Amazon does.
Like I understand if we look at Homeworld Remastered CE adjusted for inflation its probably the same price even back then I thought it was a bit much for some tat but that at least had the nostalgia factor so you might've been able to justify it. I just don't think this CE has all that much value really I think most could have done without the playing cards and keychain. Compared to GamesWorkshop though this is actually reasonable LOL.


Jan 25, 2021
Why is Homeworld 3 being delayed again?
Homeworld 3 is being moved out of the launch window of the first half of 2023 to provide the additional time that will be required to refine the game and deliver the Homeworld experience that lives up to the legacy of its predecessors. We want to deliver this game as soon as possible, but we can’t and shouldn’t do that at the cost of quality or the pillars the franchise is built on.
When will Homeworld 3 be released?
Homeworld 3 will be released in February 2024. We don’t yet have an exact date but will share that with you as soon as we have it.
Can we expect to see more of Homeworld 3 soon?
We are looking forward to sharing our biggest Homeworld 3 progress update yet later this summer. We’ve been working on a lot behind the scenes, and we can’t wait to show everyone.
Has Homeworld 3’s development been negatively impacted by BBI moving to a four-day work week?
No, BBI’s move to a four-day work week has had no delaying effect on Homeworld 3’s development. In fact, the team is able to achieve as much if not more when given the additional personal time. Being able to draw inspiration from time spent with family and friends and on personal hobbies has fueled a lot of the innovations we can’t wait to show off in the lead up to launch.
Have the development team run into technical issues leading to the game being delayed?
No one hurdle is driving this delay to deliver Homeworld 3. The previous installments in the Homeworld franchise were iconic and we are committed to living up to that tradition. This work takes time, especially when we are raising the bar on what players will experience in the Homeworld universe.
Has the scope of the game changed? Is that why it’s delayed?
The game’s overall scope has not changed, Gearbox and Blackbird Interactive plan to deliver on all of the promises made so far.
What's happening with my Collector's Edition? When will I get that?
Those who pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition will receive them at launch. There have been no changes to what is included in the Collector’s Edition.
Is this delay at all caused by Blackbird Interactive diverting resources to its other projects?
No, Blackbird Interactive always ensures that the development teams for each of its games are staffed independently with very little crossover between teams.


Jun 22, 2014
Seems like development Hell. The aesthetics are great, but considering even the first Homeworld was infected with poz I expect this one to be complete garbage at this point.​


Jun 22, 2014
And by "poz" I don't mean the fact that the fleet command was given to a woman (although that *is* poz as well just so we're clear).​


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
Homeworld 2 on the other hand.

HW2 made me angry at the time with the pseudo-mysticism and gibberish, and how the entire plot was explained in some external guide and not even in the manual. Then I read that the development was complete hell, they had to scrap everything and try to rebuild on the ruins, and the half-assed campaign is a direct result of the failures.

You know perfectly well what I meant, and I certainly am not going to grace your try-hard response with elaboration.

No, seriously, I know you sound like a deranged retard, but what's pozzed about HW1? The Arab (Dune-influenced) ambience? We didn't even know the skin colour of the Kushan until HW2 and DoK had the great idea of making everyone white in the only goddamn series where you could reasonably get middle-easterners in SPEEESH

Also, it's just me or it's hilarious how the first thing they need to defend is their privileged 4-day week? "yes, we're working far less than normal people, but WE ENJOY IT A LOT AND WE ARE NOT BEHIND SCHEDULE BECAUSE WE WORK LESS NO NO I WANT TO STAY AT HOME NO"


Jun 22, 2014
what's pozzed about HW1?

A telling sign, although seemingly inconspicuously positioned at the credits, is how during the credits roll the developers express thanks to various things, including "God (whoever she is)". It is very similar to Baldur's Gate's description of women or female characters in the character creation screens, making concentrated effort at telling us how these females are "equal to men in all respects" or some such pitiful fantasy (both literally and figuratively).

Creative people are often times also very degenerate or prone to it, however so long as society & culture keeps them in check it does not cause major issues, and in turn such people - in the Eyes of God - are redeemed through creating works of beauty, which H1 and especially H2 certainly are. But the society and culture that could balance this tendency of creative people towards deconstructive chaos is now gone, and nothing remains as a counter balance.

Most games are garbage in these finer aspects, but since such aspects could either be not taken seriously or were of no real importance (or so it had seemed, back then), the games themselves were redeemed by their actual qualities. I am now fully expecting H3 to go full poz, but I think I have said enough.

Once more, I have said "infected with poz". The disease has not yet manifested itself, i think...​


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
One of Blackbird Interactive's unique strengths is boasting an in-house cinematics team filled with some of the brightest, most visionary artists from film, television, and games. And from the outset we wanted to leverage their talent to tell a Homeworld story with a human intimacy never seen in the series before.



Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
Their write-up about unit chatter is kinda interesting. They sell like it's groundbreaking, but Relic games had layered chatter for ages (I remember clear the basic ones from DoW1 and DoW2 had a system almost identical to the one they're so proud of, Marines for example dynamically reacted to environment/enemies with a different "voice" compared to attack/move orders). For sure, an important part of the ambience for RTS, where audio is essential.

Personal cinematics are unneeded and a waste of resources. We aren't playing Mass Effect, I don't need extra S'jet shittery and Cataclysm proved you can give character without subpar pseudo-cinema with mistery meat characters.


Nov 17, 2019
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In I helped put crap in Monomyth
homeworld already has a very personal story with high stakes - less is more in homeworld's case

you can go very far with great writing and sound design. showing everything takes that away, cataclysm wouldn't be half as scary if the devs didn't leave what the beast does up to the player's imagination


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
homeworld already has a very personal story with high stakes - less is more in homeworld's case

you can go very far with great writing and sound design. showing everything takes that away, cataclysm wouldn't be half as scary if the devs didn't leave what the beast does up to the player's imagination

They will never match Homeworld 1.

The story was about a people in forced exile, coming to reclaim their home. We barely knew who Karen S'jet is or anybody else for that matter. Less really is more.

Is Martin Cirulis (Homeworld 1 writer) still attached to the project? Our best hope now is that he doesn't get shouted out by the zoomers.


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
They will never match Homeworld 1.

The story was about a people in forced exile, coming to reclaim their home. We barely knew who Karen S'jet is or anybody else for that matter. Less really is more.

Is Martin Cirulis (Homeworld 1 writer) still attached to the project? Our best hope now is that he doesn't get shouted out by the zoomers.

It's the endless problem for HW1, they struck lighting in a bottle and have desperately tried to recatch the magic ever since. Cata worked despite being The Blob In Space by embracing not cringy character development but enviromental storytelling and factional narrative: the basic starting point that "we won paradise, fuck paradise is hard and the Evil Empire didn't vanish into thin air when defeated and also the Blob is coming fuck"

What amazes me about Cirulis is how the fuck he managed to nail it despite being an utter human shitstain. Talent and civility do not go together, it seems.


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
For me, there hasn't been a single bad homeworld game, even deserts of karak managed to maintain my interest throughout the campaign, which is more than any other modern rts since StarCraft 2.

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