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Game News Jagged Alliance 3 Released

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
What else would you compare it to??? Why would you take a mod as the basis of inspiration? If you were to turn on all of the "features" (disease, drivable vehicles, ncth, spying system, food&water, LBE, etc etc etc etc) the game basically bears zero resemblance to vanilla JA2 whatsoever. Why would they base this game off a mod for an already niche game that is constantly adding new features and is basically a whole new game even between versions of itself?

Because if not for the bearspit and 1.13 community JA2 would never have that big of a standing and diehard audience that JA2 would have if it would remain unmodded? How dense can you be? "JA"3 just rides the dick of the legacy name and has little to do with the original games to sell more copies.

It is not a bad game, no one disputes that, it is simply not a Jagged Alliance game.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I am just challenging fangirls here claiming this is anywhere close in quality to 1.13 or even vanilla JA2 (at least combat).
But you basically admited that so I guess you can all stop pretending otherwise.
Stupid. raeven said that JA3 is more complicated, deeper, better balanced, and less realistic. You're saying that shallowness, shit balance, and simplicity = higher quality as long as muh realism.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
It is not a bad game, no one disputes that, it is simply not a Jagged Alliance game.
Without looking it up, tell us who Gus Tarballs is.

Are you challenging my experience on JA1? I played JA1/deadly games twice, quite a long time ago. But I always pick him in vanilla JA2 for the SCAR and because I like to be called Woody. I replay JA2 and whatever I feel like it in time 1.13 thrice a year


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
It is not a bad game, no one disputes that, it is simply not a Jagged Alliance game.
Without looking it up, tell us who Gus Tarballs is.
Are you challenging my experience on JA1? I played JA1/deadly games twice, quite a long time ago. But I always pick him in vanilla JA2 for the SCAR and because I like to be called Woody. I replay JA2 and whatever I feel like it in time 1.13 thrice a year
Cool. I just don't like it when people play gatekeeper without having played the originals. Not sure what makes JA3 fail in your eyes to be "real" though Slightly different inventory system maybe? In my opinion JA3 is more like JA2 than JA2 was like JA1.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
It is not a bad game, no one disputes that, it is simply not a Jagged Alliance game.
Without looking it up, tell us who Gus Tarballs is.
Are you challenging my experience on JA1? I played JA1/deadly games twice, quite a long time ago. But I always pick him in vanilla JA2 for the SCAR and because I like to be called Woody. I replay JA2 and whatever I feel like it in time 1.13 thrice a year
Cool. I just don't like it when people play gatekeeper without having played the originals. Not sure what makes JA3 fail in your eyes to be "real" though Slightly different inventory system maybe? In my opinion JA3 is more like JA2 than JA2 was like JA1.

It is the crappy art style, rotatable camera and deviation from JA2s combat system first and foremost. The art style and direction is generic and disgusting in JA3.
I enjoyed both Nu-Xcoms despite liking the originals. I guess this one will fall in a similar direction. It just irks me when people say that "this is Jagged Alliance" when it is clearly not.


Mar 29, 2015
I cum from a land down under
Insert Title Here
It is not a bad game, no one disputes that, it is simply not a Jagged Alliance game.
Without looking it up, tell us who Gus Tarballs is.

Are you challenging my experience on JA1? I played JA1/deadly games twice, quite a long time ago. But I always pick him in vanilla JA2 for the SCAR and because I like to be called Woody. I replay JA2 and whatever I feel like it in time 1.13 thrice a year

You should replay JA1, its actually a brilliant game in its own right, obviously not trying to be a simulation like JA2 but treat it more like a 'puzzle' game.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
It is the crappy art style, rotatable camera and deviation from JA2s combat system first and foremost. The art style and direction is generic and disgusting in JA3.
I enjoyed both Nu-Xcoms despite liking the originals. I guess this one will fall in a similar direction. It just irks me when people say that "this is Jagged Alliance" when it is clearly not.
Gonna have to call you on this bullshit. JA2's camera is different from JA1, and the art style is very different as well. So by your logic JA2 isn't a "real" Jagged Alliance game either. It's fine if you would have preferred something different for JA3 but gatekeeping on these bases is utter nonsense.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
It is the crappy art style, rotatable camera and deviation from JA2s combat system first and foremost. The art style and direction is generic and disgusting in JA3.
I enjoyed both Nu-Xcoms despite liking the originals. I guess this one will fall in a similar direction. It just irks me when people say that "this is Jagged Alliance" when it is clearly not.
Gonna have to call you on this bullshit. JA2's camera is different from JA1, and the art style is very different as well. So by your logic JA2 isn't a "real" Jagged Alliance game either. It's fine if you would have preferred something different for JA3 but gatekeeping on these bases is utter nonsense.
By Ja2 they perfected the perspective. Aside pixel restrictions I see no huge differences from JA1 to JA2 in terms of art style. Are you blind how different it is in JA3?

I don't gatekeep JA3, as I said it is one of the better games in the genre to come out recently. But it simply is not a Jagged Alliance game.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
By Ja2 they perfected the perspective.
No. They changed the perspective to isometric 3D, which was a huge transformation of the game space (and a MUCH bigger change than simply letting you move the camera around). Again, in this regard JA2 is far more like JA3 than JA1. If you want to argue this point, show me JA1 screenshots of climbing onto rooftops and we'll talk.

Aside pixel restrictions I see no huge differences from JA1 to JA2 in terms of art style. Are you blind how different it is in JA3?
I'm not. You're blind how different JA1 is from JA2. Did you play them at about the same time? Maybe that's why they blur together in your mind.

I don't gatekeep JA3, as I said it is one of the better games in the genre to come out recently. But it simply is not a Jagged Alliance game.
Uh. That is gatekeeping. It's, like, what gatekeeping is. You are gatekeeping the identity of Jagged Alliance, deciding for yourself what is "real" and "fake" based on your personal double standard that is ridiculous on its face.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
JA1 to JA2 didn't change the perspective to "3d" like you mention. That is just a flat out lie, or maybe just a misunderstanding. It just goes from one sprite based top down to a superior 2d sprite based perspective.

I don't gatekeep anything, I just tell it like it is. Or do I have to bring up the multi paragraph feature list again what JA3 misses in gameplay features as well?


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
JA1 to JA2 didn't change the perspective to "3d" like you mention. That is just a flat out lie, or maybe just a misunderstanding.
So there is no z-axis in JA2? You can't climb onto roofs? Am I misremembering that hard?

I don't gatekeep anything, I just tell it like it is. Or do I have to bring up the multi paragraph feature list again what JA3 misses in gameplay features as well?
Again: that. is. gatekeeping. You are not the sheriff of JA and your arguments so far don't hold water. In fact, I'll just say it: you're not a "real" JA fan! Poser! See how that works?

If you have other reasons JA3 isn't Jagged Alliance I'm curious to hear them. But "changed art style" and "changed camera" are hypocritical and invalid.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
An additional Z axis on a 2d plane doesn't make it a 3d graphics game where you can freely rotate to your hearts content. Don't twist words around.

I have provided a list why this is not Jagged Alliance in the rpg subforum. Again, because many people apparently can't take critic, the game is allright, good even in some aspects. It still is not a good successor to the title and if that is "gatekeeping" then go ahead and call it like that, idgaf.


Nov 7, 2014
You are not the sheriff of ... and your arguments so far don't hold water.
Isn't that what the codex is all about?

You should know this better than I do, as you are more active and have been longer (at least registered) here than I do.

I rarely, if ever argue these days with someone here on the codex, because mainly, there is no base for discussion, as many people just stick their fingers in their ears, whenever you bring up real arguments and just behave like little brats, while getting some bro fists from other grown up man, that seem to be stuck in the same fragile mental state.

Or are just in full denial and project & condemn their own behavior onto others.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
I am someone who's played a lot of modded JA2 (the v1.13 mod) and a decent amount (1 or 2 playthroughs) of non-modded JA2.
JA3 is pretty on par with vanilla JA2, with allowances given to the 23 years between them, and doesn't hold a candle to JA2 v1.13.
I could not finish it because I don't like the ammo economy, and the XCOM scramble enemies get to do for free when combat starts just bugged me to no end.
I have hope mods will fix it.
I hate this argument. Making things dumber and simpler and stupider because of passage of time is not OK.
It is just cope because you really wanted a new JA game and by now you are happy to get pear when you really wanted an apple because you know in other game series they got a stone statue instead of fruit (F2 to F3)

I just finished a playthrough of JA2 this year.

There is a lot to criticize about JA3. But one thing that it is not, is dumbed down compared to JA2. Not even close. If anything I would say it is far more complex.

JA2's strategic layer exists, but is basically completely vapid. It has the depth of tissue paper. Move mercs, build militia - that's it. JA3 has an actual strategy layer to the game with different types of operations that have different consequences.

Sniping is the only effective way to play the last third of JA2. In JA3, melee is perfectly viable, remaining stealthy is viable, shotguns are viable, explosives are viable, leveraging perk combinations is viable. Realistic? Not at all. But the variety and complexity of approaches is so much greater than JA2 that it is not even close.
Meh, speaking like a completely not player of JA2. I wont mention 113. No need, because I play vanilla and 112 for a long time.

Melee in JA2 is also perfectly viable upto last third of Ja2 simply because of one factor: robbery. You want to rob the weapons in the hands of hostiles. The only reason you dont do robberies in last third is only because you are a maniac who use helicopter and trucks to transport loads and loads of weapon from northern repositories to the southern part. Otherwise you are going to need the robbed weapons for the south.

JA2 strategic layer is completely there, not tissue paper. Reason? You can deploy just-hired mercs to different landing zones as instant response team. Expensive as fuck, but that's why you gather loads of money. I mean, when the buggers invaded your mines, and your militia is barely holding on the last site of that town, you need to airdrop new helps ASAP, money no question.

Another aspect of strategic decision to defend certain sites, like AA sites, to ensure safe zone of operation for helicopters, and use them to airdrop teams to wherever. If you dont understand why "Ride of Valkyries" is a perfectly viable song to play in JA2, well, now you know.
Helicopter is important to transport loads and loads of expensive weapons to towns to sell to merchants. Or transport wounded mercs to central hospital to reduce healing time

Sniping? Speaking like a poor player, feh. In the last third of the game, you are going to be rich enough to shell hostile teams with mortar rounds and soften the survivor with Laws, and send in the team armed to the teeth. We only snipe because we need to soften targets before robberies.


Mar 16, 2015
I am just challenging fangirls here claiming this is anywhere close in quality to 1.13 or even vanilla JA2 (at least combat).
But you basically admited that so I guess you can all stop pretending otherwise.
Stupid. raeven said that JA3 is more complicated, deeper, better balanced, and less realistic. You're saying that shallowness, shit balance, and simplicity = higher quality as long as muh realism.
He did and I called it all shit. It is none of those things. It is nuXcom gamified trash. More realism is always better in game without magic.
I am not happy even with PP having such shit, luckily TFTV tried to tone down all that stuff a bit.


Aug 29, 2020
More realism is always better in game without magic

That's your opinion, I guess. I couldn't care less. I'd rather have better balance and more interesting options than realism, personally. Pretty tough to call any of the three JA games realistic in any sense. 1.13, possibly. That's probably why I don't like it.

Also, it's she.


Mar 16, 2015
More realism is always better in game without magic

That's your opinion, I guess. I couldn't care less. I'd rather have better balance and more interesting options than realism, personally. Pretty tough to call any of the three JA games realistic in any sense. 1.13, possibly. That's probably why I don't like it.

Also, it's she.
Ok. So you prefer decline in good TB games. Got it.
Also, there are no girls on the internet :P


Jan 9, 2007
Equating realism with fun in games is nigger-tier trash of the ultimate kind. You may enjoy your horse-semen sloop, but I don't.
Give me a fun experience, and shove your realism up your mum's snatch.


Mar 16, 2015
Equating realism with fun in games is nigger-tier trash of the ultimate kind. You may enjoy your horse-semen sloop, but I don't.
Give me a fun experience, and shove your realism up your mum's snatch.
I do not expect anything more than such posts from nuCodex, it is now full of decline enablers.


Jan 9, 2007
Equating realism with fun in games is nigger-tier trash of the ultimate kind. You may enjoy your horse-semen sloop, but I don't.
Give me a fun experience, and shove your realism up your mum's snatch.
I do not expect anything more than such posts from nuCodex, it is now full of decline enablers.
Absolute and utter shite from a nigger-loving retard like yourself. I'd tell you to kill yourself but you'd probably miss the 95% hit chance.
Also, 2007. Nigger can't even read.


Mar 16, 2015
Equating realism with fun in games is nigger-tier trash of the ultimate kind. You may enjoy your horse-semen sloop, but I don't.
Give me a fun experience, and shove your realism up your mum's snatch.
I do not expect anything more than such posts from nuCodex, it is now full of decline enablers.
Absolute and utter shite from a nigger-loving retard like yourself. I'd tell you to kill yourself but you'd probably miss the 95% hit chance.
Also, 2007. Nigger can't even read.
Year is not shown on phone, also there were always retards here that liked Oblivion, Skyrim, F3, F4 and so on.
There are just more now.


Sep 8, 2008
More realism is always better in game without magic

That's your opinion, I guess. I couldn't care less. I'd rather have better balance and more interesting options than realism, personally. Pretty tough to call any of the three JA games realistic in any sense. 1.13, possibly. That's probably why I don't like it.

Also, it's she.
Well, hello m'lad...
Ok. So you prefer decline in good TB games. Got it.
Also, there are no girls on the internet :P


May 5, 2012
Year is not shown on phone, also there were always retards here that liked Oblivion, Skyrim, F3, F4 and so on.
To be fair that wasn't always so 2002-2004 Codex shat all over Morrowind, then the Bethestards declared a holy war against the place and came in waves over the course of 2005-2006 and now Morrowind is held in high regard. Never trust an '05 or '06er.

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