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1eyedking Japanese games are shit. Here's why.


Apr 25, 2008
Rageing Atheist said:
The setting massively appeals to me.

I like how there's no gold coins, just livestock. :D


Nov 11, 2007
Cybernegro HQ
Zeus said:

Which one of the following images, in your own words, "screams faggotry"?

A) The aforementioned viking woman in full body armor.
B) The old bearded man in a woman's dress with a, "I hope no one realizes I'm not wearing anything under here!" look on his face.
C) The big shirtless spread eagle bald guy wearing a leather miniskirt.
So we need to choose between a romanticized description of a girl — wearing light blue armor with exposed elbows, a half-helmet and a grossly disproportionate ponytail holding a Fantasy Sword in traditional Japanese schoolgirl posture — in "full body armor" and comedy descriptions. Okay that sounds reasonable

This would be almost funny if either eastern or western games had a clue about character design.


Sep 5, 2009
Tycn said:
The storylines are generally fairly ludicrous already but in conjunction with the art style the whole thing feels patently ridiculous and generally juvenile. I'm sure there's the occasional game that is outlandish enough in content to make it actually work but overall it's not exactly conducive to creating a serious narrative.

I agree with this 100%. The issue is simple: I'm an adult and I want to play a game for adults. Japanese games almost never manage to fullfill that requirement. And before you ask, no, I don't think that Gears of War-style grimdark is any more adult.

Archibald said:
There is stupid belief that "movement" makes battles advanced.

I think it does make them more advanced. Unit placement, taking advantage of terrain and positioning are all important for the outcome of a battle. When a game doesn't allow unit movement, it removes a layer of strategy.

Black Cat said:

You posted a number of screenshots in order to prove (I assume) that japanese games can be very different in terms of art direction. I'm sorry but I don't see it. All these images look pretty much like standard anime fare. I'm sure there are some miniscule differences here and there, but the general anime aesthetic is obvious in each one.

Black Cat said:
My point was that just as in the west, most japanese games are crap.

Not exactly. In other threads, japanophiles argued that these games are in fact good, not only for what they are but actually good. The argument was something like "these games are great, with tactical combat , C&C and good story and you don't like them because they have anime graphics". This is very different to what you're saying now.

Redshirt #42 said:
Not all Japanese games are necessarily pure shit. But, I'd say that the "best" of them can hardly compete with the best of Western games (in any category).

I agree with this as well. Maybe the japanese can compete in genres like platform or fighting, but I don't think they've made anything that is even close to the West's top RPGs and tactical games.

Raghar said:
Fate/Stay Night was made by Japanese. Could you name at least 20 West games/(or Russian games) that have at least comparable writing?

What silliness? Would you care to elaborate?

5.Tasteless sex. Really, does this point need to be proven?

I wonder about that. I'd guess you didn't mean an average hentai game.

I haven't played Fate/Stay Night so I can't comment, but I'll gladly take your word for it that it's good. Silliness is everywhere, from nonsensical storylines to ludicrous weapons and ridiculous creatures/enemies. I undestand that some people like those light-hearted elements but I think that they detract from the experience. As for sex, no I don't mean hentai games (btw, is Rance considered a hentai game or a normal one?). Even in normal games there are almost always weird, fetish overtones that, well, creep me out.


Apr 25, 2008
DefJam101 said:
in "full body armor"

Heavens, her elbows are uncovered!

Hah, okay not full body armor, but pretty full compared to the Iron Pasties armor stylings of the west. At least her vitals are covered, no bare heaving bosom for opponents to stick a sword through. It's about as much armor as a policeman gets with a bullet proof vest, which is a lot more than your average Chainmail Bikini Babe.

But my point stands: If you find a "a romanticized description of a girl in traditional Japanese schoolgirl posture" more homoerotic than a big, buff, bare-chested man in a leather skirt, you need your gaydar checked.


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
1eyedking said:
In this thread every weeaboo fails because they can't answer a man's simple query:

Lyrics Suite said:
That's it? A couple of wizardry rip offs, with one from 2001, no less? Sorry, but you are going to have to do better then that. I want you to take every single Western classic from every era and genre (not just turn based Wizardry wannabes with retarded animu shit slapped over it) and find me a worthy Japanese counter part for each. Only then i will concede to any merit for the Japanese industry.

That question is not simple, but it IS inane.

Honestly, 1eyedking what do you think the answer and your reaction to it might be? Assuming that weeaboo advocates come up with a list of western classics you would approve without question and that both games in each era (and what "era" in gaming means?) will happen to belong to roughly the same genre.

In one possible scenario they may highlight in their comparison similar traits of each given pair saying that because A and B has feature X, B is an example of a good jap game. To which you'd respond that because A came first its better than B or that since in A the feature was better explored it is therefore much better than B. Not to mention the simple fact that they will be likely quite different type of games with different approaches towards the same kind of gameplay elements which renders such comparison pointless.

In second scenario the poor victim who'd swallow your bait highlights the differences saying that although game A has feature X that B is evidently lacking, game B has trait Y that does more than make up for the flaw. In which case your most predictable response will be: bullshit - feature Y is total crap it makes the game more popamole than it would be without it and feature X is essential for any game of that genre totally overlooking the fact that "genres" in gaming is in itself a meta-term.

In the two other, more likely scenarios your post does one of the following: a) sparks shit storm of humongous proportions with arguments on "NO U" level aplenty
b) is ignored and forgotten. Liek forever.

So what was your goal here 1eyedking?


Nov 11, 2007
Cybernegro HQ
Zeus said:
DefJam101 said:
in "full body armor"

Hah, okay not full body armor, but pretty full compared to the Iron Pasties armor stylings of the west. At least her vitals are covered, no bare heaving bosom for opponents to stick a sword through. It's about as much armor as a policeman gets with a bullet proof vest, which is a lot more than your average Chainmail Bikini Babe.

But my point stands: If you find a "a romanticized description of a girl in traditional Japanese schoolgirl posture" more homoerotic than a big, buff, bare-chested man in a leather skirt, you need your gaydar checked.
Other than the weird pose the "viking chick" character design is rather good, as far as video game (especially RPG) character designs go.

The homoerotic criticism is dumb and I don't support that; characters looking like teh ghey is not the problem nor would jacking everyone up with G.I. Joe muscles and phallic substitutes solve video games. 'Sides, you're comparing a female character to two male characters. Doesn't that skew things a bit considering most gamers are male?

Zeus said:
DefJam101 said:
in "full body armor"
Heavens, her elbows are uncovered!
And biceps and upper forearms and who knows what's underneath that skirt thing. But you're right, it is a substantial improvement over a chainmail bikini.

Black Cat

Jun 1, 2009
Skyrim .///.
Alexandros said:
You posted a number of screenshots in order to prove (I assume) that japanese games can be very different in terms of art direction. I'm sorry but I don't see it. All these images look pretty much like standard anime fare. I'm sure there are some miniscule differences here and there, but the general anime aesthetic is obvious in each one.

You assume wrong. I posted screenshots as an answer to a very precise point: Gigantic eyes, disproportionate bodies, a fixation with adolescents. Those screenshots have no gigantic eyes, no disproportionate bodies, and no fixation with adolescents, yet they all come from a japanese role playing game. An online one, at that.

So, the person i was answering to mentioned those as the most recognizable elements of what you call anime aesthetic. Those screenshots have none of it, now how can they be anime aesthetic then? Maybe you have a diferent definition of anime aesthetic, but then you are both discussing only subjective tastes instead of whether something is anime like or not, etc.

So you should define what anime art direction and anime aesthetic and anime style is before saying anything else, and whether you feel it's anime like or not it's kind of irrelevant. What are those things, then? Define then with a clear and to the point definition that includes no subjective variables on it, then we can go on. Because, so far...

1. Gigantic eyes, disproportionate bodies, a fixation with adolescents.
2. Not gigantic eyes, not disproportionate bodies, full of old jerks.


1. Over designed, over stylized, over accesorized looks.
2. Pretty normal clothes.


1. Huge swords and ridiculous guns.
2. Pretty normal swords and a rifle.


1. Plenty of zippers and belts.
2. Not a single one in sight.

So it's kind of awesome. Hint: I don't like it, therefore it is anime doesn't count. Neither does It's Japanese, therefore it's anime.

Alexandros said:
Not exactly. In other threads, japanophiles argued that these games are in fact good, not only for what they are but actually good.

I did not say those games are good for what they are. Pay attention, i said Most japanese games are crap. Just as i say Most western games are crap. Keyword: Most. There are many japanese games i consider good, just as there are many western games that i consider good. Where did I say those of either group are good for what they are? There being some that i consider good doesn't means i don't consider most to be crap, be those western or eastern.

Also, from another perspective all games are good for what they are and nothing else, since they are nothing but stupid and pretty immature entertainment. We aren't discussing serious business here, regardless of how much some seem to believe otherwise.

Alexandros said:
The argument was something like "these games are great, with tactical combat , C&C and good story and you don't like them because they have anime graphics". This is very different to what you're saying now.

And here i was, thinking we actually would be able to have a dialogue. So, saying most japanese games are crap rules out the existence of some that aren't crap and are actually great, have deep combat systems, C&C, and good stories? Logic, man. You fail it.


Apr 25, 2008
DefJam101 said:
The homoerotic criticism is dumb and I don't support that; characters looking like teh ghey is not the problem nor would jacking everyone up with G.I. Joe muscles and phallic substitutes solve video games.

Dude, I totally agree.

The only reason I bought up homoerotic character design in the first place is because whatshisface said the viking girl's character design "screamed faggotry." It was a statement that baffled me. Sure, the young lass has some problems, but that's not one of them.


Apr 18, 2008
I posted screenshots as an answer to a very precise point: Gigantic eyes, disproportionate bodies, a fixation with adolescents. Those screenshots have no gigantic eyes, no disproportionate bodies, and no fixation with adolescents, yet they all come from a japanese role playing game. An online one, at that.

Wow, you sure made your point, by showing screenshots from ONE game. Heard about exceptions? :roll: Because if some faggots in the west use animu graphics (see that Bastion crap) I wouldn't say that most of the west does animu shit.

Either way, it still reeks of animu. Even that old dude has a disturbing-I-want-to-fucking-punch-the-monitor cutesy look.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Mrowak said:
So what was your goal here 1eyedking?



FTR said:
Wow, you sure made your point, by showing screenshots from ONE game. Heard about exceptions? Because if some faggots in the west use animu graphics (see that Bastion crap) I wouldn't say that most of the west does animu shit.


anyway, better hurry up, 1EK is gonna leave you behind

Zeus said:
Heavens, her elbows are uncovered!

Hah, okay not full body armor, but pretty full compared to the Iron Pasties armor stylings of the west. At least her vitals are covered, no bare heaving bosom for opponents to stick a sword through. It's about as much armor as a policeman gets with a bullet proof vest, which is a lot more than your average Chainmail Bikini Babe.

She's a goddess anyway, so I imagine the armor is more decorative than for actual protection.

Black Cat

Jun 1, 2009
Skyrim .///.
FeelTheRads said:
Wow, you sure made your point, by showing screenshots from ONE game. Heard about exceptions? :roll: Because if some faggots in the west use animu graphics (see that Bastion crap) I wouldn't say that most of the west does animu shit.

Either way, it still reeks of animu. Even that old dude has a disturbing-I-want-to-fucking-punch-the-monitor cutesy look.

So, it reeks animu? Wow. That's surely a very logical and well thought of argument. It's, like, a gut feeling, maybe? Man, i don't know why but this is totally anime, yeah! :lol:

Arguments, please. Is it anime? Ok. Then define what's anime style in a concise, clear and to the point way that leaves no place for subjective considerations. Otherwise stop spewing bullshit, because you guys are starting to sound like you aren't really sure what anime aesthetic is and are making shit up as you go.

So, again, if those he did mention are the most recognizable elements of anime aesthetics and those aren't present in that game then it follows either that game isn't following anime aesthetics or all those that define anime aesthetics as he did, which include most of the local critics, are talking bullshit.

Since you say it still reeks anime in spite of this, then please explain us why as i just asked you to. I sure want to know what anime aesthetic is, right now. I'm a curious neko.

Also, since we were talking about anime aesthetics that game's either an exception (to prevalence of anime aesthetics) or it reeks anime. Both aren't compatible, so pick one. After you define anime aesthetics, naturally, so we can understand the basis of why did you pick the option you did.


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
You've a couple of good points here Alexandros that I would like to debate a little wee bit.

Alexandros said:
Tycn said:
The storylines are generally fairly ludicrous already but in conjunction with the art style the whole thing feels patently ridiculous and generally juvenile. I'm sure there's the occasional game that is outlandish enough in content to make it actually work but overall it's not exactly conducive to creating a serious narrative.

I agree with this 100%. The issue is simple: I'm an adult and I want to play a game for adults. Japanese games almost never manage to fullfill that requirement. And before you ask, no, I don't think that Gears of War-style grimdark is any more adult.

I am prepared to concede that ludicrousness is a standard fare in many japanese games especially in the story department. I too would rather the see more games catering for adults. But notice what I did there in the previous sentence. Not only jap games are to blame for the general feeling of immaturity - this trend, to my disappointment - as you pointed out yourself - is not reserved to them. So why blame weeaboos for sth western games rarely do? Plus, you can hardly say that games such as Sillent Hill 2 are directed at juvenile audience.

Let me add to that, that a game may benefit from seeming ridiculous allowing for eerie atmosphere and serious mindfuck which is a good thing in my book ;) That it is not done often enough is another matter altogether :(

Black Cat said:

You posted a number of screenshots in order to prove (I assume) that japanese games can be very different in terms of art direction. I'm sorry but I don't see it. All these images look pretty much like standard anime fare. I'm sure there are some miniscule differences here and there, but the general anime aesthetic is obvious in each one.

Myself, I could see the difference well enough. Yes all of them give anime vibe but they are anime, after all. You didn't expect renaissance Venetian art out there did you?

Black Cat said:
My point was that just as in the west, most japanese games are crap.

Not exactly. In other threads, japanophiles argued that these games are in fact good, not only for what they are but actually good. The argument was something like "these games are great, with tactical combat , C&C and good story and you don't like them because they have anime graphics". This is very different to what you're saying now.

I am with Black Cat on this one. Frankly, I don't remember anyone on the Codex who would give uncritical praise for any jap game, least of all saying "all jap games are gold you filthy peasants!"

Also I think you're partially referring here to our discussion on Sengoku Rance - why it is so fucking brilliant game. My points from back then stand unchallenged (SR is great game with great C&C and impressive tactical combat; neither I nor any other person said that all jap games are like that - as a matter of fact, to my endless bafflement and joy, Rance is an exception) and I don't think I in any way implied juvenile :you ain't liek it coz its animu:

Redshirt #42 said:
Not all Japanese games are necessarily pure shit. But, I'd say that the "best" of them can hardly compete with the best of Western games (in any category).

I agree with this as well. Maybe the japanese can compete in genres like platform or fighting, but I don't think they've made anything that is even close to the West's top RPGs and tactical games.

I would like to point out that the idea of categories is essentially flawed in your argument. The crux of this discussion that, in many cases, jap games may be so different from standard western game of lets say the same genre that the question "which is better and why, discuss" would be met with two different answers depending on which side of pacific you were born on / what games you played most as a kid / many other factors. Not to mention another issue - jap games often transgress "genres". Stupid SRance is a TB strategy / RPG hybrid of such proportions that I Heroes of M&M seems banal trite simplistic in some departments in comparison.

Raghar said:
Fate/Stay Night was made by Japanese. Could you name at least 20 West games/(or Russian games) that have at least comparable writing?

What silliness? Would you care to elaborate?

5.Tasteless sex. Really, does this point need to be proven?

I wonder about that. I'd guess you didn't mean an average hentai game.

I haven't played Fate/Stay Night so I can't comment, but I'll gladly take your word for it that it's good. Silliness is everywhere, from nonsensical storylines to ludicrous weapons and ridiculous creatures/enemies. I undestand that some people like those light-hearted elements but I think that they detract from the experience. As for sex, no I don't mean hentai games (btw, is Rance considered a hentai game or a normal one?). Even in normal games there are almost always weird, fetish overtones that, well, creep me out.

Yes, this is the most aggreviating thing about jRPGs and I do agree with you - most of the time it does detract from experience. For one thing there are those ridiculous plots accompanied by equally nonsensic props (from clothing to weaponry) and juvenilo-moronic panty-shots.

Second thing which you forgot to mention and which annoys me to no end is characters' and the settings' discrepancy from the standards of the real world. What I mean here is that the universe presented does not respond to charactes' committing utter dumbfuckery like the real world would. The heroes and villains act like not a single sane person would and they get away with it without suffering any consequences their endless stupidity would bring them in a real life scenario. And so we get (in this case in FF7) part-time rebells fighting for freedom, democracy, and shit as a hobby by blowing up power plants owned by evil corporations. They can do that because the game will conveniently forget to mention the remnification of their actions - people killed in the blast, industry hurt by lack of power supply, resulting redundancy etc. I mean it wouldn't be politically correct if we saw people suffering for our/script writer's dumbfuckery, would it? I cannot forgive this trend jRPGs are to blame for as it already infected mosy of western game industry.

About sexual content - yeah its shit. I already stated in WW's lp thread that I would prefer SRance not to have it or minimise ot. It is still an excellent game and solely because of that I can look past its flaws. I don't abide this stuff in any other form of media jap or otherwise. In particular when it is served in such a hamfisted way.


Apr 18, 2008
Would you have been happier had I said "smells" instead of "reeks"? :roll:

Can you understand the expression? It's not straight forward anime, but still has that retarded cutesy look, which I just said. Should be easy enough, even for you.

And arguments.. yeah... the argument that there is no art direction in JRPGs but just throwing shit together apparently wasn't an argument enough since you and CK keep vomiting the "BUT WEERE R ARGUMANTS" line.
Not surprising that they're so effective though, because when the small weaboo brain is bombarded with so many elements from so many styles thrown together, it can only stand in awe instead of being able to do its job, that is to think.

HERP DERP?? Your problem with what I said is what exactly?

Black Cat

Jun 1, 2009
Skyrim .///.
Can you understand the expression? It's not straight forward anime, but still has that retarded cutesy look, which I just said. Should be easy enough, even for you.

Can you point the elements where this retarded cutesy look is present, please?

the argument that there is no art direction in JRPGs but just throwing shit together apparently wasn't an argument enough since you and CK keep vomiting the "BUT WEERE R ARGUMANTS" line.

That's not an argument. That's a proposition. But you already knew that, i am sure.

Edit: Also, i'm still waiting for the clear, objective, concise, detailed, and to the point definition of the so called anime aesthetics that you know so well.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
FeelTheRads said:
And arguments.. yeah... the argument that there is no art direction in JRPGs but just throwing shit together apparently wasn't an argument enough since you and CK keep vomiting the "BUT WEERE R ARGUMANTS" line.


FTR said:

HERP DERP?? Your problem with what I said is what exactly?

No problem at all :). It's the only correct thing you said, actually. Because it works both ways, you see. Not that you people would notice because googling random Final Fantasy pics and posting :facepalm: is so much more convenient (and elite) than bothering with an actual discus-

Er, I mean - youa re dumb *adjusts monocle*


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
Black Cat said:
Edit: Also, i'm still waiting for the clear, objective, concise, detailed, and to the point definition of the so called anime aesthetics that you know so well.

Ahh, the fuck I will bite that. I'm drunk as hell so it why not? Be warned Black Cat - I'm not sure about objective and clear parts, ok? Bear with me.

Basing my argument on my research here on the Codex it appears to me that an avarage non-weeaboed codexer associates anime aesthetics in terms of character design with large as fuck eyes, small as hell mouth (hell's small?... whatever), small or non-existantl nose, and hair in all colors of rainbow (+ more because we need to have a way to distinguish the look alike characters, don't we)? A calleydoscope of fancy idiotic hairstyles will be a bonus.

Apart from that why not add some ultra moronic clothes which look on your character as if he escaped from a circus chased by a pack of wolves, lions, an elephant and a pedophile ringmaster (did I mention that most characters look like 16 years old at most?). Again rainbow is not enough to choose from the panorama of colours. Unless of course you are emo deep and thoughtful young individual faced by countless adversities. Then black and white with shades of gray is your obligatory choice. Additional sharp looking knives, studded belts, zippers on a hat would certainly be welcome.

Oh, and there's the gear. No common sense whatsover there, no madam. That's a forbidden phrase in these parts. You get a metal chestband and gigantic shoulder-pads as an armour totally neglecting the protection of your stomach - if you are a guy. If you are a woman than bikini chainmail is by no means your only option. Oh no! You can also wear bikini plate armour. And remember to wear short skirt and white panties, ok? Otherwise male part of your party will be disappoint :( Funnily enough regardless of whether the setting is sci-fi or fantasy this observation applies to both of them.

As for weaponry remember three things: 1) guns are useless shit compared to melee weapons. 2) the more glowing your sword is with extra embellishments, magick runes, oh so "cool" looking huge ass blade (do not heed the fools that keep telling you that's all impractical popamole. They are fools for a reason) the more powerful you are. 3)Your enemy may be a veteran of countless campaigns having learned the art of swordsmanship from the craddle but with your mithiril sword of kickass even a filthy peasant yet to gain experience heroe like you can kick his ass.

This is, I think, the common view of the majority of codex team on anime/manga aesthetics. This is also not the view I share on the whole - having been familiarised with some better weeaboo stuff out there. Still, you have to admit most of media coming from Japan that reaches the west do propagate these stereotypes. And they become popular (just have a look at WoW)... And there are dumbfucks out there that not only enjoy it - they will die in trenches defending it as a form of "art". What is that I don't even...


Sep 23, 2009
Fate/ Stay Night sucks, what with the derp Engrish? Also pretentious, Sakura's route is the only good thing about it.

Did you play Sin & Punishment 2 yet, Kuronekonee-chan? Good gameplay, everything else from story to character couldn't be more gay.


Also some people ITT think SMT games are popular or something, truth is they're not.

Black Cat

Jun 1, 2009
Skyrim .///.
Mrowak said:

Would you consider a game along the lines of, say, Hellbound, on which the character designs are fully animetard...


... while the entire rest of the game has an art style closer to a shock horror game...


... an anime like game or not by that description? And, just to be clear, it isn't a trick question since i did read your entire post and i understood you are better informed than that viewpoint you described. I'm honestly interested, since your focused mostly on character design and almost nothing in the context those exist in.

Another example would be Baroque, a game with character design quite anime-like and some very weird and surreal dungeons and monsters, some that wouldn't be out of place in a dark fairy tale kind of setting and some that wouldn't be out of place on a survival horror game.

Felix said:
Also some people ITT think SMT games are popular or something, truth is they're not.

They are popular enough with their own niche as to continue to generate enough revenue as for Atlus to keep churning them out, which is more that can be said about Fair Codexia's favorites and half the games Lyric Suite mentioned on his list, which belong to dead or dying genres.

Sorry, i couldn't help but take the chance. :(

That aside, yes. They aren't popular in the strict sense of the word, as it is shown in Atlus trying to turn up the Hip and the In to raise it. They have a very vocal and dedicated following, though, and they built the foundations for one of the greatest and most uncomprehensibly popular abominations to ever come out of Japan.

Then they tried copying their own imitators, and i believe we are actually lucky the result never came to the west.

Felix said:
Did you play Sin & Punishment 2 yet, Kuronekonee-chan? Good gameplay, everything else from story to character couldn't be more gay.

I haven't played it, but it seems interesting. Thank you for bringing it into my attention.

Felix said:
Fate/ Stay Night sucks, what with the derp Engrish? Also pretentious, Sakura's route is the only good thing about it.

Type-Moon's Visual Novels are among the best of the bad ones, almost clawing their way into being the worst of the good ones. The writer is way overated, but he comes with a good route, a funny character, or a cool meme every now and then. His main characters, both the main guys and the main girls, are cheesy and sueful to the extreme, though. Also, yes, he's kind of pretentious.

I was going to say his villains are kind of memorable when i did remember he wasn't the writer behind The Night of Wallachia. Or was it actually him? I don't really remember, but either way the concept and the idea of The Night Of Wallachia was pretty cool, though it was pretty much wasted in a fighting game.

Gragt said:
Capitalism, ho!

Is Le Petit Furet playing Recettear? Your Kawaisa rating just went up five ranks, i say. Keep this up and you'll turn into a huggable plush ferret.


Sep 5, 2009
Black Cat said:
You assume wrong. I posted screenshots as an answer to a very precise point: Gigantic eyes, disproportionate bodies, a fixation with adolescents.

Very well, I assumed wrong and I accept that.

Black Cat said:
So you should define what anime art direction and anime aesthetic and anime style is before saying anything else, and whether you feel it's anime like or not it's kind of irrelevant. What are those things, then? Define then with a clear and to the point definition that includes no subjective variables on it, then we can go on.

Sadly I'm no expert on art, but I'll take a shot at it. Based on the screenshots you provided, here's what I think classifies them as "anime style":

1. Highly stylized hair. Almost every character has hair that look like the ones on posters at a hair salon.

2. Adolescent looks. Almost all of the younger characters look like they're 12 years old. Bone structure and physique in particular is almost the same for every character, ie that of a teen (at best).

3. Lack of detail in facial features. That is the most telling, since almost every face is so plainly (and cleanly) designed that it bears no relation to reality.

4. Every character looks like they have make-up/mascara on and that even the males pluck out their eyebrows. There are certain signs of an effeminate look even in male characters.

Black Cat said:
Also, from another perspective all games are good for what they are and nothing else, since they are nothing but stupid and pretty immature entertainment.


Black Cat said:
And here i was, thinking we actually would be able to have a dialogue. So, saying most japanese games are crap rules out the existence of some that aren't crap and are actually great, have deep combat systems, C&C, and good stories? Logic, man. You fail it.

Before I answer that, I have to say something. There seems to be a trend here for many posters, in that you have to close your post with some sort of demeaning comment against the person you are having an argument with. Why is that? Take a look at my posts in this thread, is there a single personal reference to another poster? No. So why do you feel the need for saying something in the spirit of "lol youa re dumb"? Isn't it enough just to have a normal discussion, do you have to establish some sort of intellectual superiority towards your "opponent"? I feel there is no need for this, please think about it.

So on to your point. You said earlier (rather you agreed with someone saying) that "they are retarded, but cool". That's fine by me and if you're able to enjoy games with those elements, good for you. I find myself usually unable to enjoy games that are full of retarded but cool stuff (of eastern or western origin) even if the underlying game is actually good. Setting, atmosphere, the general tone of the game is important to me and I don't really appreciate silliness. I can understand how someone could be able to see past that, but I can't. It kills the mood for me.

Mrowak said:
So why blame weeaboos for sth western games rarely do? Plus, you can hardly say that games such as Sillent Hill 2 are directed at juvenile audience.

I'm not blaming just them. I didn't start the thread with the purpose of comparing japanese and western games, I only wanted to focus on japanese games. Other posters drew that comparison and the rest sort of got dragged into that. There are exceptions of course and I too enjoyed Silent Hill 2. It's not a dogma that every single japanese game is crap and I admit that.

Mrowak said:
Myself, I could see the difference well enough. Yes all of them give anime vibe but they are anime, after all. You didn't expect renaissance Venetian art out there did you?

Well no, but I would like for some to follow a different design aesthetic every once in awhile.

Mrowak said:
About sexual content - yeah its shit. I already stated in WW's lp thread that I would prefer SRance not to have it or minimise ot. It is still an excellent game and solely because of that I can look past its flaws.

I completely understand. The problem for me is that I can't do the same. As I wrote above, the setting of a game, the tone, the atmosphere, the general vibe are important to me. If I don't like these elements, it's quite possible I won't play the game at all, especially if I feel that they considerably cheapen the overall experience.


Apr 25, 2008
Alexandros said:
1. Highly stylized hair. Almost every character has hair that look like the ones on posters at a hair salon.

Yes, I much prefer Western RPGs' low-key hairstyles.


I could have added Dragon Age: Origin's meticulously messy haircuts, but that would have been a low blow.


Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
Ah, but you see, those are females in the picture, Nameless One aside. The low testosterone levels present in Japanimation male heroes render them incapable of sporting a bald look and stubble, which as we know is one of the only manly looks acceptable for protagonists, next to buzz-cuts. Japanese faggotry still stands.


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