There are many things I would like to see Sawyer work with, but I would never let him near anything superhero-related. All the Joker needs to be is a guy who shows up one day with little to no explanation (same with any super-villain, really) and then proceeds to announce he's gonna murder the Mayor for no reason at all. Any story set before he became the over-the-top character that makes his existance worthwhile is not going to be interesting, and that is why I have no interest in watching the new movie.
MCA on the other hand would work wonders with some capeshit property. His work on Star Wars was fresh yet faithful, and I have no doubts he could offer a great take on someone like the Joker.
Batman has (indirectly, and to some degree directly) taken down the entire Justice League singlehandedly.Starts harmless, progresses and trains, aspires, uses tools and preparation, learn by doing, steadily rises in effectiveness and foes capabilities and all that stuff.
Course he's probably not killed the hundreds or thousands that an adventurer has, but he'll have done a good few, you can't hit that many folk and expect em all to live.
I'm standing by my claim that that's not the typical superhero shtick. In fact… that's what a human being does. No "I got bitten by the spider/ I come from another planet so I gots da superpowaz".
So either:
Batman =/= superhero
or simply
Batman = human being
Batman has (indirectly, and to some degree directly) taken down the entire Justice League singlehandedly.Starts harmless, progresses and trains, aspires, uses tools and preparation, learn by doing, steadily rises in effectiveness and foes capabilities and all that stuff.
Course he's probably not killed the hundreds or thousands that an adventurer has, but he'll have done a good few, you can't hit that many folk and expect em all to live.
I'm standing by my claim that that's not the typical superhero shtick. In fact… that's what a human being does. No "I got bitten by the spider/ I come from another planet so I gots da superpowaz".
So either:
Batman =/= superhero
or simply
Batman = human being
If he's not a superhero then "superhero" means nothing.
Are we talking real heroes or crpg characters, because usually as I said before the kill count for players is astronomical, hundreds if not thousands.
Batman tackles thugs in the beginning and eventually can take on Superman, the Paladin begins with thugs and Goblins until eventually taking on an Arch Devil or Demon. Superheroes.
Same could be said of Batman again, whether it's luck, determination or fate that allows them to step up to the plate.
I'd prefer for more grounded and punishing systems for crpgs than what we get, roll back the scale.
star wars was abysmally retarded
sure, if gravity was sentient and decided who could fly and who couldn't.His work on star wars was abysmally retarded. Imagine a story where the main villain wants to kill gravity because he thinks being stuck to the ground is basically slavery and you get avellone's contribution to star wars.
sure, if gravity was sentient and decided who could fly and who couldn't.His work on star wars was abysmally retarded. Imagine a story where the main villain wants to kill gravity because he thinks being stuck to the ground is basically slavery and you get avellone's contribution to star wars.
Kreia isn't a million miles removed from Skull Face in Metal Gear Solid V, come to think about it. His Force is the English language, which he hopes to bring about a utopia by destroying even as it's the only language he's actually shown to be capable of speaking
The Force doesn't have to be "canonically" sentient for a character in the setting to believe it is sentient. I'd typed that before reading the rest of your post which turned out to be clearly trolling, but I'm too lazy to delete itThe force's sentience is never explicitly confirmed or denied. But you do bring up a good point, in that it's likely Avellone's antitheism that's the driving force behind his inane storytelling in kotor. He wants to rant about God, but there's no God in the theistic sense in Star Wars so the Force'll have to do. It's hamfisted and arguably breaks the setting so he can rant about one of his pet issues instead of working with the setting like a better writer would have.
The Force doesn't have to be "canonically" sentient for a character in the setting to believe it is sentient. I'd typed that before reading the rest of your post which turned out to be clearly trolling, but I'm too lazy to delete it