Cloudberry Kingdom The Hardest Platformer Ever The bullet hell of platformers.
CreaVures A gorgeous platform,with a
gameplay video of the full game.
Freedom Planet - High Speed Platform Game Megaman, Sonic and Gunstar Heroes collide in this explosive cartoon adventure with full voice acting !
Giana ProjectThe return of the Giana Sisters, Evil Twin style.
Mercenary Kings Metal Slug like with crafting.
Rex Rocket Retro sci-fi adventure traditional 2D platformer.
Spate 2.5D platformer set in a rich steampunk world.
Spud's Quest From a freeware game to an expanded commercial project.
Valdis Story: Abyssal City Castlevania like.
Volgarr the Viking Ghouls 'n Ghost + nes castlevania + conan attitude... in 16 bits graphics and 24? bits music, for 7000$ comes packaged with an arcade cabinet.
Shovel Knight Next-gen 8-bit action adventure platformer.
The Crystal Catacombs MetroidVania roguelike with procedurally generated random dungeons.
A.N.N.E Metroidvania meets Gradius in a modern pixel art adventure!
A Hat in Time - 3D collect-a-thon platformer Think Banjo-Kazooie, The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario 64 all in one!
Catacomb Kids - A Very Roguelike Platformer
Chasm 2D Fantasy ARPG Platformer with procedurally generated Metroid-like dungeons and authentic pixel art, with a DEMO.
Cornerstone: The Song of Tyrim Wind waker meets Dark Souls An open world, action-adventure game with an emphasis on physics and player-choice, for PC, Mac and Linux.
Heart Forth, Alicia '90s-inspired Metroidvania RPG about a young wizard on her journey to stop a Spirit from consuming her homeland
Jetpack 2 by the creator of the original Jetpack, 2D platform game with realistic physics, a level editor, 5 highly detailed tilesets with over 1000 tiles.(RE-LAUNCH)
Mark of the Old Ones - a Lovercraftian Metroidvanian adventure
Mighty No. 9 Megaman spiritual successor.
Moon Intern Side scrolling action adventure, giant robots and ghosts can hamper your fed-ex jobs on the Moon
Project Rain World In the ruins of an ancient alien civilization, a lonely slugcat vies to hunt and survive deadly rains in a harsh closed eco-system.
Radio the Universe Acid puzzle/adventure isometric 2D platformer.
Savage: The Shard of Gosen Barbaric adventure with a dash of RPG! Explore and slay in a brutal open world — Conan meets Super Mario and Zelda 2!
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Who hair-whips monsters with her ponytail, and belly dances to transform into magical creatures.
Super Retro Squad Platformer featuring clones of famous game characters, he already did a similar game that you can play,
Super Mario Bros Crossover.
The Light of the Darkness Side scroller with Action RPG/platform elements in the vein of Altered Beast and the likes.
Wildfire is a stealth platformer with environment interaction by Dan Hindes, the Sneaky Bastards guy.
A Small Favor 2D Side-Scrolling sci-fi Adventure Game with focus on story, exploration and puzzle solving with a laser gun!
Bullet Bros Modern day "Contra" style shooter with an emphasis on vehicle linking and over the top game-play.
David Crane's Jungle Adventure The creator of Pitfall wants 900K$ for a spiritual successor.
Dizzy Returns Re-launch of one of the most successful European adventure platformer of the late 1980s.
HELL VECTOR Neo-Platonic vertical down beat' em up.
Jetpack 2 by the creator of the original Jetpack, 2D platform game with realistic physics, a level editor, 5 highly detailed tilesets with over 1000 tiles.
Pyrella A prehistoric, occult,
anti-patriarchy the dark. Your torch is the only light source in a black magik temple.
REND Sci-fi action platformer that uses high contrast black and white imagery.
Taxi Journey A cross between an adventure game and a platformer set in a universe that combines charm, humor and mystery.
The Big Blue, an underwater adventure game Spiritual successor of Ecco the Dolphin, with a
Toxologic An art students project puzzle platformer,with a
demo playable by a web browser with the unity plug-in.
Andromeda - There is no God up here
Super Metroid tribute. There is also a free demo on the KS page.