reduced the game's directory size from 120gb to
34gb after reencoding the textures, reducing the ridiculous sized ones, and using transparent compression(because they should be capable of using a fucking zip file for their assets), still half the size uncompressed though
Can you you send me or type here
detail malual how to reduce size of the game. I have RX580 4Gb VRAM and huge issue in FPS. I folow this instuctio with no succes.
Unpacking files:
FORFILES /p "D:\King Arthur Knights Tale" /m *.n2pk /s /c "cmd /c D:\N2PK\ @path"
This scans files located in D:\King Arthur Knights Tale, and unpacks contents using located in D:\N2PK - Alter these to reflect your locations.
Deleting N2PK files:
FORFILES /p "D:\King Arthur Knights Tale" /m *.n2pk /s /c "cmd /c del @path"
Copy texconv.exe to game directory and run command from there:
For max 2K Images (dx9.2)
for /r %i in (*.dds) do texconv -fl 9.2 -pow2 -bc x -y "%i" -o "%~dpi
For max 4K Images (dx9.3)
for /r %i in (*.dds) do texconv -fl 9.3 -pow2 -bc x -y "%i" -o "%~dpi
My game location is C:\Games\King Arthur Knight's Tale and I have download and but dont know how to use it.