Pretty great game, although after spending a whopping 100 hours on it, I have to say I'm actually
glad that it's over, in the sense that at some point I felt it's been eating way too much of my time. Also the last mission that I think brought me any difficulty was the gate to the Deepwood with Gawain - the final fight against the Seelie mob at the magic gate might have been one of the highlights of this game in general. After that it was smooth sailing all the way to the end, with one exception being Balor's champ, though that one caught me a bit off guard.
With how obscenely strong my A team has become at some point (Mordred, Balin, Leodegrance, Dindraine), I had to salvage any form of challenge the game had to offer by using the B team (Pelleas, Lancelot, Tegyr, Ector) increasingly more often, to the point that I think by the end I was actually using it more than the main dudes. Not that I'm really complaining, that's still much preferable to just facerolling everything with no effort whatsoever, and it was fun to mix things around, especially once I realised that the dudes I picked for the B team started getting some remarkable synergies between themselves that I didn't even consider initially - which is another thing that testifies to the strength of this game's systems.
Ah, actually the last mission that really gave me a hard time was Lancelot's quest - because I took my B team to it, and the said B team wasn't even fully formed yet for real (Lancelot was its last piece).
Also - is there any way to recruit Percivale? Or does he appear only in that one main quest? Feels a bit strange that he'd be the only one impossible to recruit when you can get all the other big names like Lancelot and Galahad, but I guess he's a guy with a mission.
And finally, I wish the main quest was more than 'Sorry Mordred, but the real King Arthur is in another castle!' because that got tiresome already after killing him two times but not really, and shit like him becoming the green knight in chapter 3 just straight up felt tacked on and nonsensical.