KCD1 combat is... someone hatched an idea for directional sword attacks etc. that looked cool in the beginning then they put too much effort in it make it work which they couldn't back out from dispite it turning out mostly not fun nor sensible.
I don't know... as a KCD fanboy I was mostly meh'd by the combat but I don't think it's fundamentally flawed. It's definitely not true the directional system is the problem, it's more like the opposite - master strikes are broken, therefore combos don't matter, therefore the entire directional system is pointless and nobody ever uses it.
From early-mid game the entire combat boils down to this:
1. Easy opponents (homeless poorfags with pitchforks) - you just brainlessly mash the attack button and kill them with one or two swings.
2. Harder opponents (bandits or knights in full plates) - you passively circle the dude for five minutes and wait for him to attack; when he does you master-strike him.
THAT'S the combat's main problem - it's not properly thought out. And also visually one of the jankiest elements of the game, to be honest. If they manage to smooth it out and properly tune the various nuts and bolts (as they're promising) in the sequel it could actually be very enjoyable.