Has feinting ever worked for anyone else? It seems completely and totally useless in real combat and only worked in the tutorial.
It works, but you won't get to use it much. But form the start - there are two modes of blocking - constant, where you just keep holding the block button and perfect, when you press it when the green shield pops up. Plus, perfect block, when executed quickly ends in masterstroke/riposte (when learned from Bernard). Now, with that out of the way, constant blocks to work properly require directional positioning, but enemies rarely do it, and if they do, its mostly the trash mobs like peasants or bandits, but if you catch them doing it, you can actually feint and hit. Long story short, the whole combat system is fun, but awfully designed - masterstrokes are the only worthwhile technique, because of low risk (perfect block at worst lol) and high reward (instakill) and only takes a single button press...