Almost nobody gives a shit. Hell I'd say most Codexers probably don't give a shit and will play it and love it regardless.
I'll play it and almost certainly love it but I do give a shit. I hate it because:
1. It's the most blatant, embarrassing case of tokenism I've ever seen
2. From a studio that almost ruined its mainstream reputation by refusing to stoop to tokenism 7 years ago
3. It's extremely inauthentic in a game that's built its brand on historical authenticity.
4. Vavra has spent the last 10 years being all tough and unyielding against the woke mob, only to cave in an era when bending the knee is not only necessary anymore but when the opposite is starting to be actually cool
It's not just about some random dindu in a videogame (that you can probably kill and rob as soon as you meet him), there's way more to it.