I’m watching Synthetic Man’s steam on YouTube, the writing in this game took a dive compared to the first one. Henry is shit on repeatedly by hag women. Combat doesn’t look like it improved much. It feels like the game was written by a woman or gay man with how flowery it is, way less concise overall.
My impressions word for word. I had time for about 3 hours too. The stuff I considered important has not improved with the bigger budget - animations in conversation are still stiff, even among the main cast, voice acting varies wildly in quality.
Yea that's deranged. Writing and combat are absolutely improved (combat not enough, it went from barely tolerable to acceptable, whatevs), Henry is repeatedly shat on by absolutely everyone, mostly by men (mostly by Hans, just like in KCD1), faces are MILES better.
Aimations are better but kindda stiff, true, altho if you consider that No.1 important maybe RPGs aren't for you. I'd kindly direct you to a game with crazy good animations that's coming out soon, you'll love it -
Btw voice acting was great in the first game, it's about 41,233 % better in this one. Luke Dale as Hans is a total standout btw, I'm calling it now - a TGA nominee (not gonna win obviously, some negress will, but if he's not nominated I'll eat my soiled boxers).