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Day-one patch announcement now officially released.
Martin Klima said:Hello Everyone,
Four years after our Kickstarter campaign, our games is finally set to be released next week. This is admittedly later than what we had promised to our backers and later than we had originally envisaged. I don’t want to bore our backers with excuses and platitudes – taking time to deliver the awesome experience that YOU deserve – the simple truth is that the task was really big and our team still quite small and we also made mistakes along the way.
However, we always wanted to deliver, to create the game we wanted and we believed you wanted. And one mistake we flatter ourselves on not doing is succumbing to complacency. That means being constantly dissatisfied with the state of the game – not necessarily because it is bad, but because it could be better.
The production realities of console game development mean that ‘release’ version has to be submitted some three months before the actual release date. We could have used these three months to get some rest, or we could use it to create some additional content and sell it to you as DLC, but we went back to the version-to-be-released and worked on it and tweaked it and polished it and the results are obvious: all the animations have been fine-tuned, quests are more balanced, RPG progression is smoother, the game runs faster and is more stable; every facet of the game got some polish.
The drawback, of course, is that most of the data in the old build were replaced and have to be downloaded as a patch. At hefty 25GB, it’s going to take some time and it’s a shame. Still, we strongly believe that after the four-year wait it will pay off to wait a little bit longer while the Day 1 patch is downloading. Trust me, it will deliver the awesome experience YOU deserve!
Martin Klima
Executive Producer
Warhorse Studios
"Mit dem Day 1 Patch, wird das alles wieder in Ordnung kommen .."