Having seen those 'wtf' patch notes, I'm starting to get a real case of buyer's remorse about this. Was KotC1 just beginner's luck?
If he fails to improve the module, he could release just the module editor (it's good but it seems most people so far are into it for the game part) and focus on improving that instead (stuff like some sidebar for quick browsing of and better support for custom props, built-in script error finder, some more documented editor features, some script wizard/templates, a top map layer for some stuff to appear above tokens and get transparent if anyone enters under it,
some better lighting support and it affecting the gameplay/concealment, etc.). I assume he won't be willing to unlock races/classes before he's done making own content (or maybe the code is too convulted for that), but the combat engine is good so it's not necessarily required to have them moddable from the get go to distract people with even more options.
Maybe then it'll first attract talented people/DMs to make some content that would then attract normal players?
Yeah, he doesn't seem to have a very good grasp of why people are complaining.
Maybe he's doing that French thing where he wants you to speak to him in French only?