Can anyone link the stuff green gobbos vendors are selling?
Quartermaster Vrog :
999 bullets (1gp)
999 arrows (1gp)
+2 Handaxe (handaxe: 8.306 gp)
+1 (eternium) Battleaxe of the Jarls (battleaxe: frost/icy burst, giant sized, str +2, 79.210 gp)
+1 Displacer (sling: greater knockback, 50.301 gp)
+5 (adamantine) Minogon (greataxe: con+2, 65.320 gp)
+1 (cold iron) Thunderbolt (waraxe: shocking/shocking burst, force, keen, 50% electr. resist., 189.350 gp)
+3 Frostward (light shield: 50% cold resist., 128.350 gp)
11 pot. cure med. wounds
3 barkskin pot.
1 greater restoration pot.
2 stoneskin pot.
8 str pot.
Bracers of iron grip (+4 grapple rolls, 4.000 gp)
+1 Axe of the Green Dragon (handaxe: acidic/acidic burst, collision, 53.306 gp)
Elder Bleevog:
1 Slaying arrow (8.200 gp)
1 Greater acid ring (30 dr acid, 44.000 gp)
1 Ring of Life (+10 hp, 9.000 gp)
Ring of the destroyer +2 (damage rolls +2, 4.000 gp)
Ring of the archer +2 (ranged attack rolls +2, 64.000 gp)
Ring of battle (immunity to flanking, 42.500 gp)
Belt of battle skill (low BAB classes get med. BAB, med. BAB classes get full BAB, full BAB classes get +2 attack rolls, 118.000 gp)
1 scrl Disintegrate (psi)
1 scrl Insect Plague (druid)
1 scrl Summon Snake
1 scrl Greater Gust of Wind (druid)
1 scrl Vampiric Weapon
1 scrl Concussion Blast
1 scrl Supress Sword (psi)
1 scrl Energy Adaptation
1 scrl Energy Ball
Elder Ragaak:
1 bag of holding (5.000 gp)
Bracers of Ice (Ray of frost 3/day, 2.150 gp)
Panflute of Hideous Laughter (can cast Hideous Laughter, cursed dirge +2, zone of silence +5 ft, 5.400 gp)
Crown of the Archmage (+1 spell slot 1-9, 69.000 gp)
Psionic crown (+10 PP, 15.000 gp)
Amulet of natural armour +4 (32.000 gp)
Amulet of prot. from Evil +2 (91.000 gp)
Amulet of the Gorgon (immunity to petrification, 68.000 gp)
2 crystal ingots
4 steel ingots
1 fire diamond
Mantle of spell resistance (28 SR bonus, 180.000 gp)
Greater cloak of the acid salamander (30 dr acid, 44.000 gp)
Mantle of the red dragon (immunity to fire, 312.000 gp)
Boots of perfect (P E R F E C T B A L A N C E, 19.000 gp) <- best item in the game
isnt that gray gobbo vendor
1 scrl Wall of Stone (cleric)
3 scrl Flame Strike (cleric)
1 scrl Righteous Might
5 scrl Mass Cure Moderate Wounds
1 scrl Greater Prayer
1 scrl Raise Dead
1 scrl Holy Smite
1 scrl Inflict Critical Wounds
1 scrl Death Ward (cleric)
1 scrl Heroism
1 scrl Vampiric Ray
1 scrl Sound Lance
1 scrl Resilient Grease
1 scrl Energy Shield (wiz)
6 Heal pot.
2 Iron Body pot.
King Tribulus
+1 Snaring Longbow (longbow: snaring, flaming splash, 50.375 gp)
+1 Subverter (greatbow: disrupting, +2 dmg, 72.385 gp)
+3 Frost Recurve Bow (recurve bow: frost, 32.390 gp)
999 arrows
19 sleep arrows
1 slaying arrow (construct)
4 slaying arrow (humanoid)
1 slaying arrow (dragon)
Ring of the archer +2 (ranged attack rolls +2, 64.000 gp)
Ring of the Troll (regeneration, 261.000 gp)
Ring of Free Action (114.000 gp)
Ring of Iron Skin 5 (dr magic OR adamantine 5, 63.000 gp)
Greater Circlet of the Healer (cure critical wounds 3/day, 30.240 gp)
Helm of Wisdom +4 (16.000 gp)
Amulet of the Gorgon (immunity to petrification, 68.000 gp)
Bracers of Devastation +6 (melee dmg rolls +6, 36.000 gp)