Update #38: KotC 2 Version 1.05 Brings Faster Gameplay & New Interface Icons!
Yay! Version 1.05 of KotC 2 Augury of Chaos is now available for download at
http://www.heroicfantasygames.com/DigiVendorPro/download.php for both Windows and MacOS.
Mac users please note: installing the new version will overwrite the file CharacterRoster.cml, which contains the characters you created and that you can select when starting a new game. If you want to keep that file, be sure to make a copy before installing the new version. The file path is Applications/Knights of the Chalice 2/Contents/MacOS/Saves/CharacterRoster.cml.
About the download count: if you need to reset your download count, please just email me at
enquiries@heroicfantasygames.com and I'll do it. Please don't let the download count stop you from downloading new versions of the game.
KotC 2 Inventory Screen With New Interface Icons
Improvements in Knights of the Chalice 2 version 1.05
- Added new icons in the inventory screen and character screen in replacement of text labels. I created the icons using the amazing icon-creation tool at https://game-icons.net. Love them or hate them? Feel free to comment in this KS Update Page or on the HeroicFantasyGames.com forums or on Discord.
- Replaced the 'File' & 'Game' menu labels on the top-left corner of the screen with new graphic icons.
- Fixed a number of bugs that caused crashes when fighting the group of Giant Spiders led by Queen Sattram. These bugs probably caused crashes elsewhere too when enemy mages were acting.
- Optimised the code in many places so that the game runs faster, especially in large maps.
- Added the Very Accelerated AI option. However, thanks to the other speed improvements, you can probably play without switching on any of the accelerated AI options now, at least when there aren't too many enemies involved.
- Added an image and some text in the in-game help about the game's controls out of combat. The image and text explain how to move items in the inventory screen.
- The Windows version will now hide the Taskbar when playing in full-screen mode.
- The game's introduction image (splash screen) will now cover the whole screen when starting the game in full-screen mode.
- Added new options to reduce enemy initiative rolls by 25%, 50% or 75%, making combat easier.
- Fixed problems with Damage Reduction from magic items. If you want to create an item with Damage Reduction, please select the option 'Give damage reduction', not 'Give condition'. 'Give condition' will no longer allow you to select Damage Reduction.
- Launching the editor and creating a new adventure module will now create the missing module folders CreatureSprites, FramedIcons and SpellIcons.
- Gladiators and Monks will now receive their class-based Armour Class bonus when wearing a robe.
- After resolving the last riddle of the Crones, you can now give them a Star Diamond to get the level-9 magic scrolls. Previously, the game would not allow you to select that option.
- Fixed a bug in the MacOS version when trying to use the secret stairway of the Grey Goblins. Also fixed a number of other issues in the MacOS version.
- In the HeroicFantasyGames.com Customer Area, added the file names, so that you can see immediately and at any time what is the latest version available for download, and you don't need to click and increase the download count if you've got the latest version already.
Next Steps for KotC 1 and KotC 2
In no particular order (most of this is reproduced from the
previous update):
- Join the Patreon of PVGames and download the PVG sprites and environmental graphic assets.
- Add a new local-map screen, that is to say an expanded version of the minimap.
- Expand a number of module-editor screens when playing in full-screen mode, so that they cover the whole screen. The screens I'm planning to expand are those presenting the lists of creatures, creature templates, items, weapons and spells.
- Add some extra in-game clues for the puzzle with the symbols +, x, o, etc.
- Add a new column with the spell-school names in the spell-selection screen.
- Get KotC 1 onto the GOG retail platform and send out GOG keys of KotC 1.
- Additional work on the KotC 2 Augury of Chaos PDF guidebook, including some kind of module-creation tutorial.
- Add some dialogue and rewards if the Angel or Giant Spider survive the fight against Pizarra.
- Create the Augury of Chaos tutorial module.
- Create the Augury of Chaos starting area.
- Add isometric torch light effects in the editor and game.
- Add feat-selection recommendations, as in KotC 1.
- Add names to the KotC 2 Credits Screen as appropriate, and assign forum labels.
- Fix any remaining bugs and issues, including difficulty issues and module-editor issues.
- Add the new feats / items / spells / features that were promised during the Kickstarter campaign.
- Might rework the character-creation screen or add an option so that character creation takes place over a number of screens rather than everything happening on the same screen.
- Read and reply messages on the Kickstarter page, HeroicFantasyGames.com forums, Discord server, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and other places.
- Post the solutions to the KotC 2 Kickstarter Puzzle Challenge on Facebook.
- Add the new soundtrack from Manuel into the game and any new tokens from ProFantasy (if allowed).
- Continue working on the Steam page for KotC 2 and start working on the Steam version of KotC 2.
Thank You For Supporting The Development Of KotC 2, A Glorious Endeavour! Enjoy!! ^^