Wait, you guys seriously don't love the module ?
I understand you're pissed off because the game was released in a shameful state where winning an encounter especially would make the game crash, but come one, it's fine now and the encounter variety (including the narrative introduction) is completely amazing and easily shits over every other game out there.
Take some part in the beginning of chapter 3.
With some spell slot regaining items in the inventory but still only one way to rest on sight, so the later the better, and after some attrition fights against a group mimics and a few other small groups of monsters requiring one or two dazing spells to deal with without taking too much damage, the next path involves a fight against a bunch of bowmen especially. It's the very first fight in the game against strong bowmen.
Recruiting a former enemy, Pizzara, which I barely doubt will eventually betray my party, allows my party not get surprised by this party of enemies, in which case I feel it could be very hard. But it would not be a wall, because Joe, a fighter, can help the party swim across an alternative path. This part involves at least a couple of battles against evil eyes, which would blind but also confuse (confusion from small eyes and chaos from on bigger eyes further, which would make the party go berzerk which quickly makes your fighters kill your mages), once again a totally inedite fight. The party owns some helmets which purposely makes the user blind so he's immuned to gaze attacks, which I feel is really not a good idea rather than smashing the enemies to death but anyway, it could also help in the fight just below this one.
The party can also access some optional content. First it can fight some, very evil, gorgon witches which petrify, another completely unique fight. I just traded some fake copy of a book I own with them in order to get a artifact which allows to change from stone to flesh. I turned back the witches's personal collection, in particular a succubus paladin, which I ended up try to kill but another paladin of the same order explained me that I should not. After my character managed to figured out her wounds, I had to actively use a negative level removal scroll on it to heal herself so that she would join my party. They currently are the only avaiable shopkeepers, so keeping them alive, until they realize the book is fake and directly attack the party, is interesting especially to be able and sell unused equipment for gold for level up.
After one fight where some quicksand spell got read of a bunch of rust monsters in a place full of gemstones, there's some red trident I can't interact with or maybe it's simply a hint for something else I can't get although' the first possibility is more probable, there's ton of content in this part I've not interacted with yet.
Finally trying to open and decipher a book triggers a fight against a group of different level draining undeads each with their own strong spells and abilities, you don't play with ancient evil relics like they're child toys. An occasion to switch to the anti-undead weapons and put those to good use.
How the hell is this less than totally awesome and miles above everything else out there? At very best I can think of games which would propose similiarly interesting paths and optional content at some points, but those would not propose half as good encounters (no game at all would propose half as good encounters anyway).
For people who would have not played the game I'm not nitpicking at all, it's 100% representative of the first third?? of the game. These encounters I mentioned don't even have different starting bonuses based on your characters, which many have. Having a diverse party truly gives you some very easier encounters. Note that if for the rare case you would not get any of the options preventing a surprise attack especially you still can use one of the "bombs" (level 8 scrolls ...) you occasionnaly get (although' it never really happened to me, I can imagine some encounters would be extremely hard in that case). These bombs can also be used for optional, harder, fights, but personally I mostly skipped those after a few tries so far.