Isometric Dungeon Map and Village Map
I've created a large isometric dungeon map with the
Perspectives 3 add-on of
Campaign Cartographer 3+. I'll probably use it to create a tutorial module. I'm also working on an isometric village map. I already have a flat-2D village map. I might use either one to create a new starting area for Augury of Chaos.
The Dragon and Hydra tokens above are part of a
set of tokens created by ProFantasy, the developer of Campaign Cartographer. I've asked for the permission to use these two and a few others in KotC 2.
Next Steps for KotC 1 and KotC 2
In no particular order:
- Get KotC 1 onto the GOG retail platform and send out GOG keys of KotC 1.
- Additional work on the KotC 2 Augury of Chaos PDF guidebook (thank you Tiavals!). I'm thinking to include some kind of module-creation tutorial in the guidebook.
- Add a new option for Very Accelerated AI.
- Add some dialogue and rewards if the angel or giant spider survive the fight against Pizarra.
- Add new options to reduce the initiative rolls of enemies by 25%, 50% or 75%.
- Create the Augury of Chaos tutorial module.
- Create the Augury of Chaos starting area.
- Add isometric torch light effects in the editor and game.
- Add feat-selection recommendations, as in KotC 1.
- Add names to the KotC 2 Credits Screen as appropriate, and assign forum labels.
- Fix any remaining bugs and issues, including difficulty issues and module-editor issues.
- Add the new feats / items / spells / features that were promised during the campaign.
- Might rework the character-creation screen or add an option so that character creation takes place over a number of screens rather than everything happening on the same screen.
- Read and reply messages on the Kickstarter page, HeroicFantasyGames forums, Discord server, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and other places.
- Post the solutions to the KotC 2 Kickstarter Puzzle Challenge on Facebook.
- Add the new soundtrack from Manuel into the game and any new tokens from ProFantasy (if allowed).
- Continue working on the Steam page for KotC 2 and start working on the Steam version of KotC 2.
Thank You For Your Stalwart Support, Brave Knights!! Rejoice!! ^^