- Torch lights and other lights can now be printed on top of the overlay layer. To do this, in the Module Editor, specify 'Overlay' in the settings of the light. See the Tutorial Module for examples.
- Fixed a problem when characters go through dangerous squares out of combat.
- Fixed a bug in the Item Editor and Weapon Editor when switching from one module to another. The editor wasn't displaying the scripts associated with items because it was keeping in memory the list of scripts of the previous module.
- The 'Set Facing' Script Action can now be used to let a character (or all of the party members) look towards a square. To facilitate this, I've updated the Script Editor by adding a new 'Pick Square' button in the Script Entry interface where you're supposed to select a character. Instead of picking a character, you can then click on a map square and the script will record it as a string, such as '15,40' for the square of coordinates X=15 and Y=40.
- Fixed a crash in the Creature Editor which could happen after using the import button to import some creatures from one module to another.
- Fixed a bug where tripping a balancing creature would fail, even though it should be successful automatically as mentioned in the help entry for the Balancing condition.
- Changed the two menu icons in the top-left corner of the main game screen.
- Added the 'Escape key' Selection Box allowing you to save, load, open the options screen, etc.
- Added the 'Use/Examine' button in the Item Description and Weapon Description screens. It does the same thing as pressing the 'U' key while mousing over an item, and also the same thing as clicking on the 'Activate Special' icon and then selecting the item in the list of items that can be activated.
- Added the 'Show Inventory' Combat-Menu option. Use this when you just want to see the character's inventory and not move or swap any of the items in the inventory.
- Added the Alt+T shortcut key allowing you to switch between Token Display and Sprite Display.
- Added the Tutorial Module, but I haven't had enough time to finish it, so, for the moment, it ends after you defeat the bugbears. The tutorial is still fun to play and it contains most of the information a new player needs. Also, there are a couple of changes in the dialogue depending on your character's gender (as long as you're playing a Human or an Elf). Special Thanks to Juhani for the massive help and great suggestions for the tutorial module!
- When mousing over a weapon or armour in the Inventory Screen, the game will display the attack and damage statistics of both the moused-over item and the currently-equipped item, so that you can compare the two items easily.
- Fixed a bug when loading the Quick Save. Also, added a Main-Menu button to load the Quick Save.
- Fixed an issue with the Halberd weapon sprite.
- Fixed a problem with the spells Greater Heroism and Mass Greater Heroism. They weren't giving temporary Hit Points. See the webpage about the Wizard to read the spell descriptions.
- In the Character Sheet, in the Effects & Conditions tab, I've added three sub-tabs. The 'Short-Term Effects' sub-tab allows you to display effects that end within rounds, or at the end of combat, or when the party rests. The 'Permanent Effects' sub-tab allows you to display effects that come from an item or permanent ability. The 'All Effects' sub-tab allows you to display everything. For example, you can use the 'Short-Term Effects' tab during combat to obtain the list of effects that could be removed from enemies.
- In the macOS version, fixed a bug with sprite display when moving in the left or right direction.
Thoughts About The Official Release
Here is the list of things I would really like to finish before the official release on Steam & GOG:
- Wrap up the Village content and Tutorial content and make sure that all quests can be completed. Also, it would be good to add a few extra quests in Chapter Two and Chapter Three.
- Allow the player to save the game in a few particular places where you have to go through a long dialogue sequence before fighting, or you have to go from one fight to another without any chance to save (I'll see what I can do about this).
- Highlight the recommended Feats and Spells when characters gain a level, as it shouldn't be too hard to implement and it will improve the experience for new players.
- Improve the item descriptions of Magic Scrolls, Potions and Wands.
- Add a new section in the PDF Guidebook on How to Create a New Module.
- Of course, I will add the names of Kickstarter backers to the Credits Screen before release.
- Remove the remaining bugs in the game and editor. Prepare the Steam and GOG Achievements.
- Add the Spell Shortcut System. This might improve gameplay quite a lot. I'll see if it can be added before release.
- Add a few new Magic Items like the Prismatic Helmet and Amulet of the Second Spell. They were mentioned in the Kickstarter update about magic items. These items would be nice to have for the Castle Map of Augury of Chaos, where you face many high-level spellcasters.
Here is a list of some of the things that will probably have to be added afterwards:
- The Barbarian Class upgrade. It will be very, very cool, but I guess it isn't super urgent.
- The iconised Combat-Action Menu. I might use the assets of the RPG Humble Bundle for this.
- Improvements in the Secret Message Decoding Interface, as suggested in the forums.
- Improvements & new options regarding the Dialogue Interface, as suggested by Guido (Thank You!). The suggestions include a new option to have all of the dialogue text displayed at the bottom of the screen and another to limit the width of the dialogue box in full-screen mode.
- A Local-Map Screen would be good, as the existing minimap is really small.
- Most of the planned new Feats, new Magic Items, new Subraces, new Spells and Character-Class improvements for the Rogue, Mage Knight, Monk and others.
- Also, I've created a couple of really nice isometric Dungeon and Cave Maps in the style of Temple of Elemental Evil. These will probably go into the First Module of the upcoming Trilogy if I can't add them to the Augury of Chaos Village Map because of time constraints.
I know that many other cool improvements have been suggested, but I have to be selective and give priority to the more important elements. I will do the rest afterwards.
If you have some thoughts about what should be, or not be, in the game before the release, please feel free to let me know here, or
in the forums, or by email at
enquiries@heroicfantasygames.com. I'll read everything after posting this update.
Also, if you have any feedback on the Difficulty System (or anything else), please feel free to let me know. Is the difficulty okay now? I like the new system because it's flexible enough to allow for both easy and difficult encounters and it's quite easy to make a tough encounter easier just by giving special negative levels to enemies in the Module Editor.
Thank You For Your Support, Valiant Knights and Wise Wizards of the Realm! Enjoy!!