You should go with your heart: megawizards and hyperbeams all the way down.
Knight of the Dragonballs don't sound that cool though.You should go with your heart: megawizards and hyperbeams all the way down.
B ) You play as a dark lord on the realms of dread, with a nasty curse
E ) Harsh survival setting in a freezing world.
egawizards and hyperbeams all the way down.
But E, as in Dark Sun in Norway, not any Icewind Dale slog.
I hate wasting genie rest on this challenge - which can't be helped. There's only like two or three rest spots in the entire Upper Sewers area. At the very least, you can call upon celestial allies to support you, but good luck with that. They will be severely outmatched by the Devil Lord:
Babaus are useless as well. They're just whacking pinatas for him to beat to death. The five negative levels didn't really do much for me either. He'd still obliterate me. I knew I should have made Infinitron a bard. Recent patch brought about so many good skill checks for bard.
God Almighty. The Soul Sucker Death Snare is by far the hardest thing in the entire module. Fighting a Devil Lord in an enclosed area is absolute nightmare. He gets summoned on top of you, has huge range; due to the range your spellcasters are also in danger of getting annihilated by him. Every time I do it. It takes me a couple of days before I beat it, and it's usually due to something stupid like him rolling low on spell DC. I really don't like how he doesn't let you heal or revive after completing the challenge. The other Death Snare would heal or revive allies, this one doesn't. Belch. My party is all beat up:
I hate wasting genie rest on this challenge - which can't be helped. There's only like two or three rest spots in the entire Upper Sewers area. At the very least, you can call upon celestial allies to support you, but good luck with that. They will be severely outmatched by the Devil Lord:
Babaus are useless as well. They're just whacking pinatas for him to beat to death. The five negative levels didn't really do much for me either. He'd still obliterate me. I knew I should have made Infinitron a bard. Recent patch brought about so many good skill checks for bard.
Is possible to "code" your own classes and spells on kotc2? Like on nwn2? I wanna make a hydromancer for the game.
I'll take KOTC2 over Solasta any day of the week(if you can still play with tokens)Only a very small crowd of gamer enthusiasts are forviging enough for a game that look like solasta, the crowd shrink drastically for something looking like KOTC2 even with the revamp.
G) Rpgcodex parody with admins as the main villains
Though I don't remember the name of the spider prince from Shattered Lands. Here's a picture of his face:
Anyways, keeping the Prince alive in this game is ball busting hard. Silence doesn't work on the Queen. She has meta magic feats to combat the effect. Grapple works, however, you need to first get through her stupid mirror image. Dispel isn't much help; I had a zero percent chance to dispel the effects. All the Queen has to do is accelerate > big area of effect spell - and you're toast. I did get lucky on killing her with a weird spell (My proudest moment before I died afterwards):
It helped a little bit. Of course, I still had to contend with the other spider mages. Hence me dying afterwards. Statue man had a field day finishing my weak party off.
Thanks! That *is* his name. How can I forget. He was such a bro. I thought he was going to backstab you or something after the queen died. But nope. He held his end by bringing peace to the Undermountain.The Prince of the Dark Spiders in Dark Sun is Clikk-tunk
I'd like to see this team against the witches from the tower (same city)
So who is the Draconian Methods YouTuber?